

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

An accidental kiss

You finally reached the destination. Subaru stayed back to help with setting up the instrument and told you to go have a look around the park till he got everything settled. You did not even offer to help you were to excited to see where lily was. Knowing her she must be panicking in some corner.

And you were right. You entered the female restroom of the park to find a panicking brunette. Fussing over lipstick shades and eyeliners. You strutted past all the fallen stuff and hugged the younger girl from behind.

"Asuna" lily looked at your reflection from the mirror." you are here. Thank god" she sighed in relief.

" I don't know what lipstick to put. I don't know if I am wearing the right colour. I mean. What shall I do if he hates the colour PURPLE. You know cause of his hair "she cried out as she sank to the floor.

Oh god. It's worse than I thought

You knelt down next to her rubbing her back and wiping her eyes." I am sure he does not care. He is a kind boy. He will be happy to see you in whatever you wear"

She wiped her red eyes and asked " are you sure" you nodded.

"Now let's get ready"

After getting her ready and assuring her for the 100th time purple won't get takumi offended you sent her to the designated date spot which was at the centre of the park. You walked back towards the bus.

As you reached the place where it was parked. You saw purple haired male hugging Subaru. Takumi had reached the destination.

He was dressed in his usual jeans and a white hoodie. It wasn't the best choice. But at least he did not wear a black hoodie. You guessed that was a good sign.

"You look stressed " akira commented. As he walked over to you.

" where did you come from.?" you asked surprised. Before he could answer, you continue " No matter takumi come here pls"

The lavender haired male walked towards you happily his smile seemed brightened a bit, maybe cause of his choice in colour of his clothing today. He seemed overjoyed his eyes weren't droopy like usual.

"Take care of lily. I hope you two enjoy" you said to the shy male. He nodded and headed towards the centre.

" Wait " you grabbed his hand. He looked back at you curiously " You like purple don't you. You don't hate it do you" you pressed on.

He looked at you confused " w-why would I hate it --"

"shush. Just say you like it." you said with a sigh.

You saw the shy male walk away. Then you sat down besides Subaru as he set up the final piece of instrument right on the ground besides you. If not careful someone might just trip on it.

Subaru's fingers moved gracefully moved over the keys demonstrating a piece to you.He kept repeating about finding balance between the notes. You watched him with rapt attention, eager to learn. Suddenly akira strolled in smirking. You braced yourself for his cocky remark.

"well, well what do we have here. A private concert in the park" the red head commented.

"just a little lesson. I was teaching asuna some basics. That's all" Subaru said smiling politely continuing the music.

Akira leaned on a nearby tree. Smirk playing on his lips." piano lesson. How quaint. Should have known you were serenading the masses Subaru."

You shot the red haired male a glare, trying to focus on the keys under subaru's guidance. Subaru however was growing impatient with the number of interruption akira was making.

" don't you have somewhere else to be right now akira" Subaru smiled playing rigorously.

Akira caught the underlying message he narrowed his red eyes slightly, but presisted. He did not want to leave your side.

Subaru's patience wavered, a silent warning evident in his eyes as he continued to guide you through the lesson. Akira finally relented, sensing the gravity beneath the silver eyed male's subtle warning.

You were certainly not oblivious to all that eye signals passed between the two male. But you decided to ignore it. He left.

As Akira backed away, his gaze lignered on you, a mixture of pride and admiration brew within him. Aware of his role he decided to cooperate with Subaru.

"why did he leave" you asked as you saw him out of earshot.

"Asuna, " Subaru paused, his eyes meeting yours with a warm smile." Akira has a little photography to attend. I think he mentioned about what a lovely day today seems like"

You glanced back at the direction he disappeared, a hint of suspicion flickering in your eyes." he didn't strike me as the artistic type"

Subaru chuckled softly " well everyone has a hidden side. Shall we continue our lesson.?"

With a nod you focussed on the keys of piano. Doubt still lingering in back of your mind. Meanwhile subaru's mind worked quietly as his plan was already set in motion. His eyes flickered down to yours. Those focused and determined black eyes.

As the lesson continued you saw a familiar figure appear from distance. His ruffly lavender hair stood out even in this distance. You stood up in confusion.

"Takumi. Why are you back?what happened" you exclaimed, puzzled by his unexpected return. Before you could ask further, Takumi's face flushed with embarrassment stumbling awkwardly as he attempted to approach her.

In moment of clumsiness, takumi tripped upon something his lips accidently meeting yours. The park momentarily hushed as stunned silence enveloped them.

You were stunned and astonished. Takumi seemed to flustered to even look at you. He kept looking down his eyes not meeting yours. His apologies were low but you could feel his sincere tone.

Subaru smoothly stepped forward picking up the instrument that caused the trip. With an amused glint in his eyes, he patted takumi on his back reassuringly, a sly smile playing on his lips." it's alright takumi, accidents happen sometimes"

You suddenly remembered that lily was standing alone. Heartbroken possibly. You ran leaving the boys, urgency fueling your steps you finally reached the centre of the park. Searching for lily who sat right by the fountain. As you distanced between the two of you minimized the pungent smell of wet waste increased.

You saw her purple dress was totally spoiled it was as if someone threw garbage can over her.

"What in the world happened here.?" you asked after taking in a full view of your friend.

Lily could barely speak. She cried out words in despair." It was insane. I somehow managed to get dunked by a whole dustbin. I have no idea how." she exhaled in disbelief.

You covered her in your jacket. Removing all the waste from her hair and clothes making her look acceptable again. The stench might not be gone but at least she is cleaner.

You decided that telling her about the accident earlier is a right idea you don't want her to find it from anywhere else not that takumi or Subaru would tell anyone.

Other than these two no one else witnessed the scene. The music club members were on break at that time.

You wanted to take no chance of any mishap but before you could tell her about it. She interrupted you" What happened to that tape of aya's.? Did you get it.?"

Your eyes softened. Even in such a state, even after her date with her long time crush being ruined, all lily cared was about her friend. You smiled triumphly as you raised a old pen drive.

"I have got it. Now aya can rest easy" you said nodding firmly. You managed to track down that senior by today's break and ended up using bit of physical pressure to obtain the tape. That girl was thinking of blackmailing aya and extorting huge sums of money from her in exchange of this pen drive. Not that you would mention any of this to them.

" I am thinking of destroying it. This is the only copy of that bet. " your voice solidified.

You led lily to the dorm room concern etched on your face as you helped lily get in her clean clothes.

Lily was still in shock. She was sad and very frustrated. She couldn't live with the worst first date ever. But seeing you were here to help comfort her. She relished it.

" How did I even manage to get dunked by a whole dustbin" the brunette quietly whispered.

" We will figure it out later" you assured her, handing her a cup of hot cocoa.

Once lily was settled in you took her phone and dialed aya's number. You felt it was necessary to tell her at this moment.

" Aya it's me. " your voice gently echoed " I have it. I have the tape"

" what what ehatttttt" aya's voice was rough as if she had been crying. " really did you find it." she asked in disbelief.

You kept your voice gentle and firm as you continued." yes I did find it. I will destroy it soon. Now you can take your time and confess to inoue about it. Whenever you feel ready. It's your call."

There was a brief pause on line followed by a large thump. You assumed that aya fell down her bed in delight." Thank you so much. So much. Thank you asuna. I will figure it out."

You ended the call knowing you had offered her a chance save her relationship with inoue. Sighing you sat down on the couch.

With burst of energy hayami entered the dorm room engulfing you and lily in an warm embrace.

" I have got you. It will be okay " the blonde girl said.

With flick of her hand Hayami switched on the TV, casting the room in the soft glow of a dramatic series.The plot eerily mirrored the peculiar incident that had unfolded earlier, sending a chill down your spine.

"I'd never believe that! No way it was an accident," Lily asserted firmly, her conviction ringing in the room." I will be back. We need more popcorn don't we. I want to see that girl go to hell"

You saw as lily made her way past the living area towards the kitchen.That's when the weight of guilt settled upon you, rendering you speechless, trapped within the confines of your own thoughts, unable to articulate the turmoil raging within.

" she was like family to her. How could she kiss the guy her bestfriend likes. " hayami muttered in utter disbelief.

"Hayami " you said meeting her gaze with sincerity " you are family to me"

Tears welled in her eyes as she embraced you tightly. This words were what she longed to listen for past 17 years. She could finally hear it made her beyond happy.

" Asuna you are the only family I have ever known. Only person who I would call my family is you" she said happily tears flowing down her chin.

" what did I miss. Did that backstabber get what she deserved. " Lily asked. You two nodded showing that it indeed was not an accident but a planned incident. The girl got what she deserved and main character got their happy ending.

As the night progressed, fatigue crept in. You carefully covered your sleeping friends with a blanket before slipping out quietly, carrying the burden of unspoken words and remorse in every step on your way home.

How can I tell lily what happened