

Synopsis After returning from country V, Riana decided to return to her country home in city X. Riana happens to be the only child in an ancient family that practice BUDARISM. In this family known as the wick's family,powerful people exist and this power is transfer from one person to another by just skipping a generation after another. Ones it is the generation in which the special being is been picked,the power naturally gifted to the chosen one from birth. Riana is the special child that is blessed and gifted with the power,but then she knew nothing about it when she was young. She found out that as she was growing and turned 27,she wasn't aging any and her grandma who was the chosen one in her own time,explain to her,how and why it is so. She left home hundred years ago because of the way she was been maltreated back then by her own relatives because she wasn't a male child and her father left all his property in his will for both her and her mother. Her mother saw this and told her to go to country V and stay with her Grandma,that she would come to pick her up after two years. But then Riana disagreed and said that, "it is either I stay or you come with me", But then again her mother disagree and told her that she needed to stay in her husband house and take care of his property. And then again she agreed and left city H, and fled to country V. And now after hundred years, she decided to return to find out why her momma didn't keep her promise...... Stay tune and read with me the LEGENDARY RIANA. .

Joy_B1 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

The Mysterious Old Woman II

She started drawing circles around her palm trying to feel something. Although Riana found it strange but didn't stop her. The old woman kept on drawing,but suddenly stop like she felt or saw something. Riana whose eyes where closed due to the calm sensation that spread all over her body making her internal nerves calm like the cold wind that blew and took her worries and problems at that moment away. She suddenly open her eyes and look directly into the old woman's eyes,and it was as if she actually saw someone struggling in the dept of the old woman's eyes. She blink and look back to see if she could see it again,but to her utmost dismay she didn't. She wonder if she was hallucinating. Then the old woman said; "so you are the long loss daughter that everyone thought that she was dead". Riana was shocked to her bone,but then she wonder if she by any chance came across this woman back then when she was still here. "was this woman there,does she know my father and mother,if so then she can help me locate the family house...., but how ?",Riana thought.*****Theresa story continues..... Tricia looks at Resa in a rather puzzle manner but later soften them. Looking down,Resa wondered if her suspicions and instincts were right.But then again she gave her more time to do whatever she was doing. "Resa I think it is time you know the truth,but promise me that you won't tell any one",Tricia said with a more worried expression. Resa who heard what she said knew that something was up. "I promise not to tell anybody,as long as she promise to tell me everything",Resa said and Tricia nodded to it. "it all started before we journeyed to this place,back at grandma Ether room,I went there to get the books she told me to take as my own. When I got there,after take the ones I was instructed to take,on my way back to the room, a book shining with mesmerizing color caught me attention and I decided to take a look at it . I took the book and to my greatest surprise,I found my self in a room were other books were stake and the were like high tower. But then again, I saw a door ahead and my curiosity got the beat of me and I decided to check it out. As I step my foot outside the door,I saw my self in another world entirely. The place looked so magnificent and beautiful,but what spoiled the mood was the color,it was covered in dull looking colors and I wonder if any body would choose this kind of place to stay. After some seconds of standing,I walk into a room which was dark and I tried to find a Match,but then a dim light came up and my breath hitched as I struggle to breath for some seconds.What I saw almost kill me by just looking at it and then the book I held in my hand which was the source of all this suddenly open to on it own to a certain chapter and it startled me.....TBC...