
Professor Bunny & Hidden Gift

'Something feels weird..... Why does my head feels wet... Uggghhhhh ahhhhhh, nothing like a decent rest without any pain killers nor sleeping drugs..... But seriously, why is it so wet???' Was my thought as i woke up and stretching my body after a decent sleep.

'???!!!!!????!!!!!!!' "Oi brat, what's wrong with you????"

Anyone would be surprised if they saw a flatten fluffy bunny all sweaty and foaming like a soda fountain from the mouth with his eyes rolled back while spasming non stop, even the white fur is now a bit grey colored.

Feeling a bit worried, I immediately use compendium to check on his status, and i saw a few changes which intrigued me.

[Name: Ichidaime

Lvl: 10 Up

[Result from continuous mental training].


Beast Skill:


- Psychic Expert

(Grade 5 Star, Passive): Lvl 4

Enables the use of Wis to attack or defend.

Attack/ Def = Wis × 100

Enables Levitation to move.

Speed = Wis × 2 Meter/Sec × Lvl

Height = Wis × 2 Meter × Lvl

[One Time System Note: Passive skill acquired as a form of resistance from intense non stop mental torture with a continuous near death experience. Enables Wis to be used as Psychic attack and defence as well as a means to levitate]

- Mental Expert

(Grade 5 Star, Passive): Lvl 5

Increased Wis growth rate by 10/Lvl.

Increased Mental Skill Growth rate.

[One Time System Note: Passive skill acquired as a form of resistance from intense non stop mental torture with a continuous near death experience. Enables the user to easily increase their wisdom and mental skill acquisition]]

'Wow, what happened???!!!! I mean he only acts as my temporary pillow, how is he able to experience mental torture, the growth and skills are quite interesting.'

"Ichidaime, why are you feeling tortured??? Did you have an intensive dream, do explain in detail what happen last night???" I asked while continue to check his physical condition, so far, besides mental strain and signs of fatigue, there does not seems to be anything wrong.

"Mmmmmmmasterrrr~ sleepsssss wwwwhilllleeee aaanggggrrrriiiillllyyyy aalll nigghhhhtttt looongggg, aaanndddd youuuu aaaareee stiiillll angrrhyyy, plllleeeaassseeee bbbbbeeee aaappppeeeaaseddd myyy liiieeegeeee, mmmmyuuuuu~~~" He answered half consciously while still trembling and spasming.

"Me?? I had a good night sleep last night and i am now quite rested so there is no reason to be angry at all?? Hmmm??? Let me check something.... I see, so a long term exposure to my Devil's Aura can act as a mental torture and trigger skills and provides experience to the bunny, well this needs further testing.... Oi Ichidaime, go rest or drink from the stream, it's quite refreshing." While shutting off Devil's Aura.

'Note to self, always check Devil's Aura and test it to other bunnies to see if they get the same skills. I wonder if they will go bald and need a wheel chair like a certain overpowered professor in a movie??' I thought while grinning happily at the prospect of having a crew of psychic bunnies.

"Fuuuhhh, thank you my liege, however, this humble subordinate shall perish upon drinking from the aether stream."

"Say what now??!!" shocked at the answer, i started to sweat because yesterday i had several big gulp from that particular stream....

'But surely the status would show me if i was dying due to drinking that stream, ow well, it's not like i haven't experience dying before, let's just do the blessing and stat customization on Ichidaime then take a quick shower.'

"Oi brat are you well enough?? I want to finish giving you a blessing and customizing, so sit straight!!!"

"Blessing????!!! My liege can bestow not just a name, but also blessing???!!!!", the once flatten grey fluffy bunny suddenly opened his eyes wide and sit straight as fast as he could despite still wobbly.

'Why is he that exited?? Is it that weird?? Let's ask later. Hmmm, this is interesting, his stats risen by 2 point/Lvl except Magic which risen by 4 point/Lvl. Since this seems to be a racial thing, i can't change those, however, redistributing it seems possible. As for the blessing, I can gift just one relating to it's attribute or skill.... Hmmm, it will be interesting to focus the blessing on his Wis and reallocating most of his stat to Wis..... Seriously, shaving all the fur on his head and giving him a wheel chair would make him a perfect bunny version cameo of that professor.' I was amused to the idea of making a flying bald headed bunny professor with a wheelchair.

Suddenly Ichidaime glowed and changed form suddenly becoming a bit thin but his eyes which was deep black slowly turn into purple. He is now a thin grey fluffy bunny with a single yellowish horn and deep purple eyes, it was an interesting transformation.

"Ichidaime, how do you feel?? Try levitating and lifting this futon, tell me is there anything wrong with your condition."

After i said that, ichidaime slowly levitate around 2 meter off the ground with the futon and me on top of it (since we are both still on the same futon).

"Reporting to my liege, there does not seem to be anything obscured, the skills needs more time to get used to, this subordinate feels refreshed and empowered, thank you my liege" he responded while steadily descending and lowering me and the futon, in which after he bowed while pointing his horn down (perhaps this is a form of bunny etiquette?).

"Good, now go clean up and wait outside, i will follow after examining your status." i responded, at the same time summoning his status.

[Name: Ichidaime

Lvl: 10

Race: Named Mini Bunny

Type: Named Aether Beast

Grade: 3 Star

HP: 230 MP: 1250

Hp Regen: 2.3/sec MP Regen: 12.5/sec

Damage: 30

Mg Damage: 125

Defence: 23

Mg Defence: 250

Stat :

Str : 30 Vit : 23

Agi : 30 Mag : 125

Wis: 250 (50+50+150)

Beast Skill:

- Flying Magic Horn Ram (MP: 25)

(Grade 4 star, Active): Lvl 1

Using Magic for enforce the horn and enables short term flight to ram at the target, stuns if skill failed to inflict damage. The damage difference between the failed skill attack damage and target's Mg Damage will be reflected back at the skill user.

Damage: 100%×Mg Damage

Speed: 100%×Agi

- Flying Magic Horn Wall (MP: 35)

(Grade 5 star, Active): Lvl 1

Using Magic for enforce the horn and enables short term flight in collaboration with other user of Flying Magic Horn Ram to ram at the target, stuns if skill failed to inflict damage

The damage difference between the failed skill attack damage and target's Mg Damage will be reflected back at the skill user.

Damage: 100%×Mg Damage

Speed: 150%×Agi

Target lock on enabled

-Psychic Expert

(Grade 5 Star, Passive): Lvl 4

Enables the use of Wis to attack or defend.

Attack/ Def = Wis × 100

Enables Levitation to move.

Speed = Wis × 2 Meter/Sec × Lvl

Height = Wis × 2 Meter × Lvl

- Mental Expert

(Grade 5 Star, Passive): Lvl 5

Increased Wis growth rate by 10/Lvl.

Increased Mental Skill Growth rate.


- Wis Growth

15 Point increase / Lvl in Wisdom]

'Wowwwww, this brat is now stronger than me, just his psychic attack and defence can amount to 25.000, furthermore, his top levitation speed and height is 2 km/sec and 2 km height... Even though i did gave him my best blessing for mental stats, but Professor Bunny would have been a better suited name than Ichidaime..... Ow well, i never did master the art of naming, after all i did name my eldest child Ichidaime.'

[Back on Earth]

Ichidaime (the eldest child) suddenly shivers and felt angry, as if a great injustice has befallen upon his honor.


'Ow well, let's clean up and walk outside, i wonder if it is morning or is it noon, unfortunately i can't see through this slick white wall.', suddenly the wall became transparant. It was morning outside with a clear view of the small stream, meadow and surrounding forest.

'This is quite convenient, but does this mean that anyone can look within from outside?'

"Ichidaime, if you are done. Try going out and look at the tent, can you see the inside of this tent?"

'Acknowledged, my liege.' as he levitate towards the exit after being surprised during his exit of the bathroom (the bathroom does not became transparant), suddenly a prompt appears.

[Subordinate Ichidaime requesting exit permission, grant exit or grant permanent passage right?]

'So no one can trespass inside because it is my domain? Hmmm, since he is my subordinate, i suppose granting permanent passage is fine.'

Ichidaime teleported outside look towards the tent as if trying to focus his sight.

'My liege, i cannot see anything from outside'

"Ok, stay outside and try to scout the surrounding for food or any materials you can find, i will summon the others and have them help you while i shower."

..... Ichidaime did not respond towards my words, voice transmission can not pass through but telepathic transmission seems to be working.

'Brat, stay outside and try to scout the surrounding for food or any materials you can find. I will summon the others and have them help you while i shower, organise them.'

'Your will be done, my liege.'

Thus, after i summon all of the bunnies and gave them permanent permissions (gradually, due to the limited size of the tent), i have a good morning's shower while the bratz scavenge and forage for food and materials.


After a nice shower, i went outside to find stacks of fruits, seeds, branches and piles of woods placed beside the tent, unfortunately i cannot store all of them inside my inventory despite there are 8 slots unoccupied (All the meat, leaves and branches are used up, which leaves only the Mini Bunny fur and Dismantled Tusk fruit inside the inventory).

"Good job everyone, now rest up before the next assignments."

'Hmmm, since i will live in this world from now on, it would be best to build a home base before exploring further, besides, i have not yet understood the full feature of the system and my current skills. First, the map, i need to examine the surroundings before determining a good location for the home base.'

As the map spreads out transparently in my view showing roughly 10 km surrounding me. The small meadow was circular, so was the surrounding forest which extended to 4 km in every area. Within the forest lies several moving yellow dots (some of it has a name tag of mini bunnies, while others are still blanks), whereas my subordinates shows as blue dots (Only Ichidaime has a name tag on his blue dot). However the peculiar thing is that beyond the 7 km forest is completely black for about 3 km with a lot of red dot crawling around it.

'This is weird, as if this forest is surrounded by black smogs... I think it is better i ask the bunnies about this.'

"Oii bratz, why is it that this forest is surrounded by a completely black substance, it looks like a smog??"

'Allow me to answer my liege', as usual my first subordinate answers on behalf of the bunnies.

'The black smogs is called miasmas which spawns monsters endlessly, all of them are scary monsters, this forest is save because of the Guardian tree's protections, so that the Asther beasts and ordinary beasts could live peacefully within.'

"So the only meadow is this one, the rest is forests, although i did spot a few cave from my map. Then it would be best to build my homebase here then, later i will take a look at those Guardian Trees, but is there any way to go through those miasmas??"

'That i do not know my liege, it is too dangerous. This subordinate and my kin require energy from that Aether Stream to sustain us and propagate, thus we have no need to brave the dangers of trespasing the miasmas, but some flying beasts once tried to flee over the the miasma only to be devoured by flying miasma beast, fortunately the Guardian Trees are also capable of attacking aerial monsters and deflecting miasma'. Another bunny answered.

"I see, then that settles it, this meadow will be my homebase before i set out to break through or over or under that ominous miasma fog. Ichidaime, organise five group amongst your kin, then divide and rotate the groups to train, patrol, gathering resources, and rest. I want you to take the fifth group to try and recruit your other kin or other intelligent or peaceful Aether beast or ordinary beasts. Prioritize on your kind first, but do remember to not take unnecessary risks."

'Thy will be done my liege.', Ichidaime replied while bowing, then floating towards the others.

'It will be a bit risky sending my strongest subordinate to to that, but if it pays out, we should have a great number of workforce. Judging by the size of the miasma, to get through it will require a large army. I don't want to stay stuck in this meadow for my second life time, if it was the old me, playing it save and living peacefully while studying and training would have been enough, BUT not in this life time. Now, i need to examine this Aether Stream, at least to understand why i did not die after drinking this several time, before drinking it again.'

Name: Liquid Aether


1. Invigorate body and restores Mp. (For Superior Race).

2. A small chance to trigger Mag stat (For Superior Race).

3. Aether replenishment (Direct consumption for Superior Race, Indirect consumption for Lower Race).

4. Instantaneous combustion upon consumption (For Lower Race).

'Hmm??? This is not even water at all??? It's says here that a Superior race can safely consume this. Based on my info, my race is a High Human, does that count as a Superior Race??? I better store this as much as i can in my inventory for future use when i travel outside or far from this meadow.'

A large surge of Liquid Aether continuously flows into one of my Inventory slot, since the stream does not dries up at all there is no reason to stop.... Untill

[Liquid Aether evolved into Aether Core]

Suddenly the Inventory slot stopped absorbing. Puzzled by this, immediately browse at that item.

Name: Aether Core


1. Able to produce unlimited amount of Liquid Aether.

2. Can be planted to create source of Liquid Aether.

'Jackpot, perhaps this is a hidden gift from the deities..... In the previous live i am not a religious person, even now. However, since in this life i received quite a lot of help and gift, it is only fair to at least say express my gratitude, especially in receiving something as precious as this..... If i only knew their names....' I looked at the morning sky to try and imagine the kind deities.'

[Meanwhile, in the Deity realm]

A wise oldman wearing a bluish glowing wizard hat and robe spurted golden blood due to the fact that one of his treasured Aether Core was recreated and acquired by Hideyo, that surprised the daylight out of him. Quickly he turned to his right and swings his archaic magic staff bashing the head of a scholarly gentleman sporting a white glowing researcher robe. The reason for this was the Aether Stream was supposed to be used by Hideyo to build up his Mag stat untill he is able to adapt, not to create an Aether Core, this was the request from the Deity of Knowledge (the scholarly gentleman) to the Deity of Magic (the wise oldman). If it were not for that request, there was no way any being would be reincarnated in near proximity to one of the main unlimited Aether Stream of Avalancia.... If Hideyo could see far into the sky, several elemental storm shots out as if chasing upon something.....

Sorry for the long hiatus, i am still working on some problems in my career while maintaining my health.

Please do enjoy my chapters and the help out in checking my writings, is there any mistakes? I often reread my previous chapters and reedit any mistakes i found.

I hopefully i can maintain above 2k-3k wordings/chapter in the future, because i myself hate reading short chapters.

Thx for staying on.



Hidesamacreators' thoughts