
Brittany My Love


"Ms.Brittany are you fine now?" Some of the medical Agents on Dark Angel Society ask me, I nodded and just look outside they've done rescuing me smoothly I was shocked at how Shun do it with no casualties yes I heard it of course.

And Mel my friend was here with me but she is unconscious.

Other agents were treated.

"How are you," then I was shocked when Kenji was nowhere with battle combat suits, but it.

"Yo-Your," my eyes went wide open with shock, he nodded and smile.

"Oh shit," I curse, he laughed.

"You thought that I was a cage on Shun's hand right?" He asked I slowly nodded, that was what I thought!.

"Well that is her plan to let you know that I was in a cage, but yeah I was cage but nothing happens to me she wants you to go to her office to rescue me but her plan B was executed rather than the main plan," He smiled and sat beside me, I was looking at him didn't know how to reach it's her plan all along?.

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