
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasi
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94 Chs

Chapter 65: Battle of Alphas!

Azrael had formed a form of connection with all the werewolves that had formed a pact with him. His rage was transferring to them continuously like an amplifier.

It was like their mood was continuously rising on a pure rage ladder.

Alpha Zuck was standing confidently like a mountain that cannot be moved.

Azrael was approaching like a cannonball of pure rage.

There was literal smoke emanating from his body with every step he took.

The mercenaries may not fear the 30 behind Azrael Herrington, but they could feel the very real threat that Azrael poses.

Even just looking at him approaching with his scary eyes gives off a kind of terrifying vibe.

Alpha Zuck was the only one who felt unbothered by the approaching ball of fury.

Within minutes, Azrael and Alpha Zuck clashed.

Azrael rammed into Alpha Zuck who was confident of not being affected by such brute force, however, others didn't share the same belief, and even his mercenaries had to step back in fear.

Alpha Zuck was initially smiling, thinking he wasn't going to be affected in the least by Azrael, but after a while, he noticed he took a step back, then the next, then a couple of others, at this time, his face carrying a shocked expression.

The force and power in the muscles of Azrael were terrifying as they were built with incredible strength.

The after-effect of that clash resulted in the mercenaries closest to Alpha Zuck being flung back.

Azrael swung his fist with his claws outstretched and he managed to land a deep cut across the face of Alpha Zuck.

Alpha Zuck remained in the same place expecting the wound to heal as others have in the past, but to his shock, the wound not only remained open, but it was also painful and stinging.

It was the first time he was ever injured and the injury didn't heal.

At this time, Alpha Zuck knew that this open wound wasn't going to heal and there was something different about this time.

"Retreat," Alpha Zuck shouted as he took to his heels and started racing towards the exits with some of the Mercenaries following in tow.

Azrael stopped his assault when he noticed that Alpha Zuck was retreating and he left Alex still unconscious on the floor.

Azrael walked towards Alex and crouched by her side slowly. He put a finger under her nostrils to check her breathing.

He carried her in his hands and started returning to the residential area.

The so-called war had ended.

The opposing Alpha had run off with his tails between his legs with no consideration for the difference in numbers.

The wound Alpha Zuck suffered had him immensely worried. His immortal curse made it impossible for him to have a wound that wouldn't heal.

Everything was out of the normal.

The entire pack was standing there in various locations around where Azrael was, and they couldn't help but notice that someone else had fought for them.

Their own Alpha was nowhere to be seen when it mattered the most.

The 30 were the first to take a knee in acknowledgment of their Alpha.

Azrael wasn't even aware of all that was going on around him as his focus was entity on Alex whom he carried in his arms.

When he heard the increasing murmurs, he then raised his head to find the 30 who had submitted to him, taking a knee in acknowledgment of their regard for him.

It didn't stop there, suddenly others started to join in this submission escapade.

Azrael was stunned.

He never expected that so soon he would more or less be taking over an entire pack.

Just as he was seeing them take a knee for him, Alpha James suddenly roared and appeared at the side.

"First you led the enemy here to kill my people, and now you want to take over my pack... I will show you what a true Alpha is..." Alpha James was quick to put all the blame on Azrael.

He didn't even remember to point at the fact that he was indeed the one to send Azrael to face Alpha Zuck or that he was also searching for the Kannais, but instead, he twisted the situation to suit his defamation of Azrael's reputation and name.

Some of the members of the pack knew the truth and would not support Alpha James in their minds, yet they weren't brave enough to stand against him.

Azrael remained composed. He was even happy that this situation came up. He wanted a medium wherein he could unleash some of the rages he still carried for the unfairness that this dubious Alpha had done to him.

On the side, he could also become the next Alpha if he either kills, injures, or at the very least overcome Alpha James in a bout.

This was like a challenge for the position of the Alpha of the pack and without this battle, Azrael had more or less secured the respect and devotion of the entire pack, all they just needed was to make a pact to seal the deal.

Alpha James' Beta, Londan Grey stood there by the side.

They were supposed to have escaped, but Alpha James wanted to be sure that Azrael was killed before he left.

To his surprise, not only did Azrael survive, but he even went as far as turning the tide in the favor of the pack, he sent Alpha Zuck running and also protected the people from whatever aftermath was supposed to have arisen.

No factual evidence could make the people more confident in choosing a ruler than one who takes up responsibility and challenges and doesn't back down at the toughest time possible and the cherry on top would be winning in style in the end.

It was a showdown between two Alphas. An Alpha of 30- Azrael Herrington, and the Alpha of the entire pack whose position was about to be usurped- James Paterson.

Initially, Alpha James had been scheming and hiding his true feelings about Azrael, but now that things had developed to this stage, he had no more inhibitions or reasons to hold back or hide his feelings, his hatred was fully on display for all to see.

Alpha James bared his fangs, and his claws, and transformed into a tall gigantic beast.

His eyes glowed red signifying that he was still an Alpha. He leaped forward to attack...