
Light of night

Trevor is an antisocial nerdy teenager, without any friends. He always feels that something is incomplete in his life. He notices some unnatural movements and believes that he is psychologically sick. He doesn't have any goal for life. He is depressed and wants to have some friends but he doesn't like anyone. What will happen when he will face the secrets that are unknown for human world? Jake is an hundred and twenty years old vampire. He is right hand of the vampire king. He have to end that curse which is on the supernatural world for hundred years. What will happen when he will have to enter the human world to fulfill his mission? Aiden is an eighteen years old werewolf. He is also a part of supernatural world. He also wants to end that curse on supernatural world, which was the result of the greediness of vampire king to get powers for ruling over the world. He will have to enter the human world with Jake to fulfill the mission of supernatural world. What will happen when a vampire and a werewolf will have to become friends for a common cause? Ana is also an hundred and eighteen years old teenage vampire rl. She is a sister of Jake. She lives in human world like humans because she never wanted to become a vampire. She is studying in high school. She will fall in love with Trevor. What will happen when she will become a part of a mission? Destiny is going to make its move and these four will be destined to end a curse. What is the link of Trevor with supernatural world. And how these four will end that curse. If you want to know then read now "Light of Night".

AuthorZaysh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Something strange

Supernatural world:

Nia: We can not trust the vampire king. He always wanted to end that barrier and that's why many vampires sneak into our town to learn the secrets which are hidden for years.

But we are here because the committee sent us. They will ask us about what we have learned from witches. Aiden said.

So,.... you want to tell them all the secrets.

We can't go secretly in the human world to find that protector, we work for king's. They will suspect it, after our return from witches' town. We want some break from work. Jake said.

Ok, so tell them. We can't waste any chance. This is our last hope.

What if the vampire king asked to kill him? Jake said.

Then you will not kill him because you know this is not fair and we can't survive with humans or will you?

Will you? What. Aiden said.

Or will you kill him?

No....no, he won't. He is not like that.

Aiden said.

Aiden, you don't know much about vampires. They can do anything.

I won't. Okay. I won't kill anyone. Jake said loudly.

Then, tell them. The committee will send you both to find the protector because you both are involved in this mission.

Is there anything else written about that protector in this book?

Yes, the most wonderful power, which he will get is that he may also be able to turn supernatural creatures into humans.

What do you mean by "may"? Jake said.

This might be a myth written about him. It is written in the book like that. What can we do?

And if the helpers, which means you both, will not be able to find him. He will find his way to the crystal himself. The barrier will not be invisible to him and the barrier will not stop him from entering our world. He can pass through that barrier, whenever he wants. So he can travel in both worlds.

Maybe there are other things which are not written in this book about him. Some other secrets, or some other hidden powers. After all, he will get half of the powers of all supernatural creatures.

Jake: After coming back from witches town. I went to the vampire king and told him about all the secrets and our conversation with Nia.

Vampire king: Look Jake, you are saying that a human will be the powerful creature which will help us. You said that if I tried to create problems. He will also be able to kill me. A human... A tiny little human.... Humans are our food. And you are saying he will be our protector.

We can't risk our powers. What if he chooses to rule us? What if he didn't choses to give our powers back. Okay, you can go to find him. But you will kill him. You will attack him and you can drink human blood. Our favorite food.

Jake: He was shocked that our savior is a human. But there is nothing bad about it. How will I kill him? But I can't refuse the order. After all, I want my powers back. What if that protector doesn't give our powers back.

I said to the vampire king, that as you command my highness, I will kill him.

But I was still confused. And I decided that I will take this decision after meeting that protector.

I called Aiden and Nia to tell them. Aiden was also ready, as it was their king's decision to send him with me.

Nia: we can open that barrier only for few minutes. But we need help from the human world. Someone has to help us from that side of the barrier to open it. Someone has to complete the circle of burning candles from that side. I will make half of the circle of burning candles on this side of the barrier and someone has to complete that circle from that side. I will sit in the middle of the circle while doing a spell.

But who will help us from that side? Aiden asked.

Human world:

Anna: I went to the bathroom to wash my face. My face was red with tears. Vampires weep with tears of blood. I don't want him to see me like this.

Suddenly, I remember that he was going to take water from the fridge. What if he saw blood in a bottle? I ran to stop him.

Trevor: I turned around and I was shocked. Ana was standing behind me.

Anna, how can you always do this? Whenever I turn around, you are always standing behind me, quietly.

I didn't hear any type of voice. When a person walks, some sounds appear, which other people can also hear. But whenever you come, there is no voice. Why are you so….. soundproof. I jokingly said to her. You scared me.

Oh, sorry. I didn't notice. Next time I will be careful. She said,

What are you doing?.... tomorrow. I asked her.

Nothing. I am free tomorrow. It's the weekend. She said,

So, you can come to my house tomorrow. My dad will also be home.

He will be very happy to meet you. Time is short, we can start our project.

Ah.... Okay. Tomorrow, we will start our project. I will come. She said while coming close to my neck like she wanted to smell my neck or I don't know if she wanted to kiss me on neck.

Oh... Okay. Then.... I am going. Once again. Thank you for helping me. I'll see you tomorrow. Oh by the way, there was juice in your fridge. I think it was old and you didn't throw it. So I did.

Anna: I really wanted him to go. I was hungry. I needed blood. I was smelling blood all over the kitchen. He threw blood in the wash basin. I was trying to control my fangs not to come out, my eyes not to change their color. But, I was losing my ability to control. I didn't want him to suspect that I am a vampire. But, I think he was suspecting something and he didn't say anything to me. Because I literally smelled blood in his veins in neck and I controlled myself very hard. I didn't want to bite him. I didn't want to feed from humans or to harm them.

I was very controlled and when I tried to open the door, I suddenly broke its handle. I didn't know what to do. He was staring at me shockingly.

How did you broke the handle of the door. Ah....aaaa... Your eyes, I think they change their color to blue for a minute. He said.

I laughed like it was a joke. So that he does not suspect anything. This handle... It was already broken. I always lock the door with keys. And look up, there is blue light. So, probably that's why you saw blue in my eyes. I said.

Oh.... So, I am going, meet you tomorrow. Can't wait to see you. He said quickly and went away.

I went to the fridge and I drank some blood quickly.

Trevor: It was already night and I was going to my house. I remembered my evening with Anna. She was behaving strangely today. I don't know but she was not okay. Or maybe she was always like that. I met her recently. But whatever her nature is, I know only one thing and that is, I like her. Even if she is a little bit strange, it doesn't matter, I think I am also strange. I said to myself while driving back towards my house, on the road sitting in the car, on a starry night.