
Lani's Royale

She was haunted. Scarily haunted. After that incident, Leilani is trapped in that trench of endless nightmare with no knowledge of what was going on. "You're crazy. No one would believe you. One day you'll fail", the voice said to her. It kept coming. "Don't listen to it Lani. I'm here. You can lean on me", the man said to her, grasping her out of that endless torture and leading her into a new light.

Crystalella · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 19. Let's not meet again

Chapter 19. Let's not meet again

Stephan was lamenting at the half baked sleep he had just had all thanks to Leilani. He sat on the toilet seat, dozing off from side to side when he suddenly heard a shout. His eyes flew open. He stood immediately. Could the two girls be playing? Is that a reason for the shout? But, the shout didn't sound playful at all. Then...what happened?

The shout came again, this time, he could hear the fright in her voice. It wasn't normal. As if he was jolted, he flew to the door and opened it rashly without caring for anything except the person in his head at the moment. He raced down the stairs his eyes searching frantically at every corner of the house for her.

He finally saw her at the counter, crouched on the floor with her hands holding her head and her eyes shut. A box sat in front of her. Stephan rushed to her side and immediately held her but she recoiled reflexively from him.

Stephan's heart sank. He looked at the box and his eyes turned to slits. Could there be a reason for this? What could be inside the box?

"Lani", he called her. But she still remained as she was. "Leilani Zhang!", he called again, this time his voice was raised. It was firm and domineering his aura oozing out with it as well.

His voice was like an iceberg making a crack on the titanic of her heart causing her to slowly remove her hands from her head and look at him. His gaze pierced her soul making her realize that she wasn't alone too.

"Stephan", she called.

"Don't lose yourself again", he said.

"I don't know who it is...", she muttered and pointed towards the box.

Stephan looked at the box and went forward to see what was in it. His forehead tightened in a deep frown as he looked at what was in the box. It was a picture of Leilani's with red paint streaked from her eyes down to her cheeks. Something was written at the top of the picture.

Welcome New York City, Lani. Sorry it came late.

If not for the picture, the words didn't sound harmful at all but with this picture, it was creepy. Stephan turned to look at Leilani who was trying to calm herself down.

"I'll call the cops to look into this", Stephan said.

"No. Not the cops. There're people everywhere. News might fly", she said her voice hoarse with fear. It trembled in between.

"Seriously? Is that what you're thinking of right now?"

"Stephan, it took me a lot of hardwork to get to this place. I can't let it sink. Don't call the police. I'll be fine. It's just a normal threat", she explained.

Stephan's eyes were cold but Leilani ignored them. She understood what his intentions were but she didn't want to be exposed. What if they also find out that she was sick as well? No.

"They might come back again Lani", he voiced while looking at the picture.

"Then, I'll know how to sort it out then".

Stephan sighed. "No. This won't do".

Leilani frowned and looked at him. "What's wrong with you? Why do you even care?"

"I care a lot about you Leilani", he said his voice filled with undying love for her. He really did care about her.

"Why? Because we had a moment?", she asked her voice quivering with rising anger. She was pissed. Why was he acting like he could direct things for her?!


"The moment we had doesn't give you the right to speak for me! I can handle it and I know I can!"

"That was cruel, Leilani".

Leilani took in a deep breath. "Let's not mind ourselves for now. I don't need someone directing things for me".

"Are you serious about this?", he asked. He was quite shaken by what she had said.

"Do I sound like a joke to you? If it's not for official purposes, let's not meet again", she said and went upstairs.

Stephan clenched his fists tightly as he tried to calm himself down. Maybe he was a bit rash? Was he took direct?

He whipped out his cellphone and called Jack, his assistant to come pick him up.

Some minutes later, Jack arrived at her place. Stephan was already waiting for him in front of the building.

"Boss", he greeted with a bow.

Stephan walked towards the car without saying anything. When he was about to get into the car, he paused and looked back at the house, towards the window of her room. He swallowed and went into the car.

Jack also boarded the car without asking him questions about the situation.

"Boss, your place or the office?"

"The office", he replied. He had a board meeting in an hour so, it was better to stay at the office.

Leilani was looking out through her window. She saw him look up towards her window, her brown chocolate eyes clashing with his deep blue ones. Her heart clenched when he boarded the car and the rumbling sound of the engines of the Rolls Royce phantom made her eyes teary. He was leaving and would probably not return. He wouldn't even talk to her again. He was also a CEO, leading the second top company in the country after EssDee Corp. He wouldn't let himself be treated badly. However, she consoled herself, telling herself that it was for the best. She almost lost track of who she was when she was with him. This reminded her that, she wasn't meant for relationships. Not even love. She had Royale and should focus on it and also on her sickness.

Mia returned from the workshop later that morning and met Leilani already dressed up.

"I'm so sorry baby, an emergency came up this morning", Mia apologized.

"No, it's fine", Leilani said without looking at her.

Mia noticed that her mood was off. "Hey, Anie, what's wrong?", she asked, her voice filled with concern. Leilani wasn't one to be in a sour mood. It was rare to see her frown. This was the first in a while.

"Nothing. I'm just getting ready for work", she said and finally looked at Mia. She forced a smile to her face and Mia noticed.

"You don't have to force the smile. You're not happy. Do you wanna talk about it?"

Leilani thought for a while. Mia was going to laugh her ass off at her or maybe feel sorry for her. She declined the idea. "Not yet. I need to go. Bye, have a nice day", she said and turned to leave.

"No hug for your bestie?", Mia asked with her arms spread.

Leilani finally smiled and hugged her before leaving for her car.

When she reached her car and entered it, the memories from last night flashed before her. She was going to drown in them but suddenly heard that domineering yet mesmerizing voice ring in her ears, spreading to her mind. It called her name, just like this morning, "Leilani's Zhang!"

She jolted and cleared her mind, finally igniting the car and setting it in motion.