
legends of the soul reaper

"A curse can often become a gift...and a gift a curse.....give him a wing...and he might fly too close to the sun......give him tremendous strength....and he might lift a load too heavy, crushing himself to death......give him a precious gift, one of its kind......and he might think he was born to rule the world........ And I myself was given a curse.....one like no other.......a burden too much for me too handle....and it was slowly eating me up.......but in the never ending dark abyss.......there was a spark of light.......a ray of hope, and I seized that hope........I inherited the power of death itself, or better still.......I became death itself......... Welcome to my world.......and don't get me wrong I am not the hero of this story.......I am the f*cking VILLAIN.......

RobertNoel · Fantasi
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20 Chs

The soul reaper chapter 3

After several minutes, Evans finally breaks out of his daze like state and looks around only to see that the before clean alley was now painted in blood, he quickly checks his body and was surprised to see that they was no injury on his body or whatsoever even the supposed injury in his mouth was gone.

Taking a closer look he could see several disfigured bloodied body on the floor and even some human being body parts! looking at this sight Evans wanted to throw up but nothing came out as he hadn't eaten breakfast.

Coming to realisation he knew that if he stayed there any longer he would be blamed for this. Looking at his bloodied clothes he knew that if he ran through the streets it wouldn't take a fool more than a second to connect this with him so he pulled and threw his shirt away and then checked the conditions of the goods which some of it were still manageable but several damaged, he looked at the damaged goods with guilt written all over his face then silently promised to pay for them.

Carrying the undamaged goods that seemed a lot lighter than before he walks out of the alley using a different direction from the one he came in with and acted as natural as he could until he was done Carrying all the goods and told Mr jason about the damaged goods but lied about the event that happened telling Mr jason that he just bumped into someone after getting tired carrying the two heavy boxes.

After he was done with the work, Mr Jason invited him to dinner but he respectfully refused saying that he had issues to sort out, Mr Jason looked at him with love and concern and offered to raise his pay a lot higher, Evans wanted to refuse but Mr Jason cut him short with a grin on his face saying he had places to be.

Evans got some food when going home and ate it when he got home then took a long bath before going to sit on his bed.

"Who are you and why can I here your voice in my head? said Evans in a serious tone, but only silence ensued.

"Say something so that I know that I am not running insane! said Evans in an angered tone but still nothing happened.

"It official, I am insane' said Evans while chuckling in pity for himself, after a few minutes he starts crying remembering all the toture he has been going through and blaming his dad and mom for his sufferings.

"They left without saying goodbye, they left a weird present as a gift for me that almost killed me, and most of all, they broke thier promise.

Evans was still sobbing when he heard a thick and masculine voice.

- oh stop whining like a child -

Surprised Evans jumped off the bed and looks around while cleaning his eyes ashamed that he was being watched by someone, but after looking everywhere for several seconds and not finding anyone, it finally clicks.

"Who are you and how are you doing this weird magical communication thing?

- Even if I knew where I am and how this is happening, I wouldn't tell a child my personal problem -

"What do you mean your personal problem? this is mine too, or how many people do you know have a voice in their head? Non, no one, not even a single person on this planet! said Evans frustrated and angered for being call a child.

- I won't waste my breath talking to a child, unless you can help me with my end game -

"What exactly is your end game? asked Evans

- To find out where I am and why exactly this is happening, then for world domination -

"Well we have only one same end game and that is why this is happening, I don't plan on dominating this world even if I had the powers said Evans sheepishly when he said the end part.

- I can grant you the powers of a god if you serve me as my loyal servant -

"Nope I am not making a deal with a devil or trading my soul or my free will for powers! said Evans in a solemn tone.

- like I thought a naive child who doesn't even understand how the world works yet, you are just a fish in a pond who hasn't seen or experienced the ocean -

"I might not know how the world works, but I am not naive" said Evans getting a little bit angry being called naive.

- Being called naive is not an insult but an issue you have and need to work on, greatness isn't given but it's something you earn -

Thinking back, Evans remembered his father once saying something that sounded like that but he couldn't quite recall the whole conversation that brought it up

"Don't act like you know my problems, I don't even know anything about you not to talk of trusting you" said Evans as his anger slowly quenches.

- You are right, you don't know anything about me nor my past history but you got something wrong, I do understand your problem better than even you who has them -

"What do you mean even better than me that has them?" asked Evans in a questioning tone.

- You are but a child and won't understand until you accept my offer, but for the mean time I need your mobility to move around this world and understand the situation I am in -

"That won't still be an easy task as I can't go to certain areas without an official invitation" said Evans thinking about the whole situation.

- well I am guessing only people at the top of the system can move anywhere they want right? -

"Yes, I think..." replied Evans not sure of his answer.

- Then all you need is strength, which I will grant to you -

As the voice said that, a sudden feeling washed over Evans, he had started evolving...