
Lewd Journey In A Fantasy World

Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE

TravisX · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Chapter 2

In a medieval-type room lay a black-haired boy with dark skin. He seemed to be fast asleep, curled up in his blanket. Suddenly, the boy sprang awake with shock, looking around his room with confusion on his face. He had sweat dripping down his face as he looked around. Then, suddenly, a wave of pain struck his head, making him wince and hold it. He braced the pain for a little while longer; he didn't make a sound, even though the pain was as if he was struck by an axe. Suddenly, it disappeared, and the boy could finally remember.

"I am Travis Wyatt."

Travis Wyatt, the young man who was one of the world's renowned assassins, had become a young boy in a medieval setting. This is truly a weird situation. He got up from his bed and looked around even more. The memories of the young boy helped him understand that he was currently in his own room. He looked down and saw that he was currently in his underwear, and this underwear was a little too modern, meaning that this world was a mix. He then looked up and saw that they had lights.

"Yep, this world is a mixture of modern and medieval. Wait, doesn't this mean I've been isekaid?" he thought to himself.

Even though he was an assassin, he still had time to watch some peak fiction, and isekai wasn't his most favorite genre, but it was still a good watch sometimes. He took some pants from his pile of clothes and walked out of the room. His memories told him that he had a mother in this world. Even though he was adopted, he still saw her as his real mom. She also saw him as her son, and nothing in the world would make her stop loving him, even if he were to become a villain. He walked out and heard some commotion coming from downstairs. Many people were talking to each other in separate conversations.

"I live in a restaurant. Well, more specifically, there's a restaurant downstairs and I live above one."

He walked down and greeted everyone there, who happily greeted him back. Travis smiled, hearing their response. He then heard the familiar voice of the woman who had raised him coming out of the kitchen and bringing some food to a table. The beautiful blonde woman, who would make every man in this restaurant have a boner, had a small chat with the woman at that table. She then saw Travis and hurriedly walked up to him and hugged him.

"Baby, you're awake. Did you sleep well? I hope you did because today we're packed, so could you help mommy?" she said in her most smothering tone.

"Sure, mom. I'll help you," he answered. The next moment, she was not going to lie, this made her a bit surprised since normally he'd be reluctant. But seeing that he wanted to help her, like any mother, she let that subject go.

"Okay, now I want you to help me with the dishes of customers that have already finished eating. You don't have to carry them all, only carry as much as you can handle. Now go, I'll go back to the kitchen and help Ayame. Be careful of Cindy, you know she's clumsy when bringing in dishes."

After the long explanation, his mother, named Debbie, went back to the kitchen. Travis went over to the first table and took their plates. He found that they were quite light, so he easily took about 5 stacks from each table and took them to the back, where he placed each one down and put them in the washing machine. He didn't have to do this, but he honestly wanted to help his mother.

"Guess that boy had pure intentions for his mother. It's just that he was too embarrassed to show those intentions. Well, I'll help him do so since I sort of lack that emotion," he thought.

He finished placing them all and setting up the machine. It worked with stored magic, so he didn't have to put his own inside for it to work. The machine then began working. Travis ran out and took some more dishes. He walked past Cindy, who was a beautiful young girl who was about 17 years old. She was a kind soul that volunteered to help her mom with her job since she's currently out doing some shopping.

She greeted Travis with a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead. She expected him to blush like normal, but seeing him staring at her blankly made her feel embarrassed.

"Travis, are you okay? You normally run away when I kiss your forehead. Oh, maybe you'd like to kiss my lips, sorry, but these lips are reserved for the man I'm going to marry one day."

Travis held her face and planted his lips on hers. Even though they were small, he still gave a sweet, long kiss. When done, he said, "Guess I'm the man you're going to marry then." He said this with a cute chuckle.

He didn't want to act like his normal self. If he did, it would be highly suspicious and cause great shock to Cindy. Travis is currently about 6 years old in this world, so lord knows what people would say if he acted like his Chad self.

Cindy blushed and got up from her crouched position. She went to the back hurriedly and started thinking of the kiss she had just had. She couldn't help but think it was romantic. Then, she remembered those alpha stories she would read in her free time.

"Am I into that kind of man? But Travis is a young boy. He can't possibly be my alpha. But what if he isn't a young boy? What if he's an alpha disguised as a boy, because he's looking for his beta? That means I'm his beta. Kyaaaaa," she screamed in her head. Debbie watched this with an awkward smile, followed by shaking her head.

"Youth, I guess. She must have found a boy she likes or something like that. Well, I should go and check on Travis and see how he's doing," she thought.

Walking out and seeing Travis carrying piles of plates and bringing them to the back where the dishwasher was, she followed him and saw him take out the previous ones and plate them on the table. He then put in the others and turned it on.

This made Debbie feel extremely happy in her heart. She came over to him and hugged him yet again, but this time it was tight and showed her emotion. Travis hugged her back. After a while, it was broken by Travis' drowning in her large melons.

"Oh, sorry. Thanks for your work, Travis. I really appreciate it. You can go out and play, okay? You've done very well. Maybe one day you'll take over when I'm old."

"No, you'll never grow old with me here. I'll become an Adventurer and search for the fountain of youth. Then you'll be eternally young and watch me as I become the strongest adventurer to ever live."

Debbie smiled even brighter and gave Travis a long kiss on his lips. "I'll be the happiest woman in the world if you do that for me, Honey. Now, how about you go out and play with your friends? I'm sure they're wondering where you are right now."

Travis nodded and ran out of the restaurant and went where his friends would normally hang out, which was an open space between two buildings. This space led to the forest but was closed off by a tall fence. Travis saw his friends, who consisted of two girls and a single boy. They were his closest friends since he became conscious. Their names were Kyle, the brown-haired boy; Suzanne, the black-haired girl with glasses; and Anne, the green-haired girl with a bright smile on her face.

"Travis, we've been waiting for you. I was about to show everyone the trick you taught me," Anne said.

"Anne, please be careful. We're not allowed to even use magic at this age," Suzanne said. She was the older one, clearly.

"Don't worry. If Travis can do it, then I think I can do it. Now look," she said as she held her hands together.

Suzanne facepalmed and shook her head in disappointment, but then again, she also wanted to see her do it, like any sister would. Anne slightly opened her hands and a beautiful green flame appeared. She then fell down.

"Wow, that drained all my energy!" she said with a giggle.

"See"I told you, Anne. Now you won't be able to play with us," Suzanne said as she ran to her.

Kyle and Travis just watched. Neither of them knew what to say right now. Then Travis remembered a technique his mom would use when he would get tired. He didn't really understand how it worked, but he thought of something that could possibly be the solution.

He walked up to Anne and placed his hand on her forehead. "Travis, what are you doing? Wait, am I sick? Nooo, I hate being sick!" she cried out.

"No, you're not sick. I'm just trying something my mom would always do," he said. He then began to picture his energy. He moved it from his hand and began to transfer some of it into her body.

"Wow, I feel better already. Thanks, Travis!" she said as she hugged him closely. They were about the same height, so Travis hugged her back. Suzanne watched this and got jealous.

"Travis, I also need energy from worrying too much about my sister's well-being," she cried out in her best sad mood, even though it sounded bland.

"Sure, I'll help you."