

In came three boys, with a paper in their hands. the first guy with a beautiful face. Well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. The complexion of his skin going well with his ocean-like eyes. Next guy, He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his modesty and humility. Often, you could see a hint of pain in his sparkling eyes, which would disappear as suddenly as it emerged. He sometimes spoke too fast, which perhaps revealed how much agony he concealed within himself. Above all was his frame and his stature. He was not extremely muscular, with 8 pack abs or 16 cm biceps. However, he could stand out in a crowd, which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself. Perhaps he was not the kind who had girls swooning over him. But he was simple and innocent. He was perhaps, just one in a million, who was" nothing special, but all the same unique". the last one was somewhat like a nerd but handsome. at the same time you will think he must have great knowledge and also many girls would be swooning over him.

They said something to Mr. Sullivan, than the sharp jaw lined guy turned and introduced himself as Mark. the guy with golden brown eyes introduced himself as Dylan , and than the nerd one introduced himself as Cole. After introducing they took there seats two rows in front of us.

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