
Laurenestine : Twisted Affection

EROTIC ROMANCE | R- 18 Laurenestine Valencia, a 20-year-old nursing student in Manila. She's usually quiet, but her life changes when she starts liking her professor who has a captivating charm strong personality. Even though she's not usually interested in these things, she tries hard to get her professor's attention. She's surprised when she finds out he's engaged. But Laurenestine doesn't give up. She decides to try and break up his engagement. She changes from a quiet student to someone who uses charm and tricks to get what she wants. But then she finds out she was flirting with the wrong man, not her professor. Will her misguided affections lead her down a path of regret?

Ms_alexa · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
117 Chs

Chapter 20

He moved closer, his intense grey eyes penetrating the dim space between us. Even in the shadowy surroundings, faint glimmers of light highlighted our faces.

The distant music from the dance floor echoed around us, but it felt distant and unimportant. I didn't care if others saw us arguing. Suddenly, he lifted my chin, making our eyes meet. I wanted to pull back, but a strange feeling of vulnerability overcame me, keeping me locked into our gaze.

"I know what I want, Laurene," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "And it's you. It's always been you."

"Stop dragging me into your fantasies," I shot back, my tone laced with bitterness. "I don't love you, and I don't want you. Accept that."

"I won't give up on you until you admit that you loved me too," he insisted.

I forcefully pulled away from him, attempting to push him back, but his imposing figure made it feel like I was pushing against a solid wall.

"Don't you see? I don't have feelings for you! I don't want someone like you in my life!" I exclaimed. "And please, just stay away from me!" I turned to walk away, but to my surprise, he swiftly caught me, causing me to lean against the wall. The impact made me close my eyes, but I was startled when his hand gently touched my back, ensuring I wasn't hurt.

I looked into his eyes and swallowed. "Enough, Zairon. Let me go." I said wearily.

"No," he replied, his voice firm as steel. "You love me, Laurene. And I'll do everything to prove that to you." His grip on my arms tightened, and his thumb gently traced over my skin.

"There is none, okay? I don't love you, all right? Why do you keep coming back?" I replied irritably, avoiding eye contact due to our close proximity.

"You can deny it all you want, but deep down, you know the truth. You're just trying to convince yourself otherwise."

I clenched my fists. "You're insane if you think I'll ever love you. You're nothing but a manipulative, delusional jerk!"

His jaw tightened. "Watch your mouth, Laurene. You wouldn't want to provoke me," he threatened.

I pushed him away and tried to create distance. I couldn't handle the closeness between us because I felt the opposite.

"I'm not afraid of you," I said firmly, gritting my teeth in annoyance. "You're really crazy." I muttered to myself, shaking my head and placing a hand on my forehead.

"You're not crazy too? It's just that it's for my brother," he shot back, his voice carrying a bitter edge. "If you're angry because I deceived and used you, don't mind using me too, Laurene. It's better than you always avoiding me. I'm not used to being avoided by someone I like."

We locked eyes, and here I was again, feeling weak under his emotionless gaze.

"Use me, Laurene," he softly said. "Even if you don't love me like you love Zaiden, just let me be. Just let me be."

I felt a lump in my throat as I looked into his eyes, and the pain grew stronger. I couldn't understand why his words were affecting me, making me feel emotional and weakening my determination. Even though I knew Zaiden was the one in my heart, regardless of his marriage or family, my love for him stayed strong. However, I couldn't ignore the vulnerability and confusion I felt in Zairon's presence. His words touched me deeply, and his touch left me feeling uneasy and confused.

I took his hand and lowered it."I can't, Zairon. I'm not that kind of woman. I can damage my own reputation, embarrass myself in front of everyone, but I never use anyone. Please, just stop this."

He closed his eyes, and I saw his clenched fist. "Why are you making this so difficult? I'm not used to being rejected like this."

He ran his hand through his hair and moistened his lips before looking at me again. "Respect? You think I don't respect you? It's not about disrespect, Laurene. It's about not being able to control what I feel." He became desperate in his actions and expression. "I've never felt like this before. I can't sleep, can't focus, and it's all because of you. I don't understand! I'm so messed up!"

"You're a doctor, right? You should be able to handle yourself. I'm not the solution to what you're feeling right now," I said, frustration evident in my voice.

He tilted his head back and let out a bitter laugh. "Do you think therapy can fix what's happening here?" He pointed to his chest. His desperation turned into anger as he took a step closer, closing the gap between us once again. "You're just like the others, Laurene. Always pushing me away, treating me like I'm some kind of problem."

I raised my voice. "Why, aren't you? You're the one who made it a problem. If you could just leave me alone, you wouldn't have these issues now."

"You're not considered a problem to me, Laurene," I fell silent, staring at him. "You're the only woman I can't seem to let go of. You're the one driving me crazy like this, and I don't care if you have feelings for my brother. I'll find a way to keep you from being taken by anyone, even if you hate me for the rest of our lives!"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Don't you understand the word 'rejection,' Zairon? Do you want me to show you just how little I care about you?"

His jaw clenched, the muscles tightening as his teeth ground together in a display of tension. The once confident smirk that often adorned his lips had vanished, replaced by a thin, stern line that etched across his face.

"Laurenestine? Zairon?" a familiar voice interrupted, and I knew exactly who it was. I closed my eyes and overwhelmed by my thoughts.

He stood still, unable to stop me as I walked away towards the man who had just arrived. Confusion crossed his face as he watched us, but I didn't care about what might happen. I grabbed his necktie, pulled him closer, and swiftly kissed him without thinking.

He stood motionless like a statue as I took action. Tears streamed down my face as I closed my eyes. Surprisingly, he pulled me closer, his arm wrapping around my waist, and he kissed me back. However, I couldn't continue; I pulled away, understanding that he wasn't the one I was looking for.

We locked eyes, and he was the first to break our gaze, turning his attention to where Zairon had been standing. "He's already left," he announced.

I felt weak, so he held onto my arm and helped me stand upright.

"I'm sorry," I managed to say. It was clear from his expression that he was also troubled by what had happened.

He scratched the back of his neck. "I guess I need to prepare for my twin brother's anger."

"You're more worried about your brother than your fiancée," I shrugged.

"Well, I broke up with her."

I looked away, avoiding his eyes as I struggled with confusing emotions. I should have been happy that he wasn't getting married, that he would be mine alone, but I felt nothing. It was like a heavy emptiness inside me, making me feel more troubled. I hated this feeling, this emptiness that filled me, causing a mix of frustration and dissatisfaction in my heart.

"Are you going home? I'll drive you," he offered.

I turned back to him and gave a faint smile. "I need to say goodbye to my friends first."

"Okay, I'll wait."

I returned to the VIP room, thinking Jorih might be there again, but I saw something different. I witnessed how the woman who had been with us earlier in the room was holding him and about to kiss him, but he pushed her away, causing her to fall to the floor.

"You're disgusting." He said to the woman coldly even though the woman is not on her right mind.

His gaze flickered in my direction, and I caught a glimpse of the reddening in his eyes before he averted his gaze, casually taking a sip from his drink. Simultaneously, I observed Jorih making her way towards Zairon and the woman who had previously dozed off on the floor, indicating signs of intoxication.

"This woman, really. Kissing just anyone and then getting hurt," Jorih complained, tapping her face lightly. "Hey, Les! You should go home. Your sister is looking for you."

I took a step inside and avoided looking at Zairon, who was now leaning to the side and drinking. Another man approached him and said something that I couldn't hear. Zairon stood up and joined the group of men, without even glancing in my direction.

"Laurene! Where are you going?" Jorih called out.

I looked at Jorih as she spoke. "Oh, just outside. I was about to say goodbye."

"So soon? You haven't even been here for an hour."

"Sorry, Jorih. I feel dizzy. I can't stand the smell around here."

It was true. I didn't know why I felt this way, especially when the scent was too strong. It made me dizzy.

"Could it be that you're pregnant, Laurene?" Jorih said softly, but I couldn't help but feel anxious about looking at Zairon. I silently thanked her for not hearing that.

"No way, I'm not pregnant."

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you didn't have an encounter with one of the twins?" I gasped. "What? I don't think one of them would come here if it weren't for you. He's a grandson of Don, right? He's probably busy."

"I don't care about him, Jorih. It's his choice. I'm going home. Someone is waiting for me outside."

"And who is waiting for you?" She couldn't resist asking.

I sighed. "Professor Zaiden..."

Her eyes widened. "What? You've finally caught Professor's attention?!"

Her voice was loud, and I knew Zairon was now looking in our direction. I slapped her arm. "Keep it down, he's just going to give me a ride."

She pouted. "I hope it's just a ride. You have such a wild imagination. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out you went viral again and it wasn't just a kiss happening."

A waiter entered the room, diverting Jorih's attention. "Oh, they're here. Okay, Laurene, I'll call you later because your Professor might get impatient waiting outside."

She kissed my cheek and that's when I walked out. I didn't look back at Zairon's spot and went straight to where Professor Zaiden was waiting for me.