
Chapter One: Attempted and Protected.

Sometimes I wish i didn't have such long hair. Where ever I went my thin black hair would wisp in front of my face. It's makes it hard to see when I'm walking, down the street. Or maybe off a bridge.

It was a teeth chattering type of day. Fog covered ever nook and cranny of the city. And my hand became red from frost bite. I kept telling myself that soon when its over I wouldn't be cold anymore. But I'm not sure about that at the moment. They waves beneath the metallic bridge crashed together breaking up floating ice chunks.

Made it seem like a ice cold glass of tea on a hot summer day.

I clenched the note I wrote earlier in my pocket, making my palm sweaty. I recited the words in my head that I put down in the paper.

"I'm sorry dad" or "I can't do this anymore".

It was pretty generic, which is a bland ending if you ask me.

But soon I come upon the middle of the bridge. I look down and scamper in my mind.

"I hate heights!" I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath, and exhaled a cloud of frost. Slowly I took off my jacket and set it neatly on the railing. Next I take off my shoes and fold the note up inside them. I carefully go to the very edge.

Soon hot tear drops fall from my face and onto my cheek. I guess this is it, my lifes over. I put my arms out and get ready to walk of when I hear.

"Don't do it Cass!" A man my age screamed.

Stardelled I looked at him. I didn't recognize him. I look back forward and think "great now you have and audience".

I look back over at the man and mumble "I'm sorry". I shut my eyes and take a step forward.....

Wait what's going on. Why am alive. I thought I stepped off the bridge?

Confessed I realize someone had grabbed onto my waist to hold me. I went limp. Why did he stop me? I don't even know him. Soon I began to cry uncontrolably, again. I clenched his arms.

"It's ok" the man said he held me with a firmer grip.

I opened my eyes and cried, "Don't let me go!"

The mysterious guy that was holding me to the waist replied with a soft voice, "I won't, I promise..."

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