
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

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42 Chs

Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol 2

rikuo and tsurara were on their way to the rooftop to attend their group's meeting.

the rikuo noticed something amiss with their group and asked tsurara about it.

"tsurara, where is it aotabo right now? he should be with you, right?"

tsurara made an annoyed face. she knew what aotabo was going to do. she was glad that she didn't get that troublesome task. then she answered rikuo with a sigh.

"well, aotabo is informing that troublesome biribiri about ryouma-bochama's condition. i hope she doesn't act exaggeratedly way to this."

"ah, nee-chan huh?"

rikuo had a wry smile on his face when he heard about tsurara's word. this nee-chan of him wasn't his real big sister but his older childhood friend. there were many older children surrounding rikuo when he was young. rikuo always called them with nee-chan or nii-san because he was the younger one out of the bunch. but this particular nee-chan was extreme when it involved his aniki. he didn't know about what happened between them but he knew just one thing, his aniki was a real blockhead that you can find in shonen manga or light novel's protagonist.

but, he knew just one thing for sure. if this nee-chan knew about the particular reason for his injury, he knew that this problem was going to escalate to a bigger problem. when he heard it for the first time from his mother through his cellphone. he wanted to curse his idiot father for his action that resulted in this mess. who in their right mind to put that perverted book in the hut that always being used by his detached aniki that didn't go to human society for his entire life. his mother had a cold voice when she informed this information.

still, he believed that aotabo just going to inform his brother's condition to this nee-chan. after all, aotabo was tightlipped when it's count.

when rikuo was in the middle of this thought, tsurara began to shake his body as she said something to rikuo.


rikuo had halted his thought when he heard tsurara's voice. but, the first thing when he saw was tsurara's face that was so close to his face. he became blush all around on his face as he shoved tsurara away from him.

tsurara at first was confused with rikuo's action but then she suddenly remembered her action. she was blushing red like a tomato as she said while she bowed to rikuo.

"i-i-i-i-i-i'm s-s-so-so-so, i'm sorry, rikuo-bochama"

"it-it-it's okay, after all, i was lost in my thought"

"no, it's my fault rikuo-bochama"

"no, it's me"

""no, it's me!!!!""




" 'giggle' "



rikuo and tsurara at first were apologizing to each other. after that, they were silent and started to laugh after their exchange. then, they stared at each other for a while. but suddenly, the door to the rooftop was opened by a tall boy with mid-length wavy black hair. It felt somewhat messily around his face and was split in the middle. He had sharp dark brownish eyes. with a cheeky smile on his face, he said something to two of them.

"well, well, well, i thought that i heard my friend's voice but what i found was a lover that's was flirting in light of day. well, i'm sorry that i interrupted you lovebird. please continue"

then the boy closed the door while he gave rikuo and tsurara a smrirk on his face. after the sound of the door closing was heard, the first reacted to that was rikuo as he said something to that boy with a panicked voice.

"wait kiyotsugu!!! you're mistaken!!!!"

rikuo with a flustered look opened the door and tried to catch the boy. tsurara with a tired look on her face followed rikuo to the rooftop.


on the rooftop, there was a group student of this school that occupied this place.

this place wasn't supposed to be the gathering of this student but for whatever reason, this particular of group had the access rooftop. because of that this group of student that called themselves Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol was using their school's rooftop as their gathering hub for their activity.

rikuo was one of them as he explained something to the boy named kiyotsugu and the rest of his group.

"kiyotsugu, it's not what you think, alright? me and tsurara was a childhood friend, ok? you understand, right?"

"Alright, alright ok. your face, face rikuo-kun!!!!"

tsurara had a sour face on her face when rikuo said that. but, she just shaked her head and clenched her hand as she determined about something. rikuo still said something to kiyotsugu.

"do you really understand?"

"i understand alright so don't get close to me, alright? i don't have a hobby to look at guys' face up-close!!!!"

"huh!!??? i don't have that hobby too. 'sigh' but still, why do you gather us right at this time, kiyotsugu? also, why do you bring keikain-san with us? she didn't have any reason to gather with us, right?"

"well, for the first question can be still hold for the moment but for the second question you should ask the girls. well, i interested in keikain-san but the girls beat me so i let the girls explain instead of me."

the girl with long brown hair and having wide khaki-colored eyes raised her hand as she happily began to explain.

"yes, yes!! i actually invited keikain-san with natsumi-chan and saori-chan for the tour of school!!! you know that keikain-san is a transfer student so why not invited her to join our group!!??"

then saori, a girl with long straight blonde hair and hazel eyes had a wry smile as she explained thing to rikuo.

"well, at first me, natsumi-chan, and kana-chan were inviting keikain-san for the tour of our school as she is a transfer student. but for some along our way to the clubroom. keikain-san asked us about our club. and the rest is what transpired right now. honestly kana-chan, you are such a troublesome child."


"hahahaha, it's alright saori-chan. after all, keikain-san was agreed with us and she even said that she wanted to join our group too!!!"

then the girl with brown hair, kana just laugh at saori remark as natsumi, the girl with cat-like eyes and her dark green hair, which she puts up in a ponytail tried to slide the thing as a good thing.

then keikain, the girl with short and spiky dark hair affrimed what natsumi told to the other.

"yes, it's true as i wanted to join this group as i have an interest in this group's objective."

then the boy with blonde hair asked her with doubt.

"ano keikain-san, do you know our group's objective?"

"well from the name of this group, this group search supernatural thing that happened in the area, right?"

kiyotsugu heard that with a speed that didn't befit this guy arrived at keikain's place as he held her hand as he explained with an excited face.

"oohhh!!! so a kindred spirit arrived at our group!!!! but that just a side dish. our grand objective is to find the master of all spirits, nurahiyon!!! after all, I, shima, saori-kun, natsumi-kun, and kana-kun was able to meet that personage in person 4 years ago!!!"

when rikuo and tsurara heard that from kiyotsugu, they had a wry smile on their face. well, the nurahiyon that kiyotusgu talking about was rikuo when he was in his 'night' form. at that time when rikuo was on the way to go home from his school with tsurara and aotabo. before he and his group arrived at his home, they received the letter from someone unknown that they kidnapped rikuo's friend from elementary school that was the same class as him. when he read that letter for the first time, he had various feelings about this but the feeling of worried and powerless was strong. after all, the objective of this sender was clear as day. they wanted to rule this clan and to do that, they must kill ryouma and rikuo to do that. the feeling that rikuo felt amplified his power as he grew from 148cm to 175cm as his hair grow longer and the color of his hair change to white on the top as black beneath that white hair.

tsurara and aotabo were surprised by rikuo's transformation. but they became elated with this because rikuo was awakened his bloodline with this incident. then youkai-form of rikuo with a dignified voice ordered them to gather all of youkai that free and stormed the kidnapper's base while he asked his grandfather to borrow nenekirimaru to use as a weapon because what he was dealing with was a youkai and nenekirimaru was a katana that can hurt youkai.

long story short, the mastermind was gagoze, a ghost that was the leader of gagoze alliance. his group was defeated by rikuo's group that arrived shortly afterward. kiyotsugu at that time didn't believe in youkai or any supernatural thing. but after this incident, he became to believe in youkai and became a fanatic fan of this mysterious group that being lead by a young man that he found out was nurahiyon.

when kana was heard that, she became blush because this nurahiyon was his first love. tsurara saw that had an annoyed look on her face as she knew that kana was in love with rikuo in his youkai form.

when rikuo defeated gagoze alliance, he was called by his mother to attend the meeting of the clan. after he arrived at the meeting, he saw the board member of the nura clan and his grandfather with his father and his main wife, otome. when his father saw him, his first impression of rikuo was happy as the board member was worried about rikuo. then without small talk, his father asked him was rikuo wanted to become the next head of this clan. rikuo knew about this because with his awakening as youkai, everyone in here worried if rikuo wanted to elect himself as the next head of the nura clan. rikuo then was said to everyone that this clan was being headed by the greatest future leader of this clan, his aniki. when everyone heard that, the board member was sighed in relief with rikuo word as his father, grandfather, and otome was smiling at him. after 6 am in the morning, rikuo was reverted back to his usual form. because of that, his youkai form was being dubbed as 'night form'.

when rikuo was remembered that incident, keikain had sharp eyes as she mumbled something.

"he, so it's true that nurahiyon was seen in this area."

then suddenly, tsurara felt a chill, and she looked at keikain as she began to spoke to rikuo with a small voice.

"rikuo-bochama, tha-"

"I know tsurara. I wanted to let you know about it with aotabo so let's wait for him."


"but kiyotsugu, what about the first question? you should let us know already"

"well, we need to wait for two peoples. after all, i already informed them to gather here"

then, rikuo and tsurara had pale faces on their faces. rikuo with a shiver all around his body asked kiyotsugu about these peoples.

"kiyotsugu-san, who are the-s-e p-p-pe-peopl-e are?"

"huh, you should know about them, right? it was misaki-senpai and mikoto-senpai."



after hearing the name of these peoples, rikuo and tsurara shouted at kiyotsugu until he flinched because of them. with a panicked face, tsurara spoke to rikuo about them.

"wh-wha-what should we do!!??? rikuo-bochama, let's take flight right now!!!"

"calm down, tsurara!! first, let's search for aotabo before we run away!!!"

"yes, rikuo-bochama!"



then suddenly, a man with a huge frame had brown, spiky hair and for some reason had a skull rosary on his neck with a pale face opened the door. rikuo saw the man became happy and said a word to him.

"ah aotabo, good timing!!! now, let'-"

"rikuo-bochama!! please, just go without me!! lets this aotabo became you-- aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!"

before aotabo finished his word, he was pulled over to the room. then suddenly, everyone on the rooftop was hearing aotabo's voice. after some time, aotabo's voice ceased to exist but in exchange of that, there was two voice that addressed rikuo as they questioned rikuo about something.



""what is happening with ryouma/nii-san?""

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Handako_Gummercreators' thoughts