
training 2

so like this routine a whole 3years went by the boy who was one day can't even find something to eat now is 130 centimeters with body that doesn't have any extra fats long hair and lean body.

who was now chasing a rabbit at high speed while holding a long tree branch that had been shaped like a spear this young boy is Micheal who is narrowing his eyes trying to predict the movement of the rabbit and at the final moments just before the rabbit enter it hole I threw the spear and it was bullseye today I'm gonna have some meat 🍖

my mouth is watering and can't wait to skin it and cook it for my lunch.

I took two branches and started rubbing it together in order to start fire 🔥 it took me 10 minutes to start the fire and I placed the rabbit carefully after skinning it and removing the internal organ and started cooking and humming a song I was in good mood. unlike my big brother

and big sisters who compete with each others I'm very lazy I don't even want to try going closer to the center and fight tigers 🐯 and lions only idiots will try so what if they got to be called geniuses and prodigy I want to live peacefully with my mother so the only thing that I will focus try to enjoy myself.

but i do really enjoy practicing Martial arts but I only know some basic moves like the horse stance and some boxing techniques which I practice everyday for the past three years I got somewhat strong but not that strong my straight is like that of an adult while practicing my fists and stance I hear the sound of howling but it's very far I guess that this the time of year the mating season of the wolves for an entire month in which the wolves will be very active an very aggressive and I have to decrease my activities for this month and so I returned to my cave and try to sleep 😴

but after few a hours of sleeping I hear the sound of wolves near my cave I slowly rise my head and look out the cave and I saw two wolves that seem to have done mating and one seem to be very tired which I guess is the male while the other one that is looking around Is the female she is coming near the cave and started growling at the cave I guess she had picked up my smell I have to act fast or the other one will come and I will be in big trouble I slowly take my spear and trying to find the best time to act it seems that it had become wary and tried calling the other wolf this is the moment that I have been waiting for I threw the spear and it directly went through it mouth and killed it directly the male howls very loudly it seems very angry with me and directly tried to tear me a part using it sharp claws I jump backward and evade the strike and hit with a punch thinking I can harm it but it just ignored my attacked me again but I couldn't evade this time I raised my arms try to block the strike but it was very powerful and it injured my left arm and it flung me backwards till I hit the rock behind my back I almost passed out from the pain I knew if I passed out the wolf will kill me for sure it jumped on my back and scratched very I found a rock nearby and took it while it was trying hit my neck I hit it with all of my straight in the head using the rock and I continued hit the head with it till I collapsed and fainted

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