A single unfortunate incident left Felix Altan — an omega — traumatised. When he found out about his pregnancy, forced by his mother into an abortion, he runs to his father. With the help of his best friend, Elliot Asten — an alpha — Felix overcomes his trauma and raises his child with the love he never got from his own mother. But what to do when years later, the father of his child suddenly appears wanting to be part of their life. Felix does not want the man in his life, but his son wants his father and his papa to be together. Yet, there is Elliot, his best friend, who has always been by his side. Both the men hold the same question— "Will you let me in your heart?"
"Felix!" A familiar voice called out from behind, making the man who'd been named turn around promptly. "Where are you going?"
Felix — Felix Altan — dressed in the simple white buttoned-up shirt, beige vest and black trousers smiled at the familiar face. Raising his hand, he waved at his best friend, Elliot Asten.
His wavy hair swayed slightly as he replied, watching the boy run up to him. "Elli, what do you think?" He asked in return, as they walked towards the school cafeteria together. "I mean it's lunch, isn't it? So I'm going to grab a quick bite."
Elliot's face turned sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head and looked down at him. "Yeah, right. Let's go, I'll pay."
Felix gave him a sidelong glance, his elegant brows drawn together in a theatrical manner yet an elegant manner as he crossed his arms on his chest.
"Will you?" Asked the eighteen-year-old. "That's new. You rarely do."
Elliot rolled his eyes, hard enough that Felix couldn't help but wonder if he was able to see his brain behind. "What's new? I always pay when it's my turn. Don't run your mouth like that, Lix."
Felix let out a snort. "And if I refuse, what does it change?" He asked, voice soft as he walked slowly. Elliot pursed his lips, clearly displeased as he felt the stares on them.
"It does," the alpha spoke. "It changes nearly everything."
Felix looked at his feet and couldn't help but reach out to touch his scent gland in silence. The inhibitor patch was in place, secure and tight, but he felt an occasional itch.
The world they lived in was a strange one, what had once been a mere human fantasy has become the reality of today.
Through various experiments and researches, long ago, humans had found a way to insert mutated genes inside human DNA strands which later led to a widespread mutation in human beings.
It was only through this mutation was humanity somehow able to escape the fate of extinction due to the extremely low fertility rate in women, who were then responsible for the birth of children.
The genetic mutation led to creation of global secondary genders. Every human, newborn or living during that era was classified into two secondary genders and three primary genders.
The latter being: Alpha, Beta and Omega.
Alphas, who were regardless of gender, people of extreme talent, physique and intellect. They were a minority and were practically 'born to be' at the top of the food chain, not to mention the social hierarchy.
Then were Betas, those were the majority of the population and what were called 'normal humans'. Working forces, large parts of the civilian population, most of them being Betas who led normal lives.
And finally, were the Omegas, minority among minorities, these people were considered to be at the bottom of the food chain and the social hierarchy—
—Or at least it was so in the past.
'Blessed' with the ability to bear children regardless of their secondary genders, these people were an important contributing factor to the world's population and more often than not, highly sought after.
That is, after a period of dark oppression and being treated as mere birth machines. It was when they finally snapped and stood up for themselves.
Among the three primary genders, only Alphas and Omegas possessed scent glands and produced scent — or stimulating chemicals via smell — called pheromones.
And these two genders were the only ones sensitive to pheromones. By which, most Betas were unaffected.
Pheromones, these were dangerous things. Weapon when needed and aphrodisiacs when needed.
"..-lix, Felix!" A hand landing on his shoulder snapped the omega out of his thoughts as he let out a startled yelp and squeaked.
Elliot frowned, resting the back of his hand on Felix's forehead, he muttered to himself. "You don't seem to have a fever. So what's got you so out of it, Lix?"
"Oi," Felix let out a noise of protest, glancing around himself to see other students peeking at them. "I'm right here, you know? I don't have a fever, just… I don't know, I'm feeling tired, I guess."
Elliot nodded, realisation dawned upon his face as he opened his mouth to speak. Felix — with an ominous premonition in his heart — quickly surged forward to cover his mouth and hissed.
"Not a word, you dumb alpha!" He rested a finger against his own flesh pink lips and glared at the alpha. "Let's just go—" a growl came from his stomach "—hear that? I'm hungry and lunch break is almost over."
Elliot raised his hands in surrender and nodded. With a sigh of relief, Felix dropped his hand.
Mistake. Rookie mistake and a big one at that.
From behind him, Elliot whispered into his ears "Is your *Estrous coming soon?"
*Estrous: Heat
Heat travelled to his face as Felix froze on his tracks, his beautiful warm brown eyes widened as the omega let out a low growl.
"Elliot Asten!"
The Alpha, acutely aware of the danger he had put himself into, promptly took off, running away from his omega best friend as best as he could.
Yet, a deep laugh bubbled out of his throat as he ran, glancing back at his omega best friend with a wide smile on his face.
If only everything could be this simple everyday.
Inside the cafeteria.
Felix let out a content sigh, scratching the back of his neck, the teen rubbed his belly with another hand and grunted. "I'm full. Thanks for paying." He winked at Elliot.
Elliot rolled his eyes at him, taking a big sip of his drink, the alpha replied. "Don't thank me, the class is about to start. Let's get going."
"Yeah about that…" the omega cringed. "I need to go to the loo. You go ahead first." As he said that, Felix pushed his chair back and stood up.
Elliot's brows furrowed as he looked up at his best friend. "Why are you like that, doing everything at the last minute, seriously…"