

I learned mathematics, geometry, strategy of war from maester Luwin. Math and geometry was quite easy for me as I had my previous world knowledge. Maester Luwin declared me as an intelligent and genius boy.

"Maester Luwin, I want to learn the Valyrian Language..... if possible I want to learn dothraki too."- I told the maester excitedly.

"hmmm, I can teach you the valyrian language,lord Stark. But sadly, I can't teach you the dothraki language because even I don't know about it."- he shyly told me.

'I guess even an old coot sometimes becomes embarassed.'- I thought in my mind hearing him.

Since I was 10 name days, I started making friends with the animals,birds etc.They became my spies, my ears. I used the rats,ravens to find out the spies of other kingdoms and houses. In just one year, I found a huge number of spies which were probably ordered by Baelish,varys and that queen of thorn, Olenna Tyrell. Soon, I shall eliminate them. For that I needed an assassination organization.

Then the third gift of that ball of light came before me. A man arrived in my study room at night. I thought that he was an assassin due to the aura he emitted before he said to me, " A man has come to serve."

"Who are you?Why do you have such a disgusting aura?"- I asked him while still holding the guard of my sword.

The man replied," A man and others follow the death god. I have come to serve you if you agree to our request."

With the mention of death god, I already understood that he was one of the faceless.

"So you are one of the faceless men.Don't you know that I follow the old gods.And what is this request that you speak of?"-I asked him amusedly.

"The many faced god wants to bury you to our place once you die. If you agree, a man and the other men will follow you and not harm your family."- he replied fast.

"Allright, I agree. You may bury my body once I die. So how do you wish to serve me?"- I asked him in a questioning look.

"your wish is my kind, Master."-that man said to me.

I didn't had any problems with them just burying me in their land.It will bring me benefits as none of my family members will be threatened by daeth.

" I want you to set up spies in Essos and find a woman. She should have violet eyes, pale skin, silver- gold hair. Her age should be around 6 or 7 name days."- I told him details about daenerys targaryen. I don't have contract to my ravens in essos. At present, I sent almost all the ravens and rats to Kings Landing and Vale. I sent some of them to vale because I need proof of Robert arryn being a bastard son of Petyr Baelish. I also need to find information and proof that Baelish changed the letter of my aunt Lyanna which she implied that she fell in love and ran away not being kidnapped.

"There might also be a man near her. Looks like a 'she-male'..... I mean has the same traits as her. Search in Pentos, Lys carefully before searching a whole essos. By the way, what should I call you though your kind of men don't have names."- I told him.

"You may call me what ever you prefer master."-he told me in a robotic manner. I guess faceless men or sorrowful men don't have emotions.

"okay. From now on, your name is Cloud. You will serve as my advisor as a pseudo role."- I said to him remembering cloud and sephiroth fighting in final fantasy.

"This man gives you thanks, master."

"one more thing, my rats and ravens will show you many spies around the north and winterfell. I want your group to eliminate all the spies."- I told him before going to sleep.


In the morning, I saw Uncle Ned coming into my study room while thinking about about something.

"Morning Uncle. Why do you look so worried? Has anything happened?"- I questioned him while trying to understand his expression.

"It's about Benjen, Seph. Day by Day, he looks so sad. I am thinking about marrying him to a woman of status."-Eddard told me with a worried and sad voice.

"Before that, let's give him the land where we found the mines and make him a lord. That way he might have a will to live. I only trust a family member with the mines. A stark must always be guarding it. We live as a pack after all. As for marriage, how about someone from the House Mormont? They are the only ones who weren't benefitted from us that much except for food 'course. If she disagrees, let's find someone from house Manderly. I will leave the marriage topic to you."- I spoke up and summoned my uncle to proclaim him as the lord of the iron and coal mines. He was amused that he inherited atleast something and uncle Ned went to Mormont house for his marriage.

After some days, my uncle Benjen was married with Dacey mormont. She was a fine lady a warrior though. I gave their house a large dowry for marrying their woman with our Stark man.

From that day, uncle Ben was never depressed as he found someone and something to live for.

'I guess a hole is a goal.'- I told myself.

I decimated the Brothel which Baelish established to spy in Winterfell. When he sent a raven to ask what happened, I politely told him that the Faith of the seven came and started wrecking havoc which was no way near the truth but I had my people as evidence.

I created two brothels for an income and pleasure source. Soldiers needed this and I also gained money. As there where many people coming to North and most specifically in winterfell, I had fare share of talents among here. I found out that a woman of probably around 3 and 4 name days. She was from Lys and I made her the madame of the brothel to maintain it.

My little brother hadn't woken up still..... so I couldn't feel the skill 'D' yet.....

I told all the people of north to boil the water till bubbles came out of it before drinking it. In this way diseases were becoming much less in the north. As common people had no idea about vaporization, I had used the term bubbles which they could understand.Soon it became a practice.

I invented perfume and soaps with the blue roses and tulips that only grows in North. These soaps and perfumes brought us a huge amount of gold dragons yearly. In total winterfell earned 2 to 4 million gold dragons yearly. Where as North as a whole including winterfell earned 20 to 25 million gold dragons. As we didn't have to buy food or clothes from the reach at a high price, we were rich enough. People started saying that winterfell was now the 2nd or 1st richest cities in westeros and even in essos except for the Iron Bank.

In the north people used silk for winter clothing,which were in a high price as the reach sold it in a high price. This is why I told House Ryswell and House Mormonts to breed sheeps and take wool from them. I taught them the method of wool clothing. Wool is the best type of winter clothing ever existed. So our economy became more prosperous.

With those money I called all the lords of North to enhance their army and weapons. Winterfell alone could provide 30 thousand soldier. Hearing that, every house especially the Boltons agreed.

Now the only thing I needed to do was prove myself in the upcoming rebellion of the Greyjoys. Only when I prove myself, my uncle would leave me and go to Moat Cailin with his family. I couldn't tolerate Lady Catelyn,the bitch anymore. Her behavior towards Jon was more rude than Gordon Ramsey's behavior towards cooking participants. The face which Jon makes when I am the only one who cares for him except for uncle Ben is disheartening. So, I decided that I will make Jon a fine warrior myself.

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