

They went towards another side room attached to the lounge where stood many teleporting doors with different names written on plaques above them. they went inside one, it was an enormous room the size of a football court. in it stood various pedestals, different names carved on it with one white orb placed on all of them.

"this is where you will get to talk to the elf queen, you just have to place your hand on the first orb and send your magic into it. we will be waiting on the outside. " instructed the dragon. After their departure Ela connected to the orb and felt herself shifting from her place. looking around she sees a vast jungle and a beautiful hut in front of her.

"welcome my lady, please lets go in and talk" said a charming voice from behind her. turning around she finds herself enthralled by the beautiful women walking towards the hut. anyway, clearing the distracting thoughts Ela followed her.

" Hello my lady, i am morgan le fey the elf queen. " said the beautiful women. " no need for too many formalities just call me Ela or as you wish. lets talk as equals. i have too many questions and doubts but first what do you know about me? " asked a confused Ela.

"alright dear, as to have a basic understanding i have to start from the beginning. 3000 years ago around 1000 bc, some people all around the world gained enlightenment, the earliest record of magic that humans know is during this time but we from various ancient races know that there were very powerfull elemental magicians who awoke the magic withing them for the first time in this world. but suddenly magic stopped flowing around as if someone has closed the tap from which it was coming out, consequently many short living magic civilization died down, humans being one of them.

then 3000 years ago magic started flowing in again but it was somehow corrupted, it was not pure anymore and with the corruption, magicians also became weak. it was that time that everything went downhill. There appeard a human magician by the name of myrdin wyllt who used to call himself as Merlin the wizard.

He started hunting various races by overpowering them as he was stronger than any other magician. it was at that time we started making communities within our races. and the wisest and most powerful were made the king/Queen. we elves were at the very forefront with the war against him. we got to know that he want to kill any and all sentient powerful races, loot all the precious knowledge and rule the world. he was more powerfull than us because in him flowed the dark magic.

Dark magic was the term given to the magic which is completely corrupted. actually we the kings/Queens were at the more advanced stage of magic than him but he could fight us on equal grounds because of dark magic. only pure magic has the ability to overpower it and light magic has a bit of effect on it. there was no one with pure magic alive and only some elves and very few Phoenix has light magic in them. eventually various races united together and it was decided that all the knowledge will be destroyed and only the kings/queens will remember all the knowledge. so that in case we loose he would not gain anymore knowledge.

and we did just that. we employed powerful mages who destroyed all the knowledge from the time and space itself. only the soul has the capability of resisting dark magic naturally, to become a dark magician one has to deliberately make their souls corrupted. so we made sure to completely erase all the knowledge on souls." telling upto this morgan was emotionally very disturbed. Ela was sure that if morgan was not in her soul form she would have been shedding tears continuously. Ela did what she knew that is she pulled morgan in her embrace and started patting her back lightly.

"you were very brave morgan, you did all you could have. carry no burden, now i have arrived and we will make this world better together and you dont have to feel lonely as i will always be there for you. " whispered Ela. after sometime morgan got her bearing and started narrating the events after that while remaining in Ela's embrace.

"after that the war got even more intense he killed many kings and queens exterminated many races." "but how was he able to fight the whole army alone?" asked Ela in confusion. "he did not fight alone he got to know that the souls which has submitted themselves to the dark magic voluntarily would not pass to the afterlife. so he tempted many others and after these humans and creatures got killed they became what they know todays as dementors and Lethifolds respectively." learning this Ela was gobsmacked.

"we from various races were completely cornered when merlin suddenly attacked the phoenixes. their queen was killed by dark magic never to be born again and various of them were forcefully made slaves to his line. well he only succeeded in enslaving 5 of them, others sacrificed themselves and reduced his army to mere thousands from millions." "what so he has 5 phoenixes, no thats not right then how did Dumbledore... " Ela could not finish her question before Morgan answered " 1 he used for ritual to gain flame travel method, 1 as his personal post bird, 1 to Nicolas flamel, 1 to Dumbledore and 1 to Grindelwald. and through bonding with them they have anchored themselves to this world, that means for them to die one 1st has to kill those phoenixes or break their magic which is only possible with either dark magic or the pure magic. "