

It's a story about a girl ( Trishna ) who grew up at a middle class family. She love's her family until one day she learn that it's not just like movies it's reality. She used dream that my family is just like movies everyone loves each other but in reality she saw that her family always get busy when it's an emergency for the other family members and Don't help them. In this generation everyone is minding only their business.

In this story you will find about my achievements,my failure,my truth, my lies, friendships, loyalty and much.

We all experience a good thing or a bad things it's not in our hands to decide what we want in out future, if we could I definitely want hapiness in my life.

**Isn't it's funny because I always talk about fantasies,is it boring ?

Because when ever I started talking about something it always end up in fantasies😅.

Characters** -

Friends names ~

Tanu (g)

Trishna's , classmate,deskmate,childhood friend, cousin,and Trishna mom's bestfriend daughter. An anime crazy girl , single relationship status😂,Not interested in indian boys , always dreaming about cartoons and stories.

Queen (g)

Back bencher topper , you will never know what she's thinking at any kind of situation ,if she's dancing in her mind she is thinking about yoga ,and if she's doing yoga she is thinking about studies 🤦. Triya (Trishna+Riya) call her skinny gurl or skeleton (because queen is a skinny girl)

Riya (g)

Trishna's Bff, Childhood friend .A crazy girl about everything , get's easily bore by activities, always jumping around,if u need help and she's available she will definitely help u no matter how difficult it is.

Dhimant (b)

Anime boy , always available for a conversation ,free spirit guy, everyone like to share their thoughts with him, good at keeping others secrets,never discriminate others point of view whether it's a boy or girl.

Sidd (b)

Childhood friend, Ex bff , Nothing stay in his stomach always split out others secrets,if he like someonehe always give his best to get that person, anime lover , bad mouthing ,and a shameless guy actually 🙄😅

Kaif (b)

Childhood friend, Ex bff, Free spirit always help others ,to make someone laugh ready to do anything, always jumping around anywhere , gives dumbest excuses 🤒😂

Mon (b)

Ex...Cold guy but sweet inside, because of his cold attitude usually girls don't like him but some of them knows his sweet side and truely fall him, he's not bad but not also good 😐His school gang leader. Always ready to say bad to Trishna🥺

Alex (b)

Mon's gang assistant leader , die hard fan if Danish (tik toker), loves football, wannabe like Justin Bieber, Can rap at any situation 😂🤦Most absent student in class .

Disha (g)

Trishna's bus mate, sweet and 2 topper gurl, having big crush on M.., 😜Loves to share funny things with everyone, Wanna kill her class topper (Basu)😂😂[sry for telling this disha]

Family members~


Sweet mom but gets angry quickly,still lives in old generation .

Grandpa (sones)

Sweet and free spirit person , everyone's first preference

Grandma (ulupi)

Sweet and always dancing around , A bit Dumb.

Uncle (anap)

Wife's Maid!!!!

Aunt (rim)

Rule her husband

Cousin (tanish)

Just like her mom never learn how to respect her father and elders.

Uncle (kan)

Sweet but dumb, emotional.

Aunt (suni)

Used to be sweet but with time she changed .

Cousin (moh)

Always get hurt , Running around , loves video games.

Uncle (rup)

Short tempered man..and nothing.

Aunt (bij)

In age younger then Trishna but in relation older then Trishna.Trishna family member bff.Sweet girl and topper one.

Aunt (Richa)

Sweet and skinny person.

Aunt (smri)

3years older than Trishna but still have energy and having fun like a 5year old kid. Sweet and always ready to fun with Trishna.

Uncle ( kash)

Bookworm,with goggles 🙄

That's all for today guys!!!!!!


I was scrolling my IG and found this quote,I don't know why but it touch my heart it's like someone wrote my thought.