
Chapter 2

"You left your wallet at the office...luckily Jade found it and when you suggest that we find a place we decided to use your card since you have more money then us." Leo shamelessly stated.

All the girls were from wealthy families but out of all of the girls, Leo was the only one who would shamelessly state that Lilly had more money.

Finally when it was time to split up what they got Lilly decided who has to buy what, Leo would go and look at the decorations for the house (more like a huge ass manor!) since she was also their designer, Natasha would look around for the electronic since she was the one who handles the teconology, Jade would go around and look for the furniture since she always knows what to decide about furniture, Tyra would go around looking for the fridge, washer, dryer, etc., and last but not least she would look around for everyday objects that they needed and buy things for Jeana's room along with Kim and Kai's room, her niece and nephew.

As Lilly walked around the mall looking for the things one by one the girls got separated and they would some times would call her and see if she could negotiate the price with the seller, instead of doing what she had hoped to do Lilly walked around and helped the other girls discussing about lowering prices. Just as every one finished looking around, Lilly felt tired. She was able to help everyone but she wasn't able to do her own things so she sighed out lightly and followed the girls out of the mall.

She was then dropped off by Leo at her parent's place to pick up her truck and drove back to the mall to pick up all the things that the girls bought and with the help of the sellers she was able to get most things in the the truck after her first stop she went back 5 more time to pick up the rest of the things. Slowly getting the things in the house the girls had hardly any time to rest when the the sun was about to set, the movers had arrived and brought the girls things over to the house one by one they took their boxes to their room.

"Girls!!!who wants to go get dinner!!!" Lilly yelled across the the hallway loudly she then stepped out of her room and took out her wallet.

"If you pay we'll go!" Leo yelled loudly anticipating for Lilly to say yes.

"Fine, lets get going, we're going to Mexico!"

When everyone got into Lilly's truck they were excited being with each other is always a calming thing, when one of them was down they would gather and go celebrate to make the other happy. As they drove out of Rosewood Lilly took a look through the rear-view mirror and saw the smiles of her friends, she had always been the one that needed to be cheered up. They would do stupid up things to like bringing her a stripper in the middle of the night or took her to watch a football game in a rainy day...she loved them and she wanted them to be happy with the same bright smile on their faces, but little did she know that in the future she would be in danger. They would be the ones worrying and everyday they would wear a sad face day after day because she would be kidnapped...but this is for another chapter.

Just as they arrived in the Mexican restaurant Lilly ordered 10 plates of food and all for herself and none for the girls, the girls stared at her wondering if she were starving for months or even years. Lilly chowed on her food and in a few minutes she had finished all 10 plates without looking up even for a second.

After finishing the 10 plates she ordered another 5 plates and once again started to eat, by the time she finished eating all of her friends were only able to finish a plate expect for Leo who had 12 plates of food most of the plates with beans.

"Did you really have to have a lot of beans for dinner? you know we have hours of driving back." Lilly grunted as she stared at Leo with a chocked up look.

"whut up..." Leo said with her mouth full of food.

"I don't see how the two of you can eat so much even though your stomachs are so flat...unlike me I'm chubby and I eat less then you." Tyra grunted.

"You're not chubby you're thick, besides our stomach aren't that flat we have chubbs too. Now hurry up Leo or we won'y able to get up tomorrow to go to work. Oh, right, Jade fire Cane, I don't want to see him tomorrow or anytime soon." just as she finished with her sentence Lilly stood up and walked up to the cashier to pay for the whole meal. As she finished up she walked back to the table and sat down.

Finally finishing up Leo smiled and put her utensils down she then chugged down her water, "Let's go, I wanna finish unpacking before going to sleep."

   As they all got up and left the restaurant they felt satisfied, slowly making their way towards the truck Lilly noticed someone who looked highly familiar. Making her way towards that person her heart started to beat uncontrollably...that person who stood in front of her with his back facing her looked a lot like her Middle brother, the brother which she hadn't seen for years....

    "Antonio?" she cried out holding back her tears.

   Hearing his name being called Antonio turned around and met face to face with his little sister, without another word Lilly jumped into his embrace and started to break down....

   How could he not know that his little sister was not a person who cried easily, the first time he saw her crying was when she was just a new born, the second time was when she and that guy broke up, the third was when he left for the marines, and right now in his embrace she was like a little child crying her eyes out....

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