
The battle at Hayford Castle

Stannis, Davos , Ryker,Tom , and around 37,000 marched north west to meet Ser Gregor on the field of battle

They marched as two armies which allowed them to administer commands easier so they can beat the enemy which they would outnumber 2 to 1

Night was falling on the green field where they all had stood to the north east was Hayford Castle which was burning ,when the wind turned towards the marching armies they smelt the stench of corpses

As they approached the burning castle it got darker and darker the castle was silent

The castle was on top of a hill and had one main gate which was closed

Stannis-"we need a way in"

Ryker-"I could climb the walls and pull up the gate"

Tom-" I'll do it ,we don't know what waits up on those walls"

Ryker-"how are you going to climb with one hand"

Tom unscrewed his metal fist and reached into his satchel on the side of his horse

He pulled out a steel hook and screwed it into his hand socket and waved it jokingly

Ryker-"ok I'll let you take care of this one but don't lose another hand"

Tom took Ryker's temporary personal guard which included Ser Arys Oakheart

Sandor was supposed to come but he didn't have faith in his ability to use climbing spikes in full armor

When they reached the top they climbed through a window and immediately got ambushed by 20 of Gregor's men thankfully it was a narrow hall so they were easier to manage

Tom and Arys held down the left side of the hall and everyone else was tasked with guarding the right

Tom stabbed a fat soldier in his stomach and pushed him forward into his comrades,Arys used Tom's push as a distraction and shield to cut down several of the enemies filling their side of the hall

Tom pull his sword free and kicked the fat bastard onto the floor ,then he attempted a advance to the next enemy but instead of being met with steel they started cowering

Dingy soldier-"we don't stand a chance against Ser Arys Oakheart we would be better off surrendering"

The rest of them seemed to agree and dropped their weapons which prompted the other side of the hall to give up too

Tom told the men to pull up the gate and they did letting soldiers flood into the castle

Ryker rode in on his horse looking around he noticed seeing plenty of corpses of House Hayford's soldiers some split completely in half

Men were pouring into the court yard and were being roped together like prisoners

Ryker was mostly disappointed by the battle but something strange came to mind

Ryker -"where is the lady of the castle"

He hushed everyone his men fell silent but Stannis's men had to be hushed by the king himself

The castle was silent again just like when they arrived but now they heard a cry coming from the lord's tower

Ryker,Arys,and Tom all sprinted up towards the tower and Arys was the first to make it he tried to open the door but it was locked so he kicked it open

When he entered the room he saw The Mountain standing over The Young Lady Ermesande's crib causing him to charge with his sword pointing forward to stab him in the back to save the child

But when he reached the mountain his sword deflected off of the mountain's armor sending sparks up

So Arys pulled back and aimed for the neck but was too slow and got grabbed by the face

He tried to struggle free but wasn't strong enough to fight off the eight foot monster of a man

The mountain lifted Arys off the ground and squeezed his jaw breaking it in two pieces

Tom made his way into the room and went to go save Arys but was too late and watched as Arys was thrown out the nearest window while letting out a muffled scream

Tom was filled with anger but had to play it smart so he told the mountain to take it outside

Tom backed away with his eyes on Gregor and met Ryker in the hall he also told Ryker to go back and get ready for a fight

They both had squires bring them helms and shields and waited with the armies behind them for Gregor to come outside

The hound drew his sword and insisted on joining the fight

The mountain came through the door to the tower with his huge shield and great sword in hand also his visor on his helm was lowered

Gregor clashed swords with Sandor and Tom moved in on Gregor's left side attempting to slice his weak spot below his armpit but was blocked and repelled by Gregor's huge shield

Ryker came up on Gregor's right side and slashed down at his sword arm but Gregor swung free of his clash with Sandor and pushed both Sandor and Ryker back

The force from the swing broke Sandor's sword

Bits of steel flew into his face slicing deep into his skin

He raised from the ground but couldn't see well enough to keep fighting so he went back to his black horse named stranger to watch the fight

Tom and Ryker stayed on their own sides of Gregor and closed in at the same time

Tom couldn't find a way around the big shield so he started slashing and chopping the shield apart with his sword

His plan was working pretty well but Gregor didn't give him the chance to finish and put a end to his onslaught with a fast and hard shield bash to the face knocking Tom unconscious

The mountain loomed over Tom and raised his foot above Tom's head but Ryker slid over and sliced the back of Gregor's calf ,Ryker's valerian Steel went straight through Gregor's thick armor causing Gregor to grunt out in pain

The mountain instinctively swung wildly towards Ryker without looking taking his attention from Tom

Ryker Circled around Gregor and took Tom's sword and charged

Ryker struggled to deflect Gregor's six foot long great sword and countered with the valerian steel dealing the final blow to the already damaged shield causing it to fall apart into a pile of yellow wood on the ground

Gregor got visibly tired of being on the defensive and gripped his sword with both hands

Ryker for the first time in his adult life was scared he always knew it was possible he might come against the mountain but a heavily armored eight foot tall man with a six foot long sword was way scarier in person than how some knights would describe him around Ryker's castle

Ryker zones out and left himself open for a crushing slash but he came back to reality fast enough to save himself from getting cut in half by blocking and cutting Gregor's bicep with his second sword

The Mountain slowed down a bit but was still deadly if he landed a solid hit so Ryker tried his best impersonation of Ser Arthur Dayne

He started spinning his blades then sent a feint towards Gregor's face making him raise his sword to guard leaving everything else exposed for Ryker to cut which he did

He double slashed Gregor's chest leaving a x shaped gash in his chest

In panic he countered with a shoulder bash that pushed Ryker all the way into the stone wall of the tower forcing blood to fly out of Ryker's mouth and into Gregor's visor

Ryker , still holding onto his swords put one through Gregor's thigh which forced him to drop to one knee leaving him open for one large and deadly slash across the stomach

Gregor leaned on his sword to keep his balance but he was clearly finished

Ryker carefully snatched the sword from Gregor and stab him through the back with it

Ryker wanted to celebrate but couldn't all his body would allow was for him to lay down and breath

Sorry for the lack of updates I’ve had the flu or something and I’ve been polishing old chapters and putting them on Wattpad

Daimoncreators' thoughts