
Chapter 56: Uchiha Massacre

When Soren launched the eraser at Naruto, his once smiling face changed to one of fear, as the eraser stuck him in the head as he shouted in pain.

[Owwowowow!!!.... Uncl-... I mean!... Sensei! Why would you do that!?]: naruto

Soren watched as Naruto began rubbing his head, while all the students in the class began laughing at Naruto's failed attempt to prank the teacher, and due to everyone knowing Naruto as the son of the Hokage, when they heard Naruto call Soren, Uncle, they felt that their teacher wasn't just some everyday Jonin, and instead was someone powerful.

[I do this with love, Naruto… I'm teaching you that pranking those who are much stronger than you is a bad idea… Now, let's get on with the first lesson for the first day of school, shall we?]: soren

Soren then walked towards the podium and stood behind it before he took out a sheet of paper with a bunch of names written down.

[Let's start off with roll… I'll call your names, and you just reply with either, here, or present… Now… Shikamaru… Shino… Ino… Hinata… Naruto… Sasuke… Sakura… Choji… Kiba...]: soren

Soren went down the list as the students sounded off, as Soren started out with the more important characters that were actually named in the show, while leaving the others for last. After roll call, Soren moved on to the first lesson of the day, and that was the history of the elemental nations, as well as the era of the ninja, before he would end the day with the introduction to Chakra, but due to all the students in the class being from influential clans except for Sakura, most of them know how to move their Chakra around, if not how to cast some low level jutsu.

[Alright… First we'll talk about the elemental nations, and the development of the world… As most of you know, we are in the land of fire, one of the biggest nations out of them all, while we are directly surrounded by the land of sound, the land of mist, the land of grass, and the land of iron, as well as some smaller lands that don't really play much of a part in the past wars… Due to being one of the 5 great nations, we are always under attack, as other lands want to take over and Upshur our lands for themselves, so that's where the Ninja's come in… You see… The Hokage has lots of pull in the direction of this nation, but the ultimate decision is made through the Fire Daimyo, and he pays the hidden leaf village to take on missions to help keep our lands to ourselves, if not to take some of the enemies lands as well, and only Ninja with high rankings can do such jobs…]: soren

Soren continued to lecture the kids about the history of the world through his memory of the wiki, as well as what he could learn from the books kept in the library, and after his lecture was over, the students got happy, as they would now learn something fun.

[Alright… Now I will grade you on your physical combat skills, and this will let me grade you on where you should spend time practicing… If you all would follow me, I'll take you all to the field, and I'll have you spar with someone of the same caliber]: soren

Soren brought his students out to the practice field, and drew a quick circle on the ground in dirt, before he took his roster and began calling names.

[Alright… First up is Sakura v.s Ino… Please step into the ring and begin sparring… The first to step out of the ring, give up, or are made unable to fight, lose… Good luck, and don't hurt each other too bad]: soren

When Soren said those words, both the girls seemed a bit scared, as they didn't want to hurt each other, but after seeing Sasuke look towards them waiting for a fight to start, both girls got their conviction as they wanted to impress him.

[I'm gonna beat you senseless Ino Pig!!]: sakura

[Oh yeah!?... Just try it, Billboard Brow]: ino

Soren laughed inwardly at their antics for insults, as Ino's insult was more of an obvious fact, while Sakura's insult was more towards Ino's weight, but she was just fine, and not fat at all. As most would expect for girls around the ages of 6-7, their fight was more of a shouting match mixed with some hair pulling, and a few slaps thrown into the mix, and after a few more minutes, Soren had to call an end to the fight as it was going nowhere but breaking up their friendship, so Soren had to call the match at a tie, as the two girls walked back to their previous positions while scowling at each other.

[Alright… Next let's get…]: soren

Soren then spent some time calling up more and more fights, as most of them ended quickly, until all but one fight had been completed, with Soren calling out the last two names.

[Naruto, and Sasuke… Please step into the ring]: soren

Both Naruto and Sasuke stepped into the ring, and performed the seal of recollection, before both of them began charging each other with their fists up, and just like the anime, Sasuke won the battle due to Naruto's overconfidence in winning in the first place, but unlike the anime, Naruto did get in quite a few good hits, making Sasuke look at Naruto under a different light, and as the two soon to be friends were leaving the ring, Sasuke could be heard speaking under his breath.

[Heh… Nice shot, dweeb]: sasuke

Naruto couldn't hear this remark, but Soren heard it all to clearly, as a slight smile formed across his face before taking the students back to class for the final lesson for the day.

[Okay!... I now have a rough estimate on where you all stand currently, and I now know how to progress with your training… Now for the last lesson, I'll be showing you all a simple Chakra control technique that I want you all to focus on for the next 3 years of your life… Every day should be spent on practicing this technique when you have free time… Now watch carefully, as I will only demonstrate once… You will take a leaf, and stick it to your forehead, and make it stick using your Chakra… For anyone who doesn't know how to utilize your Chakra, I'll be teaching this lesson in tomorrow's class]: soren

Soren then took a single leaf, and stuck it to his forehead and held it using his profound energy, as everyone just watched in amazement, and after Soren finished setting the example, he removed the leaf, as he dismissed his class for the day, before packing up his stuff and heading back to his house.

'These upcoming years should be quite fun… But I still need to figure out how I'll deal with the Uchiha's… Maybe I'll do some investigating before taking all the ones who don't harbor hatred for the village after being blamed for the attack of the Kyuubi': soren

Soon, a few months went by, as Soren taught at the academy, while Nikita practiced at home, and was on the verge of breaking through to the final step in the leaf training method of Chakra control. Over the course of these few months, Soren learned that great unrest had begun brewing within the Uchiha complex, as the blatant discrimination being shown by the village was starting to show, as even Minato refused to do anything due to not wanting to anger the civilian and shinobi counsel, and risk putting the village in danger if the counsel memebers decided to take action in removing him from the position of Hokage and appoint Danzo. Minato was a bit weary to Danzo's antics for a few reasons, and one of the main reasons was due to Soren telling him not to trust Danzo, as well as being given a logical reason as to how a Mist Nin entered the village undetected. Soren's students have grown quite quickly in the first method of Chakra control, as most were able to stick up to 4 leaves on their body, while some started working on spinning these leaves, leaving Naruto still at the beginning with only 2 leaves being stuck to his body, as his classmates looked down on him for his poor Chakra control, but Soren knew that it was due to the excess amount of Chakra flowing through Naruto's body. Soren knew that Naruto would take much more time learning how to control all that excess amount of Chakra within his body, but didn't want to see him fall behind the rest of the class, so he spoke with Minato about using the multi shadow clone jutsu, and while Minato was a bit skeptical as to how Soren came to know of that jutsu, as it wasn't in the section alluded to Soren, Soren told him that he snuck into the restricted section due to his curiosity, making Minato sigh, not because Soren snuck in, as he didn't mind due to his trust in Soren, but because of how easy it was for Soren to sneak in. After getting permission to teach Naruto the multi shadow clone jutsu, Soren spent the next 6 months helping Naruto excel past the other students, bringing him to the top of the class, right next to Sasuke, and this was also the day that the Uchiha Massacre would take place, so instead of Soren teaching the students personally, he decided to leave them with a carbon copy of himself made through the use of his profound energy that was mixed in with the shadow clone technique.

'Tonight is the night… I already got my select group of people that I'll take away from the crossfire': soren

Soren then made 10 clones of himself, and used the transformation technique to transform each of his clones into the Uchiha he planned on saving that night, before altering the profound energy inside each of them to match the same signature of the Uchiha's they took form of, before he spent the rest of the day pulling of kidnappings that switched their places with his clones, as his clones filled in for their presence for the rest of the day.

'Alright… I now have a total of 11 Uchiha's under my care': soren

As Soren thought about this, the voice of a woman spoke up, as her tone was full of pride, as she saw herself as someone who should never be scared of a coward who would blindside her like that.

[W-Who are you!... Don't you know who I am?... I am Akari Uchiha!... Also one of the youngest in the family to awaken the Sharingan!... You better release me if you know what's good for you]: akari

Soren ignored the woman and continued going over the names of the people he captured today for the greater good of the Uchiha clan in the future.

'Shisui, Itachi's best friend… I saved him the day I felt both Itachi's and Danzo's chakra atop the cliff hanging over the training grounds… He has been unconscious ever since that day, while I keep him healthy through my profound energy, but his eyes still have yet to regenerate… As for the other's they were just simple branch members who never had any idea as to what the main family was planning, and were just innocents that died for nothing, but they are young enough that repopulation of the Uchiha clan will be easy… Leaving 2 members of great interest… Mikoto Uchiha… And this brat that has yet to stop talking, even after I've tried to suppress her using my energy… Mikoto knew that the very second she was captured, that she would die, but when she woke up still alive, she had some questions, only to find out my reason for gathering these people here was to protect her clan, making her much more compliant… While Akari was quite strong spiritually': soren

[Hey!!... Are you gonna answer me!?... Why are you so dense that you still haven't released me!!]: akari

When Soren heard the young brat call him dense, he felt a bit annoyed, as he increased the pressure on her as he spoke, shutting her up for good.

[Silence!!... I'm tired of hearing your annoying voice!]: soren

Akari didn't speak anymore, as the increase of the pressure silenced her, giving Soren room to think in silence, but he didn't need anymore time to think, as the show was about to start, as the sun began to set, while Soren made sure to have his clone have Naruto invite Sasuke out to play before they went home, giving Itachi enough time to do his job and leave. Soren then left the small building he made to keep the Uchiha's in, and flew up into the sky as he loomed over the Uchiha estate and began watching as the massacre started. Soren watched as Itachi and Obito who was busy posing as Madara, as the two of them began killing all the Uchiha's indiscriminately, as men and women, old and young, along with children and babies, were all mercilessly slaughtered, as the sounds of screaming was drowned out by the silence of the night, and just before the massacre ended, Soren received the memories of 9 out of the 10 of his clones, while the last one was Mikoto's clone, and on the outskirts of the village, Soren saw two familiar faces, as both Sasuke and Naruto began walking into the clan estate, before the both of them began running towards Sasuke's house, just in time for Soren to see his clone dressed as Mikoto fall with a blade in his stomach, but Soren willed the clone to stay in existence, so Itachi wouldn't know he was played.

[Just in time… Maybe Sasuke will unlock his Sharingan, now that he has been practicing Chakra control]: soren

Soren then watched as Sasuke saw both of his parents lying dead on the ground, while Naruto seemed to be scared as well, as he stood to Sasuke's side trying to get him to get up and leave so they could inform Minato, but before that, Itachi came out and kicked Naruto away, as he picked Sasuke up by the throat as he spoke in a cold tone.

[I killed them…]: itachi

[N-Nii-san… W-What do you mean?... W-Why would you do this?]: sasuke

[To test myself… I wanted to see where I stood in this world… I wanted to see if I had the strength to kill even my own family… So tell me… Do you want revenge?]: itachi

[...*sobbing and sniveling*...]: sasuke

[I see… Sasuke… I want you to hate me… I want you to remember this, and if you do decide to come at me for revenge, then you need to have these eyes]: itachi

Itachi then flashed his Mangekyo Sharingan towards Sasuke, as he put him into a Genjutsu of the moments prior, when Itachi killed their father and mother, before he was dropped to the floor as he screamed in a heart wrenching pain, while his eyes began to bleed as they turned red with 2 tomoes began revolving inside each eye, as Itachi disappeared, leaving room for Naruto to come in a rescue Sasuke, as he carried him on his shoulder back to his house, where he informed Minato of what happened, while Soren took back his clone.

[And thus marks the beginning of what I would hope becomes an unbreakable friendship… Though Naruto still has his family, him being there with Sasuke in his time of need may spark an unbreakable friendship]: soren

Soren disappeared from the night skies, as silence ensued and the smell of blood permeated the air, marking the end of the end of the Uchiha Massacre. The next morning, Soren appeared in class and noticed that both Naruto and Sasuke were absent, but summed it down to Minato having them take a leave of absence for a few days, as everything that happened the night prior blew over. When Soren came in, everyone had questions, as they knew Soren was close to Minato, and they heard what happened to the Uchiha's from the gossip spreading around town, so to find out more, Soren seemed to be the best target, but Soren disclosed nothing, and instead, continued teaching his class about the 3 jutsu needed to be mastered before graduation.

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