
Chapter 3: The Loner

As Mia continues her training, we go to Vonrax, also known as the Badlands. This is the home of the last werewolf known to be in this world, Ash. Ash's parents left her behind in Vonrax right after she was born. They have not came back for her since then. Although she was left behind Ash was not alone. Ash was trained by another werewolf named Jax.

Jax was a old general from the werewolf legion. Jax was like a father to Ash. Raising her, training her, and providing for her. One day, some time after Ash turned 18, after they finished with training Jax told Ash that he has taught her everything he knows and said that she is now as strong as him, if not stronger. Ash complained saying there was more she wanted to learn from him. Ash thought if she still needed him he wouldn't leave her like her parents, but Jax wouldn't listen he was confident in Ash's strength and abilities.

A few days later, while Ash was out hunting, she heard a howl come from where her home was. Worried she rushed back to see if Jax was alright. When she got back Jax was laying on the floor bloodied with tons of stab wounds. Ash howled in anger then she ran around searching. She thought Jax's killer couldn't be far, and she was right about that. Jax's killer was about 3 miles away from her. In her werewolf form she could catch up to him in no time. So she shifted, and chased after the man.

When she caught up to the man, she noticed he was a dark elf. How could this one dark elf take down Jax she wondered, he must've either been betrayed or attacked from behind, but none of that mattered to Ash right now. She attacked the dark elf scratching his back. The elf quickly turned and shot an arrow at Ash. She carefully dodged the arrow, and continued to rush at the elf. The elf kept firing at Ash. Out of the 20 arrows that he shot he only hit her with 1. As she was hit she had landed the final blow needed to take down the elf, but as the elf was bleeding out he told Ash that his arrows were poisoned and the only antidote is made in Tashzuth, the land of the vampires. Ash now will have to journey to Tashzuth to heal her wounds and live on for Jax, her mentor.