
Lie Anicka, Lie

Persh, the youngest Montelo prince from Spain, clashed his fortune with the President's daughter of the Philippines. Being cast outside his kingdom made him rebellious enough to pledged for himself that he would never return to his father's castle, and living with Geralda's brat successor continually injures his plans. Indeed, he must obtain a way to control the woman's mouth shut, or she will denote out everything he had been doing for the last few years to oblivion. Well, there's one diversion to tame the majestic Anicka Geralda. It is the project "seduce and destroy."

Apricus · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

1: caught me in a broad daylight


I apprehended the clock ticking like a bomb on our dinner table. No one dared to talk; just the whole family fell into an ambiance of silence. I wonder whose fault it is. Nevertheless, I continued counting. My father had been keeping his mouth shut for so long now. It'll just be a matter of ten seconds for him to burst out.

"I will tell you again, Persh. You are bound to attend the summit in the Philippines." King Yves Montello of Spain stated in front of me for the tenth time today. I rolled my eyes at him and didn't bother to meet his gaze because if I will, we will end up on the floor punching each other's gut.

"And for the millionth time, my answer is no! I don't want to go there, Papa!" I'm at the edge of being pissed off right now, and his lack of emotional state doesn't help. Like he didn't care about what my decision will be.

"I'm not asking you anyway. I'm ordering you. You must attend that meeting. Besides, I won't tolerate all your bad habits here in Espana, so you will fly over there to break any connections to your stupid bastards' friends here" he's earnest in saying that, alright. I even look at my Mom for help, but she only held my hand.

Probably saying that my Dad's reasonable when for me he isn't. I'm mad at this point. I threw my spoon on the plate, then met gazes except for my father, who didn't even flinch in my attitude. I'll give it to them, then.

"Fine. You want me out from this country? then the moment I'll step out from its terrain, I will never fucking go back." I walked away from the dining room, too preoccupied with how I'll rebel in the country that they're going to charge me out.

It's been like this since I was seven. I couldn't make my own settlements. I need to look like this, I must examine those shits, I should be like him! just like my goddamn father who thinks I have the same dream. Bullshit. We may look alike, but I'm distinctive, and closing my room doors and windows will only let me aim to fly away more.

First thing in the morning, probably 5:00 AM. I'm already at the airport. Didn't bid anyone goodbye, not even to my twin sister, who's still sleeping soundly on her bed. Not even to my mother, who didn't even fight for me last night on the dinner table. Mainly I didn't say any word to my father, who was busy sipping his coffee while watching me stray out of his shitty palace.

So much for being an heir to the crown.

"I know you're thinking of running away at this rate, your highness, but I would require you to just sit on your chair. You wouldn't want to see the media outside the airport to capture your swollen eyes later."

That's Lio, my kill joy butler since I was five. He's three years older than me, the rationale why I chose him to train with me since we were both younger. He's the second son of our general chief of the army, he's bound to take his father's footsteps, but he enjoys being with me in our own rebellious exploits. Good thing he's knowledgeable in dispensing alibis to my father.

"Shut up before I break your neck. You've been pissing me off since this morning at the Limo, you dimwit," I snap at him as I only received a cackling of laughter while he supervises the way to the private jet, which was a gift from my Grandfather when I was ten.

That old man is already in the Philippines, and I can't understand my Dad's decision of throwing me away there when we already have a fucking representative for the summit who will be attended by many corrupt government officials in the whole world. Fuckin a waste of time.

" I heard I'll be staying at their white house," I mumbled, staring one last time at the full-sky view of Madrid, and I'm serious about not going back here. Maybe I'll just call Mom and Ysha to say hi or something. I'm definitely tired of funding notice to a father who doesn't know how to be proud of his son.

All my life revolved around pleasing him, but eventually, I gave up when I was nineteen. His goals for me keeps me in a room, and I get suffocated all the time. I don't even want to keep the crown, and while I'm the rebellious prince of the kingdom, I saw how he trains his second option for the throne. My very well-known cousin, Yldrin Montello, graduated from Harvard and has many more accomplishments in his life than mine;

Who only knows how to do archery, martial arts, and handling guns. Perfect for an alarming boy figure. You might also want to add how high-grade I am at hiding from the media.

"I know your Father has a reason, Persh," I heard Lio in front of me sitting at the opposite side, scrolling through his Ipad while I rolled my eyes at him.

"All I know is that he stop being a father when I was eighteen. So fuck him." I stated with such remorse, finally resigning his state. Now, it's time for me to converge on my plans.


The Philippines is indeed hot. It's a good thing Lio and his guards did a great job shooing the cameras elsewhere. In this year 2030, the country did a good job cleaning its city, now it's very profitable for their tourist interest. My only problem is the weather, to the point that I threw my coat away from me.

"You really didn't acquaint about the climate Lio? Really?" I snap at him, but the Duffus only chuckled in the passenger's seat. He really knows how to piss me off. The only thing that keeps his job besides me trusting him is that he's very efficient in it.

"I want to see how troubled you are once we landed. News flash, it worked!" then he added another batch of chortles that made me keep the grim expression on my face.

"We're here, your highness," the driver stated, and we stop in front of a modernized house. Its exterior is full of glasses, located on a hill, a motif of grey and white. If I'm not mistaken, its space comprises the 1/8 area of home I grew up with.

"This is not the white house" I look at Lio, and he shrugs his shoulders.

"It's called Malacanang, Mr. Montello because the White House is owned by the Americans," he corrected me as I made a walk to the house's front porch.

"It's fucking the same" I fought back and was about to open the door when it opened automatically. There, I saw a woman running in our direction, but her gaze was glued behind her. More like some girls in a tuxedo were running after her.

Before I could take a step back, she already collided with me, a good thing I didn't lose my balance and even keep her feet on the ground by encountering her shoulders firmly. Her black orbs met mine shortly, and I was taken aback when she drags me with her to run at the parked grey Porsche.

I was about to protest when she opened the driver's seat and pushed me inside, and abruptly she joined me on the same chair. I was even more shocked that she took a fucking sit on my lap!

"I need you to drive. We don't have much more time!" she exclaimed, and my adrenaline also rushes to push the ignition and drove away from the house. Now she's locked up between my arms. I don't know if it's a good thing that I'm taller enough than her height because I can still see the road.

"Fuck! They're closing the gate hurry up!" she shouted again in front of me. That's why I also panicked!

"What the fuck are you doing in my lap anyway! when you can sit on the passenger's side!" I argued back, trying to move my head to the left side because she's already blocking my view

"Shut up and just drive faster!" she shouted as I pushed the acceleration aiming a faster speed. That even the gate could close, we made an awe-inspiring escape. I turned left immediately, and because I don't wear the fuck to go, I put my gaze at her whose fidgeting.

" Now, to where are we heading?!" I protested as she finally looks back. Most likely, she stared back at me. I don't even know why I also gaped back, her eyes show nervousness and excitement, and before I could forget that I'm driving literally, I focused my eyes on the road only to find out that we're about to crash into a tree!

I abruptly pushed the break, making the both of us throw forward. I heard a loud thud. Only then did I remember that we forgot to use a damn seatbelt and because of the force pushing me to her. I felt something below, more like my buddy's enjoying how he's now pinned to her ass!

"Fuck" I mumbled as she slowly turned her head to meet my eyes once again. The only difference is that she's already red as a tomato, her lips parted, and her hair was disheveled.

If someone would see us right now, they might say that we did it. Wild.

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