
Lance x Keith

Keith has a crush on Lance but won't tell him because he has a crush on Allura. So when the paladins, Coran and the princess all give Keith the cold shoulder. What will happen to Keith? Also Keith is a girl in this story.

Luna_McClain · Komik
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3 Chs

Paladins save Keith

Keith's POV

As I'm sitting in my makeshift home freezing my ass off I noticed Red flying towards my cave and then that's when I see the castle ship landing. I did the only thing I could think of which was to run farther into the cave. 'Shit! That stupid lion!' I thought as I ran. "Keith!" I hear Lance yell as he enters my cave. As I'm running farther into the cave I see a hole and decided to hide in there. "Keith I know your here. Red is the one who lead us here." Lance said. I crawl out of the hole to face whatever insults Lance has in store for me only for me to pass out.

Lance's POV

I watched as Keith crawled out of a hole only her to pass out. "Keith!" I scream as I rush to catch her. "My god Keith your freezing." I said in a worried tone of voice. "Shiro! I found Keith." I said over the intercoms. 'Alright, bring her to the castle.' Shiro said. 'Oh Keith what have we done to you?' I questioned to myself. I look down at her arm notice something. "SELF HARM WARNING!" Keith has been cutting herself. 'Damn it!' I thought. As I continued onto the castle ship. "Hey, Shiro." I greeted as I walked onto the ship. "Lance, is Keith okay?" Shiro asked. "Yeah she's totally fine other than the fact that we all caused her to cut! Like every time one of us glared at her she broke even more! But we were to busy being assholes to her to even notice her fucking depression Shiro!" I screamed. "And on top of that she was freezing when I found her! But other than when she comes to she will be terrified of us because we were assholes to her! You know we didn't even ask Keith how she felt when we found out she is Galra! All we did was turn our backs to her and push her away! She could have died and we wouldn't have known! Did you even think for a second that she wanted to be Galra!?" I screamed. "Lance you need to calm down." Pidge said to me. "Yeah I mean her being an enemy is better than anything." Allura said. "Allura get it through your thick skull Keith was trying to kill herself because of us!" I screamed at the Princess. "Lance why are you defending that monster?" Allura said. 'I can't believe she said that." I thought. "How can you say that like she has ever hurt someone!? I mean Keith RAN AWAY because of us why can't you see that! And on top of that we made her feel like shit because of her heritage! I mean as was walking to her room earlier today I was feeling guilty!" I screamed. "L-lance?" I hear a small voice. When I realized Keith was awake it was to late she ran away again. As I chased after Keith I watched her run off the ship. "Keith! Stop please!" I shouted out. When I notice that Keith won't stop any time soon but I notice that Keith is headed to the cave I found her in. "Keith!" I screamed. "What Lance what could you possibly want huh!?" Keith shouted. I watched as tears run down her cheeks. "Come back with me please." I said gently. "No! I can't take the the mental abuse anymore Lance!" She said shaking. "I know I just screamed at everyone for what we've done to you. I mean I was a complete dick to. And I read the note you left." I said. "Oh yeah make me feel even worse when I know everyone hates me because I'm Galra. You know I can't control my heritage Lance! But did you even think that I wanted to be part of the enemy?! No you fucking didn't because you didn't care! And don't act like you love me because I know you don't! I hate that I'm Galra and then the person that thought of as a brother said some very heartbreaking words to me." She said with a shaky voice. "What did Shiro say?" I asked. "'You're probably the reason your parents are dead!' Hearing those words killed me Lance!" She said crying. 'Cough cough' I snapped my head up to see Keith getting extremely weak. "Keith!" I screamed. She looks up at me with almost the most lifeless eyes I've seen in my eyes.

Keith's POV

'Red come to us.' I say through my bond. "If only Red were here to help you." Lance says. "S-she is coming L-lance." I say in a shaky voice.

Lance's POV

Keith is extremely weak right now. "Keith have you eaten at all?" I ask. "N-no." She says. 'Wow Keith you're really broken.' I thought to myself. "Hey Keith I have a question." I said. "Y-yeah Lance." She said. "Do want some food?" I asked. "Y-yeah." She said. I picked Keith up and carried her to the castle ship. When they arrived Allura scoffed and glared at Keith. "Keith." Allura said coldly. "Allura we need to put Keith in a healing pod." I said. "No! That monster isn't going to be healed!" Allura screamed. "Allura, your father will be most disappointed with you behavior." Coran said. "But she is a Galra." Allura said. "That doesn't matter. It is our fault that Keith is in this condition." Coran said. "Fine, that monster can use the healing pod." Allura said while glaring at Keith. "Allura I can't believe you!" I scream. "But Lance you hated her to." Allura said trying to act like Keith is a threat in her condition. "Princess, Lance and Coran are right if we had just asked Keith how she felt about this situation she wouldn't be like this. Holy shit, Lance, she is freezing and she has a fever." Shiro said. "Feel her Allura." I say to her. "Fine. Holy quiznak you are right. Keith fell into a coma Lance! We have to do something!" Allura said with worry in her voice. "Allura I think we all need to apologize to Keith." Hunk said. "But she is one of our enemies." Allura said. "Yeah but when Red sensed Keith's body temperature drop drastically is when she flew to Keith. And Keith summoned Red to help us." I said. "Lance bring Keith to the healing pod." Allura said. After we put Keith in the healing pod is when we saved Keith's life.

Sorry for not saying this to begin with but Keith is also part Altean, Human and Galra in this story.

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