
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

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42 Chs

Meeting of Clan 10

after nurahiyon sent nattou kozo and tofu kozo to their duty, nurahiyon then looked at otome as he asked something to otome.

"otome-san, when i was joking with that question, i also serious about that. after all, that knowledge didn't come from ordinary means to obtain. so once again i ask this, where did you find that knowledge?"

"before that father, can I ask someone to attend honey for his wound?"

"suit yourself"

"thank you, father. wakana-san, can you go to the infirmary to attend honey?"

"otome-san, am i unnecessary for this meeting?"

"no. but, this conversation is going to be dangerous for you wakana-san. i don't want to see honey depressed because you are in the danger."

" 'giggle' "


"i'm sorry. but, ryouma-san and you are the same after all. well if you said so, then i'm going to nurse that pervert to health after all!!! everyone, good day to you all."

wakana smiled at both mother and son because of their kindness was same. then wakana bowed to everyone after her word and went to the infirmary to nurse his idiot husband.

otome became embarrassed because of wakana's word. but her story didn't finish yet, so she changed gear.

with a serious expression, otome explained to herself how she obtained this knowledge.

"father, sweetheart, and everyone in here. what i am going to tell you is an untold history that i learned from Iraq. i encountered this knowledge was from some relief that i found by a chance. that relief was located at the cave in Zagros mountain feet. i became fascinated because this relief was intact didn't have damage from the flow of time. but without prior knowledge of the ancient Mesopotamian language, i used youjutsu to help me translate this relief. but to my surprise, that relief responded with my tokii and emitted some light so bright that I must close my eyes."

"What happened with that relief, otome-san?"

"well, father calms down alright. well, what is it again? huh, that's right!!!!! after the light was gone, the relief was gone without a trace. i became panicked because of this phenomenon. but suddenly, my head became hurt just like my head was split by an ax. i almost fainted because of pain but i held down my bearing."

"mama, are you alright?"

"ohh you are so sweet, sweetheart!!! but it's okay. after all, it was in past. well let me continue okay sweetheart"


"After my headache was gone, for some reason there was some information that i didn't know now existed in my head. then it hit me. the missing relief, mysterious light, and my headache connected one and the other. because this relief was grimoire"


everyone in the hall became confused including nurahiyon and ryouma. otome saw that had a smile on her face and started to giggle.

seeing otome's action to them. with dissatisfied face while frowning his brow, nurahiyon asked otome.

"what's so funny about this, otome-san?"

"ah, i'm sorry, father. it's just that i'm glad that everyone in here doesn't know about grimoire."

"ok, still what about this 'grimoire' and what you are glad about?"

"Alright, so grimoire is a magic book in the west. well in here we call it youjutsu. so about this grimoire, this book is the magic book that can pass down the magic or knowledge that being engraved to this grimoire. the activation of grimoire is different between grimoire. but, one thing that is common to activate the grimoire is to read that. many humans in the west using that said grimoire to learn magic faster than normal."

"what so good about that grimoire thing? that thing just taught the reader half-assed youjutsu!!! if like that, I'm going to teach that reader personally until they can cast it at any moment call, right everyone!!!???"

everyone in the hall had the same feeling with nurahiyon. so they nod at nurahiyon's word.

but ryouma didn't nod at nurahiyon word. ryouma held his chin with his hand until his hand covered his mouth.

seeing ryouma's reaction, nurahiyon with tick of annoyance on his brow said something to ryouma.

"ryouma, you must think that grimoire was easy to learn youjutsu, right?"

"ah, yes grandfather"

"you idiot grandson of mine, i really nee-"

"grandfather, before you thought badly about me, i just thought about how convenient that grimoire that just read can teach us youjutsu that was difficult, like teleportation. with that, we can expand our power, grandfather"

"now you think about that, you are right, huh. well, my age was catching up to me huh. to think I never thought about that."

" 'giggle', sweetheart was genius after all!! but let's focus our topic first, ok?"

everyone nodded at otome's word.

then otome saw that everyone ready to hear her story. then she continued her story.

"just like i said, there are two kinds of the grimoire. The first is to teach the reader youjutsu that engraved to the grimoire that i already explain. the second one is to teach the knowledge to the reader. the scope of information that is provided was varying. but that relief, that grimoire was another thing. that grimoire was from king Gilgamesh's era. the era where god still roaming on this earth, father."

everyone became surprised with this information. because otome got this information from the source itself. but the biggest surprise was that she said that king Gilgamesh's era was the era of god.

they knew the significance of this information and understand the danger of having this information.

then nurahiyon said to the participant of this hall about this information.

"all of you, don't you dare share this information with anyone including your successor. until you can ascertain that they are ready, don't share it, ok!!!???"

everyone nodded their head and must safeguard this information without fail.

then seeing everyone's stance, nurahiyon spoke to otome and ryouma.

"otome-san, you should share this with rihan when he is awake. also ryouma, don't you dare spread this ok?"

nurahiyon approached ryouma until his face close to nurahiyon. seeing his grandfather's face up close, ryouma flinched and nodded his head hard.

seeing ryouma like that, nurahiyon still worried about him. still, he knew that his grandson was a tight mouth when he ordered him.

so with that, nurahiyon asked otome the vital information.

"otome-san, what is the relief was trying to share with you??"

"well, father and everyone. the story that I'm going to tell you is the meeting of king Gilgamesh and winged people ."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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