

GET OUT AND STAY OUT I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN *the old man yelled as Leo walked away* "we'll being a body gaurd is it for me I can't even turn into the wear dogs size (wear dogs are people who can transform into a dog but a few feet bigger than a normal dog) I just look like a damn yorki" Leo muttered to himself. *sigh* " the guy could have paid me before I left, I have no we're to stay and no money what so ever " .

*As Leo was about to fall asleep on a bench he was woke up from a voice*," uh hello..do you no were I can find the train station, me and my dad got lost he is some were around here bit not sure we're." They voice said.

Oh hi uhm no I dont think I do no we're the train station is sry...,*Leo looked into his eyes he had very bright green eyes and news he was a witch cause only witches have green eyes *(Leo was a wear wolf but they went extinct a long time ago and we'll Leo was the only one or so he thought , every one has made friends with some wear dogs and we'll basically all withches but when wear wolf's were around they wernt known as friends to people so Leo kept his wild side a secret).

to be continued...

HELLO!! this is my first story its not long cayse my fingas arw hurting anyways I will updated soon.