
Life is kicking ass very badly, it hurts a lot, yet it is okay

Life is a flag, yet there is pride. No one can ever bow down to me. Whatever the situation may be.

Aryan_Hashmi_1203 · Realistis
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starts from childhood

Childhood is such that we have many dreams, then we do not know anything about good and bad.

Then we had to do everything, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, whatever we thought, we just have to do that. Similarly, in my childhood, many thoughts used to come in my mind that I would do this when I grow up. I will do that. I will be like this I will be like that There will be a lot of money, there will be a car and big house.Then gradually he grew up, gradually he started understanding everything. It was good to study in school. Slowly I was wasting it too After the 8th standard, my marks and my actions all changed It was starting to fly in the air.Everything was on his mind. Started bunking from this school. He started roaming around and did not take any coaching class. It was fun then, used to have fun. Used to go everywhere with friends. Then slowly I started getting addicted. Cigarettes that I slowly started smoking cigarettes. Even I was enjoying a lot, life was going on, then after that i fell in love with a girl for the first time; When I saw him for the first time, I did not know what happened to me, my heart started beating.Then I fell after his girl I used to think about him day and night. I She would have known that he would have followed her. Sitting near his house all day long to see him could see day and night. I grew in love with him; Then after that slowly follow him to his school Sitting outside his school all day waiting for his leave.Then one day when he was standing outside his school, my friend said, if you have the courage then go, show him that you love him and I took this thing very seriously. Then I went on his request. Tell him then when I spoke to him, he didn't say anything at that time.He did not respond to my words at that time and this thing kept bothering me. I kept thinking the same thing. He kept going to him again and again and kept asking that answer my point. I love you Do you do too, if you do then say yes but she didn't say anything. She used to go away and I used to follow her because of this. Then one day she was going with her friends. After reaching my friend's house on the way back, I asked him to answer what I had said. He said, I have seen his face. Don't you dare to talk about this to me again. Hearing this, I broke down. Then from there I left in despair. I was hurt a lot. From this I thought that now I will not go after him.Then I stopped going to his school and near his house. She kept looking for me everywhere. But I could not see him anywhere. I left everything in anger. Going towards him, seeing him, everything Then he asked a boy about me, where did the boy who used to come. He said that he does not come now. Don't know why then he called me and talked to me. That was the first day. When he spoke to me of my life and that day I was so happy that what to tell I had no idea of ​​happiness. Slowly we started talking again. We started falling in love with each other while talking. our love grows' Then all of a sudden something happened that I had a fight with my friend and my girlfriend's brother over somethingI explained to my friend that let it be, don't do anything, he is my girlfriend's brother.Then he did not say anything to her when I asked. Then the next day something happened between them again and I went to my coaching. I return from coaching My friend called me. Said let's go for a little walk. I said okay, I'll come. I went directly to him from coaching and we both roamed and reached near my girlfriend's house, then I was going from near her house. Just then his brother came. Outside, my friend did not know why he did not think or understood something and started killing him and both of them got into a fight. Everyone in his house came out and started shouting. We can give as soon as I can. My girlfriends are on the terrace and I started running away from her family too. But I don't know how someone sees me and they all thought that they all took my hand from here..

He also felt that I had killed his brother. She also got angry. stop talking to me From here my life slowly started ruining. He stopped talking to me. I myself started getting upset that he doesn't even talk to me.

Then he stopped talking to me all of a sudden. I started getting very upset. He started going after her again. To persuade him, she stopped speaking to me. Neither spoke to me nor looked at me, I started getting worried. Was in a lot of trouble. He used to go behind. Used to explain that listen to me, she was not ready to listen to me.Days are slowly passing by. She had completely stopped talking to me. It's been months since we talked.

Days pass by and I don't talk to him time passed and my high school was completed. I could not talk to him and I had to go further to another city for studies So I went out. Even after going there to study, he did not leave me behind in his memories throughout the night he used to stay awake in his memories. Used to smoke cigarettes. Keeps remembering him. He kept on crying, kept on crying And he used to think that just once if his call or message comes, he should talk to me once but not his call and message Then a few days later a friend came to visit me. He started talking to me like this. Then she told me about her that she was in love with another guy and talked to him. hearing this, it felt like my heart was torn to pieces. I didn't understand anything. tears started falling from my eyes It was the worst day of my life and I couldn't believe she could do this to me. My Heart Was Broken for the first time....