

Hi, I'm Damien a 17 years old High school student.i love every games I played, but the most greatest game ever I played is L.O.L stand's for League of Legends.

when I'm 12 Years Old I discovered LoL,and, I got addicted to it. my mom always shouting at me because I didn't study at all.

so that's the time I see my mother furious looking face, and she throw my pc at the window, I cried a lot at that time.

soon I made Discission that I will focused to my study and later play a game, and time pass I'm 17 year's old now and I always got 1st at school, at for games, I'm the no 1 Ezreal player LOL and that time I live stream about my playing.

but soon a tradegy happened, my mother and father got accident they car got crushed by a fucking speeding truck, and I cried a lot in a second time. it took 1 week to bury my Mother and Father, and they saved money passed at me.

thinking about it I always got depressed when I recalled it even now either. soon I became a pro player in LOL.





{[Damien POV]}:

I was walking to my apartment.


but a honk of a truck stopped me.I averted my gaze to the sound, and I see...





a fucking truck! going at my direction.







and that's the last time I played LOL


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