
Yu Xiaogang, the beast in human clothing

In the distance behind Bibi Dong, there stood a young man who appeared to be around twenty years old.

The young man had a crew cut, thick eyebrows, and an ordinary appearance. He stood upright, but his eyes occasionally revealed a sense of inferiority.

Especially when Bibi Dong turned to smile at him, the young man would unconsciously lower his head.

He felt very humble, unworthy of someone as ethereal as Bibi Dong.

As Bibi Dong turned to look at the young man, Ao Tian's gaze also fell on him.

From Qian Xunji's memories, Ao Tian knew that this young man was Yu Xiaogang, later known as the Grandmaster!

When Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang, a hint of affection was evident in her lively eyes, which displeased Ao Tian greatly.

The Dragon Clan was proud and domineering, having been dragons for over five hundred million years, and this pride and dominance had deeply ingrained itself in Ao Tian's nature.

At this moment, he had already decided to save Bibi Dong, not only to prevent her from being tainted by Qian Xunji, but also to resolve the issue with Yu Xiaogang.

In his eyes, Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang were like a majestic swan and a humble toad, and Yu Xiaogang was simply not worthy of Bibi Dong.

Before long, Qian Xunji finished his brainwashing and returned to the Pope's palace.

Bibi Dong then approached Yu Xiaogang with joy and said, "Xiaogang gege, I heard you've recently developed a theory about the top ten core competencies of martial souls. Can you tell me about it?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at the captivating young lady before him, and his eyes were filled with admiration and deep-seated inferiority.

How could the brilliant Bibi Dong not see Yu Xiaogang's inferiority complex?

She smiled and said, "Let's go to your office, and you can explain your theory to me in detail."

Without waiting for Yu Xiaogang to respond, she had already briskly walked towards his office.

Yu Xiaogang had no choice but to follow.

In a corner, a figure emerged, and it was Qian Xunji.

Watching Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang walk away, Qian Xunji's face darkened, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Yu Xiaogang, you useless piece of trash, don't even think about getting close to Dong'er. She belongs to me—her body and her heart should all be mine!"


At this moment, the street where Ao Tian stood was completely congested.

The reason for the congestion was him, because he was exceptionally handsome.

His perfect appearance, splendid attire, and the aura of loneliness and melancholy he exuded instantly captivated countless people.

Loving beauty is human nature, and even though he was just a young boy, that kind of beauty was irresistible to these people, regardless of their age or gender.

"Shallow humans," Ao Tian smirked, and his words instantly made countless people's eyes light up.

A few girls and women even fainted from excitement.

Ao Tian shook his head helplessly and disappeared in a wisp of blue smoke.

The crowd woke up as if from a dream, all confused, not understanding why they had gathered there in the first place.


Ao Tian's figure appeared in Yu Xiaogang's research office.

Yu Xiaogang was excitedly explaining his research achievements, his proud theory of the top ten core competencies of martial spirits, to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong sat at the desk, supporting her chin with one hand, listening with rapt attention.

Ao Tian stood beside them, emitting a subtle energy that Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang couldn't perceive, hiding his presence.

"Holy Maiden, how do you like my theory?" Yu Xiaogang eagerly asked Bibi Dong.

Talking about his theory had completely erased his previous sense of inferiority, and he exuded strong self-confidence.

"Xiaogang, you're truly talented," Bibi Dong admired him and reached out to hold Yu Xiaogang's hand.

Yu Xiaogang instinctively pulled his hand back, fearing he might soil her pristine hand.

"Holy Maiden, you are pure as snow, and I don't want to dirty your hand," Yu Xiaogang lamented, "Xiaogang, we both understand each other's feelings. I admire your talents, even though your cultivation talent is low. But in my eyes, you are the most outstanding."

Yu Xiaogang hung his head and remained silent.

In his heart, Bibi Dong was like a pure and untainted lotus flower, and he didn't have the courage to touch, to pick, because of his own feelings of inferiority. 

Ao Tian, watching this scene, felt a twinge of annoyance. How could Bibi Dong be attracted to such a useless person? He was determined not to let Bibi Dong shed tears over such a person in the future.

To make sure Bibi Dong completely gave up on Yu Xiaogang, he had to intervene. 

Even if he didn't step in, Yu Xiaogang would eventually be expelled from the Martial Soul Hall, so he might as well push things along.

Ao Tian gently exhaled a breath toward Yu Xiaogang, and Yu Xiaogang's lowered head suddenly shot up. His eyes were filled with aggression and greed as he looked at Bibi Dong.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes gradually reddened, his face flushed, and his breathing became rapid.

"Xiaogang, what's wrong?" Bibi Dong exclaimed.

Yu Xiaogang stood up straight, his soul power surged, and he roughly tore off his own shirt, revealing his bare upper body as he lunged at Bibi Dong.

"Bibi Dong, I only wanted to get close to you for one thing, and that's to have you!" Yu Xiaogang said passionately. "If you like me, just give in to me."

Bibi Dong was shocked, and when Yu Xiaogang approached her for the second time, she used her soul power to push him away.


Yu Xiaogang spat out a mouthful of blood and was sent flying, crashing into a bookshelf.

"I want you, I want to have you," Yu Xiaogang struggled to get up, and he once again pounced on Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong, who was already at the Soul Emperor level, was much stronger than Yu Xiaogang. 

Her powerful soul power radiated out, striking Yu Xiaogang in the chest.

Yu Xiaogang coughed up a large amount of blood and was sent flying again, this time crashing into the bookshelf even harder.

"I want you, I want to have you," Yu Xiaogang desperately climbed to his feet and charged at Bibi Dong once more.

Bibi Dong, with a mix of disbelief and sorrow on her face, pushed Yu Xiaogang away for the third time. 

This time, Yu Xiaogang fell unconscious from the two attacks he had received. 

Ao Tian nodded in satisfaction. He couldn't bear to see Bibi Dong suffer because of Yu Xiaogang. 

So, he decided it was best to make Bibi Dong completely give up on him now. 

As for Yu Xiaogang, losing Bibi Dong's heart was just a minor setback compared to the original plot.


In Bibi Dong's boudoir, Ao Tian's figure materialized.

The room was decorated in shades of pink and filled with the fragrance of a young girl. Ao Tian took a deep breath, feeling a bit agitated inside.

He looked at his own body and sighed with helplessness.

The Nine Turns Heavenly Dragon Art he practiced would rejuvenate his body with each breakthrough, returning him to a youthful state. 

Currently, he had just reached the ninth level of the art, and his appearance had regressed to that of a child.

As he contemplated how to help Bibi Dong, the door suddenly burst open, and Bibi Dong rushed in, collapsing onto the bed, crying inconsolably.

She had thought that Yu Xiaogang was special, but she never expected him to be a heartless scoundrel who had approached her solely for her body, no different from those vile men.

Bibi Dong sobbed in heart-wrenching sorrow, burying her face in the bed.

Ao Tian considered his options and then revealed himself.

He spun around, his body transforming into that of an adult, his appearance maturing into the perfect image he had when he was grown up—flawless and alluring.

He approached the bed and gently placed his hand on Bibi Dong's shoulder, giving it a comforting pat.

Bibi Dong, like a startled rabbit, shivered and turned around when she saw Ao Tian.

"Who are you?" She widened her eyes, but as soon as she saw Ao Tian's appearance, the wariness in her eyes dissipated, and she stared in awe at the incredibly handsome boy before her.

Ao Tian smiled warmly and said, "I'm the one who has come to save you."

IDK what is wrong with the author like seriously can't you think of other ways to bash Yu Xiaogang. Goddamn, this is just sad.

Kekkling_kekklercreators' thoughts
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