

This book is about the love story of two students who have different opinion about love. Introducing.. Ava Miller- Main protagonist (Female) She is an innocent 18 years old business student. She has been in a lot of pain since her childhood and lost her beloved ones. Andrew Martin- Main protagonist (Male) He is sweet 19 years old boy. He has different perspective about love. He is playful and fun loving boy. Emma- Supporting role She is a litter sister of Ava who is just eight years old. Other character: John Wilson(Ava's friend) Bob Smith(Ava's friend) Sophie Johnson( Ava's friend) James Thompson(Principal) Grace Wilson(Teacher) Laura Addison(Andrew's mom) Paul Martin( Andrew's dad) Experience love and romance with a glimpse of sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and comedy. You won't regret reading this novel. State: Serializing From author: Hello reader, I am RheaHunter, an author of "LADDERS OF LOVE". Your review means a lot for me. So, share your experience and give me a chance to improve my writing. And comment me if you have any idea about my story. Add it to your library. Contact me on discord: RheaHunter Follow me on Instagram: RheaHunter2022

RheaRoze · Fantasi
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8 Chs

: Dark vision

After sharing the secret with him; I feel his soft side. He is a soft hearted person, he just doesn't show it. Now we are friends. And what's wrong with his dad? He just wants him to do what he doesn't love. But dad never thinks badly for his child. Maybe he wants Andrew to be successful in business sector; just the field his dad worked.

It was late. We were still there at the art studio.

Andrew- Let me drop you to your house. It's late I can't leave a girl alone.

"Drop me to the restaurant. I need to go to the work. "

Andrew- Okay.

Andrew opened the door of the car.

Andrew- Get inside.

(He dropped me to the restaurant. Quickly, I got changed into another dress to work. The manager of the restaurant is a kind guy. He never gets angry because of some stupid predictions.)

(A guy staring at Ava.)

He has been staring at me for many hours. I don't know what his problem is? I won't give a shit about it. I have noticed him for few days; he is the regular costumer. But he is acting a bit weird nowadays.

"Excuse me, Waitress. Why are you standing there, we need to order foods."

"Sorry, what do you want?"

That costumer continued giving me the orders. But I don't feel good. I am feeling dizzy.

I think I need to get out of here.

I would better drink water.

I went inside the staff room. I felt dizzy; my vision was blurring. I was about to throw up. Suddenly, my body became weak and I don't know anything that happened after I went inside the staff room.

*click click

"Ava, please stop it."

"Let me go."

"I am not holding you back."

"You are. Do you know what you are doing? I know you love me but I deserve someone better, not you; who have shitty pasts."

"What do you even mean by that? Am I not better? I am so confused, you never loved me and still you don't, isn't it?

"What are you even insisting on? I love you the most in this world and still do. Do you not love me anymore?"

"I hate you. I just hate you so much. You are the most useless person I have ever seen in my entire life."

"You are a witch, just witch; got it? And, who are you even to judge me."

"Just shut up. You are playboy; I wish I would have known that earlier, before dating you."

"What would you have done then? You were so clingy. Try to control yourself first before controlling others. You are a loser. You are an orphan. You are so useless that even your rich parents died. It's all because of you. If you hadn't be so useless than they would have not died."

*Everyone else


"Look at her. Ha-ha"

"She is so funny."

"I heard that, she was enrolled in this college because of her father and mother's reputation and money."

"I heard it too. She would never be able to do anything on her own, would she?"


Eyes snap open, Ava is covered in a cold sweat, shaking, heart pounding, looking around the room, gets up shivering, rubs head and eyes to fully awaken. Stumbles to the bathroom, looks in the mirror.

*heavy sigh

*Splash Splash

Ava washed her face.

The sun shines bright through the window.

She starts brushing her teeth.

After brushing her teeth, she poured the water in the glass and took a sip of it.

It's been 3 years; since I broke up with my ex. He loved me just because I had wealthy parents. Since, he heard, they died, he cheated on me with my best friend. I am still getting nightmare about how much he insulted me in front of my friends. I just hate him. Everyone laughed at me, they teased me, they hated me because I was just enrolled because of my parents; but I was also working hard to get good grades. I got good ranking but they were blaming my parents for bribing the teacher. I don't know if I would be able to overcome these words and hurting behaviors. It has been hard for me to get enrolled in the college, I studied whole day and night and got good grades, but still I didn't became able to gain trust of my friends. Even my best friend cheated on me.

Sissy, Sissy


Emma- What are you doing? You have been pouring the water; it's all over the floor.

"Oh my goodness."

I hurriedly took the tissue paper and started to wipe the water, my hands were still shaking as hell. While trying to wipe the water; the glass full of water fell down and broke into pieces.

I don't know what I was thinking and what I am doing. I grabbed the piece of broken glass. It cut my fingers. All of my five fingers were covered with blood but it didn't hurt at all.

*snob snob

Emma- what happened to you today? You have been acting weird form morning. And now you are touching the broken glass. I has already cut your fingers. It is covered up with blood.

"Oh. It is. Let me throw it with other hand."

I grabbed the same pieces of broken glass on my other hand. My both hands were full of blood. It didn't even hurt. I think I took painkillers yesterday due to severe headache.

Emma- You are scaring me. Ava, please stop it.

*Ava, please stop it.

*Ava, please stop it.

*Ava, please stop it.

The sound of these words started running inside my head. It was about to explode.

I closed my ears with palms.

*Ava, please stop it.

*Ava, please stop it.

*"You are a witch, just witch; got it? And, who are you even to judge me."

* What would you have done then? You were so clingy. Try to control yourself first before controlling others. You are a loser. You are an orphan. You are so useless that even your rich parents died. It's all because of you. If you hadn't be so useless than they would have not died."


"Look at her. Ha-ha"

*"I heard it too. She would never be able to do anything on her own, would she?"

*Witch! Witch! Witch!


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