
Chapter 1: Takeda Nobutora

A ship arrived at port in a moderately sized village off the ship 4 men got off an older tiefling wizard, middle aged lizard folk spearman, battle scared Minotaur hammer wielder, and a young triton cleric.

Older wizard "So how many more do we need to get on this trip? We got 40 new trainees 3 months ago."

Spearman "we'll get whatever is available to get what we're gathering is the future of our clan we have to keep a constant flow of new recruits to make sure we survive"

Older wizard "fine, fine whatever you say fearless leader"

They head toward town traveling in a diamond formation the spearman in front followed by the wizard and priest then the hammer wielder.

Once they arrive in town they head to the orphanage upon arrival the are greeted by the orphanages owner who is an elderly hobgoblin woman.

"Well if it isn't my favorite band of mercenaries come to pick through the lot again?"

Spearman "yeah it's been a while how have you been?"

Old lady "I'm still alive hahaha, come come I'll show you to them"

She lead 3 of them inside, the Minotaur waited outside he was to large to fit through the small halls in the orphanage.

Older wizard "it's been a year since our last visit hasn't it I've really missed you Aurura"

Aurura (old lady) "well seems you've still got that silver tongue of yours don't you Darwin"

Darwin (older wizard)"only when talking to beautiful women haha"

Aurura "why don't you shut him up Nobu?"

Nobu (spearman)"Darwin that's enough we're here on a mission if your gonna flirt do it on your leave"

Darwin "if that's the case imma need to request a temporary leave after we visit these other towns before we take off haha" *winks at Aurura*

Aurura "hush now let's get down to business here's the kids"

They arrive in a courtyard that's in the middle of the orphanage where the kids are playing

Aurura "alright everyone gather up some of you are gonna be leaving here today to go to a much better place"

The kids ran over excitedly there where only 17 there with there ages ranging from 2-12

The priest looked over each on of the children and picked out 9 of them 3 girls and 6 boys ages ranging from 2-7

Nobu "Diana is that all we're taking?"

Diana (young cleric)"yes they are the only ones that meet the conditions given to us the rest are too old"

Nobu "understood, Aurura is this all the children you have available?"

Aurura "well for children yes, however we did have a newborn arrive a few days ago a bit of a rare breed too it is a black Dragonborn baby, apparently his father did some bad deeds and the village elder killed the father and banished the child"

Nobu "Dragonborn you say there usually not willing to give up there young this a rare opportunity can I see him?"

Aurura "sure come this way"

Diana "Newborns are to young if he's still here next year we will get him then"

Nobu "I'm just curious Diana, it won't hurt to take a look"

Diana "fine go ahead me and Darwin will take these children back to the ship we'll wait for you there before heading to the next town"

Nobu "I'll be quick, lead the way Aurura"

Aurura lead him in the orphanage where they kept the younger children who couldn't walk yet in there where 4 babies one of witch stood out as he had pitch black scales

Aurura "so here's the little lad I was telling you about"

Nobu leaned over and explained the baby his eyes sparkling with excitement

Nobu "he looks like he will grow to be a strong warrior I've been looking for someone of his potential talent I was hoping he would be older but what can you do, I'll take him as well"

Aurura "are you sure? You heard what Diana said he's to young to be a recruit"

Nobu "it's fine I plan to raise him myself"

Aurura "Takeda Nobutora… are you saying you are actually going to raise a child?"

Nobu "no I'm going to raise a warrior, a warrior like this world has never seen"

Aurura "sigh… fine you can take him as well, but you have to do me a favor. Make sure Darwin doesn't get that leave haha"

Nobu "haha fine you got it"

Nobu returned to the ship baby in tow and was met at the ramp leading onto the boat

Diana "I told you newborns are too young why did you bring it your going to get us in trouble"

Nobu "it's fine this one's not a recruit, this one will be my child"

Diana and Darwin stood in silence for a short while

Nobu "well don't stand there all day we gotta go to the next town now for the next batch, Goru if they don't move shortly pack them on for me will ya"

Goru (hammer wielder)"yes General"

Nobu made his way on the ship and took the baby into his cabin to get him settled in

Nobu "you will make a fine warrior… I can feel it for now you will rest later I will pass on all my knowledge to you"
