
Chapter 25

A few hours before they had gone over to the location that Lilly was found in Natasha had informed every one to be extra careful since they would be facing one of the most strongest person in Kous. When Jeana heard that name she continued to laugh, but she quickly stopped laughing when she though about what could have happened to Lilly in this situation.

"I'll get my grandfather to gather, for now we should be prepared for the very worst...I will murder the one they call Joker," Dante's cold voice spoke out sending chills down everyone in the room's spines.

Quickly turning around Dante headed towards the door and got in his car, Natasha followed after him and caught a ride with him. The others followed after them, being directed by Natasha who knew every part of Central City, taking the fastest routs possible they arrived there very quickly. As soon as they arrived they were attacked by masked men, in one swoop Dante passed through without a hitch.

Gently walking up to the rundown building Natasha motioned them inside, following after the tracker they headed down a dark path leading downstairs. Seeing that the doors were already lightly opened the gently opened it up more and saw Lilly questioning Joker where his Harley Quinn was.

Seeing her being able to joke at this moment Dante was lightly relieved, at the very next moment he heard Joker saying that with her body she could be his Harley. Almost jumping out Dante was quickly stopped by Antonio.

"She untied her hands, for now let's watch what she will do." Antonio spoke bringing Dante to a halt.

At that very moment Lilly started to attack, her every move were swift and each one was harder then the last. Although she looked to be fine Dante could tell that she was badly hurt. Seeing that Joker was about to make a move Antonio quickly let go of his hold on Dante and pushed him away toward Lilly's direction.

Finally able to be near Lilly's presence Dante felt calm and happy. After catching Joker Dante followed after Lilly to the hospital in his car. Due to the blood loss she had to be transferred to the emergency ward, inside the Ward they said that she needed surgery, the bones in her body we shattered but when the doctors heard that she could not only stand but she also fought while using her legs and arms, the sole of her feet had to be treated because they most of her skin were burned off.

After 3 hours they finally came out saying that the surgery went well and that she might wake up within the next 24 hours or the possibility of her waking up would lessen.

Going into the private room located in the 15th floor Dante sat down beside the sleeping Lilly, her eyes tightly shut showing no sign of waking up, from time to time she would turn in her sleep but each time she wouldn't wake. Each time that she tossed and turned the only thing that could calm her was Dante's touch, his touches were like a medicine that could quickly calm her down.

24 hours quickly passed but Lilly was still laying on the bed not showing any signs of waking up, she would still toss and turn but each time she wouldn't wake up.

"I thought she would've woken up by now..." Dante sighed speaking to Jeana who was deeply embedded herself in Chen's embrace.

"Give it some time, she did lose a lot of blood, and she's probably refusing to wake with all that she's been through." Jeana spoke as she tried not to sob.

"Don't worry, she's gonna wake up...she has a strong willed." Chen said as he gently rubbed Jeana's arm gently.

The three looked at the young woman laying on the bed, her face which was once full of scars now regained it once beauty. The cream that she had Jeana create was doing it's work and no matter how much you try to find the scars it has already disappeared into thin air as if it was never there in the first place.

Her peaceful body became struggling at the next moment, tossing and turning as if she were in a nightmare and would never wake up. Lilly continued to dream about staying in that dark and soundless room, constantly being tortured and woken up with salt water.

Seeing Lilly's body tossing and turning Dante gently placed his hands on her's and soothed her hands showing that he was there by her side. This scene brought tears to Jeana's eyes, not being able to see her in this condition ant longer Jeana started to cry.

Her best friend that she treasured and love was laying there unable to wake and joke around with her. She lightly pulled on Chen's jacket and motioned for him to go back.

Seeing them out Dante sighed and looked back at Lilly who now is resting calmly on the bed not making any movement. He gently walked back to the bed and laid his head on the bed, tears lightly steamed to his cheeks as he begged for her to wake.

"Babe, please wake up, how long do you want to stay hidden from me for? How long till you want to sleep in and keep from not seeing me?" his voice lightly spoke out as if he were whispering only to her and for her to hear.

For 2 weeks he whispered these words to her, and for 2 weeks she was able to hear his cries. Each time she tried to wake up she was once again dragged into the darkness. Every time she hears his voice she wanted to pull herself out but no matter how much she fought her soul felt like they were in tar.

In the 3rd week she continued to run from her nightmares, then suddenly she could see a bright light up ahead so she quickly ran after towards the light. As she ran through the blinding light she tightly closed her eyes and waited for her eyes to get used to it. Gently turning her head she looked at the door, the light foot step that she was hearing completely stopped before the door gently opened.

Looking up she saw the solute of Dante, his once smooth face now filled with a short beard, his eyes held a dark eye bag. Seeing him she lightly lifted her lips and said hi with a croaky voice.

Opening the door Dante had expected to see Lilly still in a vegetative state but at that very moment when he opened the door a pair of eyes stared back at him with love.

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