
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · perkotaan
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29 Chs


"May I sit with you?" Juvia stared at Nick and Samantha.

"Y-yes, Mam. Please do!" The shock on Nick's face was obvious.

"Uhh..sorry I didn't text you. We were in the middle of investigations, and I thought you'd be busy. So I didn't mean to bother you." Naveah moved aside for her to sit.

"You really haven't changed much, Naveah." Gradually moving closer to her, Juvia wiped the rice that was sticking in the corner of Navee's lips. She slowly pressed her lips while staring without a blink.

"H-hey!!! Stop touching weirdly!!" Navee covered her lips as she flinched back.

"Oh! You got some rice on you!! " Juvia smiled, showing her palm.

"S-still! You've become one hell of a Pervert you know? Just order your food already!" Navee mumbled, and the food in her bowel was continuously getting smashed by her.

"What is this soap opera?" Samantha whispered with a glass covering her mouth as she raised her brows.

"Hush... Just shove your food and leave." Nick Whispered back in a ridiculing tone.

"Excuse me! I'll be back after taking a call." Juvia smiled and walked away.

"The oxygen in the air suddenly increased!" Nick stretched out his hands.

"Stop it!" Samantha laughed while tapping on Nick's shoulder.

Juvia walked towards the washroom and stopped in front of the mirror. Staring at the hand that touched Navee's lips, she squeezed her fingers into a grip.

"Haaahh...Naveah" Her blazing eyes stared at the mirror as if she was hunting. Kissing the finger, she grinned at the mirror and went back in.

"So, how's the investigation going?" Juvia's bangs brushed against her lashes as she lowered her head to sit down.

"Not so good this far. 0 clues, since that bastard kills for fun. But no worries. It might take time, but I'm sure we can catch him! There's no crime that doesn't get exposed." (Navee)

"You look confident!" (Juvia)

"I'm always confident except for grades." Navee's eyebrows twitched as she heard Juvia chuckling.

"So... Samantha and I'll get going. Take care, Mam!" Standing up with a slight bow, Nick politely said.

"Have fun with your bestie." He winked at Navee and left with Samantha.

"I know you can find the killer" Juvia rested her chin on her hand as she stared at Navee. "The killer....will come to you by himself."

"Why? What drives you to think that way?" Navee looked into Juvia"s eyes with confusion.

"Just saying! Think of it as an encouragement." Juvia shrugged.

"Yeah, you and your weird way of encouragement. Ahhh! I'll be busy tonight." Navee laid her head on the table.

".....yeah! Tonight will be quite busy for me too." Juvia stared at her phone with her Shiny pupils.

"What about now? I have 2 hours to waste. Want to walk around and talk?" Naveah turned to her.

"Yeah! Sure, let's do that." Juvia said while standing up.

"Shall we? Ms Naveah?" She offered her hand.

"Gosh!! Let's go! Ms Tessa!" Navee grabbed her hand with a smirk.

Juvia flinched for a moment and started walking along with her.


"Want some strawberry shake?"

"I'm not into strawberry shakes anymore." Juvia chuckled!

"So much has changed!" (Navee)

"People are bound to change over time!" The orange sunlight reflected on Juvia's resting face, exposing her sharp jawline.

"Ah, one second!" She looked at the phone and saw her secretary Calling.

"Mam! Why aren't you in the office? Some clients are waiting for you to make a compact. This is important!" (Emmi)

"Tell them to come by another time. I'm busy right now!" (Juvia)

"I can't do that! They came knowing you have no appointment right now!" Emmi panicked.

"Just go! What're you doing? I'll have to go now anyway. This is important. Go!!" (Navee)

"...Are you with someone right now, mam!?" (Emmi)

"Fine! I'm coming. Ask them to wait for a little." Juvia hung up.

"You always put work first, you know it's a bad habit of yours." Juvia turned to Navee.

"It's a good habit! Like I said before, we'll have plenty of opportunities!"(Navee)

"Fine! I'll let this go for now. See you later. I'll get going!"(Juvia)

Navee Waved her hand and started walking in the opposite direction.



"Done already? I thought you'll take more time." Samantha looked at Navee while leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. Her ginger ponytail brushed against her cheeks.

"She got a meeting. Where's Nick?" Looking around, Navee asked.

"He went to get some stuff, and We're heading to my place to make a plan. Just wait for nick!" (Samantha)

"Yeah, sure!" Naveah said while fixing her shoes.

"Hey! Uhh...I don't mean to be rude, but the CEO, your friend.....I really don't like her." Samantha frowned.

"What? Why? Did she do something?" (Naveah)

"Not really! But she kind of gives off a bad ambience. I dunno, I just don't feel good around her. And the way she looks at you is really different." (Samantha)

"Different how? We were just so close to each other since childhood. So she behaves a little differently with me. Don't misjudge her." Navee tapped on her shoulder.

"No, it's not that! Navee I know how a friend looks at another friend. It's not that! Her gaze is just weird...like she would eat you up if possible. Does she have feelings for you or something!?" (Samantha)

"What?? Noo!! She's just like that! You read too many comics. Get back to reality." Navee poked Samantha's forehead.

"I know! Just be careful. Your friend or not, don't inform her everything about our plans and stuff. Besides, 2 of the victims worked in her office." Samantha fixed her gloves.

"Don't get to a conclusion, Samantha! There's a thing called line!" Navee glared at Samantha.

"As I said before, everyone is a suspect in my eye. I mean nothing more here. Don't glare at me. You're scary." She tapped Navee's shoulder.

"Let's go! That airhead is here." Samantha walked forward while Navee looked at her back from behind.

"*Huff huff*....Why do people always send me to get things? This is Tiring." Nick bent down on his knees while sweating.

"Stand up!! Let's go! You wasted a lot of time here." Samantha smacked his back as she passed by him.

"Cut me some slack, will you?" Nick peeked at her from his right shoulder. The three of them walked to Samantha's house together while Navee remained silent on the entire road, trying to calculate Samantha's words.

"We need to disguise ourselves, and I'll ask those two friends to arrive at the bar. we'll separate our ways and look for information." Samantha)

"What's their names?" (Navee)

".....I forgot!" (Samantha)

" And she calls me an airhead!"(Nick)

"Just contact them and ask !!" (Navee)



The clock is ticking in the empty office room. Emmi stared at the golden tag with Juvia's name written on it in front of the CEO's desk.

"Mam left early today too. She was with a woman. Who was she!? She even looked upset yesterday. " Emmi glanced at the glassed Walls and exhaled.

"Let's go to her house and surprise her like before. I'm sure she'll like it." Emmi thought to herself while peeking at the vibrator in the locker.



*Beep sound of the door opening*

Juvia rushed inside while Kissing a woman roughly and taking off her top. The woman with long brown hair stared at Juvia's blue eyes "Mmh...You're so charming, Tiffany! W-why don't we start dating already?" She caressed Juvia's cheeks. Juvia grabbed her by the waist and closed the door.

"Let's think about it in bed, shall we?" The combination of her shiny blue eyes and the smirk on her face made her look stunning yet Terrifying. Juvia slid her hands down inside the woman's skirt.

"You're wet Just from kissing? What a naughty girl you are!" She whispered in her ear.

"Hngh... Mhm! I-it's 'cause you're so good." The woman looked at Juvia with lustful eyes as if she was begging for it. Juvia Carried Her upstairs and threw her on the bed. She pinned her down as she pulled off her skirt.

"Hang on, let me get something." Juvia opened her drawer and pulled out a sharp thin knife and slit her throat in a blink.

Juvia's white shirt got strained by the spurt of blood. The room was filled with the woman's wheezing sound and the gurgle of blood from her throat.

"Ahhh! What a pleasant view. Isn't it, my dear?" Juvia rolled her eyes down and put on a wide smile while smudging the blood on her cheek...