
Chapter 2 - Irina Shidou

A deja vu.

Yes, that's what Touji was currently feeling. A positive deja vu that brought to him little bundle of joy and genius, Minato.

For the entire 4 years that Minato lived, he was deemed a little slow, but over the course of the few months of pregnancy Mina had, Minato rocketed from dead last at his prepatory class all the way to the first place.

This impressed a lot of people and Touji had the gal to boast him now.

He looked towards his wife that was crushing his hands yet again and a quick glance at Minato who was pale as if he saw a ghost and looked like he was sweating cold.

He did a double take.

"Minato? Are you alright?"

Minato Shidou was having deja vu as well. But, contrary to the positive deja vu Touji had, Minato was having a negative deja vu.

He felt as if a gigantic monster spawned from his mother's stomach and he felt cold, he touched his stomach but the feeling of something was missing, he couldn't put his finger on it but it should hurt.

However, his initial deja vu was quick to subside when compared to his half a day birth, Irina came quick and easy.

Touji sighed in relief at that.

The girl had violet eyes, something that was a mix of the blue Mina had and the red Touji had. You know, secondary color shit that they teach you in prep?

However, the brown hair of Touji was taken by her and this made him feel blissful.

I mean, Minato was quite literally his wife in a young male version. That made him a little salty.


The little Irina cried her heart out but just as the doctor, which was the same guy as before, was about to give her to the mother, Minato bursted out of the room in panic.

The people in the room did not see Minato about to stab the doctor with a sharp object beforehand, as the image of a cloaked person with a mask overlapped with the doctor holding the baby.

In other words, the Minato Namikaze bit of Minato Shidou was having a slightly PTSD-ish visions about October Kurama Day.

He went out of room as soon as he caught himself about to stab the doctor. His father noticed him run out but not the other part.

He dashed all the way to the restrooms and locked himself inside a stall.


Minato's head quaked in pain, more idea or words came to surface inside his mind.

"Soul Fragment Samsara Trigrams Seal Part Two?"

The part one inside his head merged with the part two and the beginnings of some sort of key looking symbol that overlapped with something formed along with the words that he could pronounce but not understand.

A bonus of this forced memory implantation from his uncleaned soul was exercising habits that Minato would start to do from now on.

He later went back to the hospital after the whole fiasco and proceeded to reach Sirzechs level of siscon-ism out of nowhere.


5 years later, a 10 year old Minato watched 2 brown haired boys play in front of the swing and slides.

He was doing pull-ups with acrobatic spins in the monkey bars while timing his breathing.

Oh and by the 2 boys, it was false.

It was actually a kiddie Irina and kiddie Issei innocently playing.

No, not in the bed. Fuck that.

"Watch your step Iri-Kun! Ise-Chan, don't run too fast!"


The 2 children said in unison before doing as Minato said. Albeit, a little too literally.

Irina started to stare at her feet while walking and Issei started doing the makings of running man in slow motion.

"Good grief..."

Minato shook his head in joking disappointment at the 2 before proceeding to finish off his flashy monkey bar with a quick spin and launching him off in the air a few meters and landing safely with knees slightly bent.


He went and sat in the grass for a few more minutes before asking them to go home.

"It's time already Iri-Kun and Ise-Chan, I'll walk you home though so don't worry about separating already"

Though, in hindsight, walking home from the Hyoudou Residence is quite literally less than minute.

They were street neighbors after all.


"Iri-Kun, wash up already"

Irina gave a slight glare at Minato.

"I want with you!"

Minato smiled wryly and scratched his chin. He actually did want to bath with her as some sort of sister-brother bonding but he also wanted to have some privacy as he tried to go and "meditate", a few years before, Minato had another particular dream and had the part three come up to mind along with the bonus of "meditating".

He actually didn't see the point of it but his guts were telling him to keep doing it until he felt something noticable.

So, in preparation that something really does happen, he does the "meditating" in private.

Sure as hell don't want to burst off Namikaze Minato levels of Chakra in front of every fucking person, no? Although it probably won't be as much as he did in his past life.

Clean Slate soul and only a part as Minato Namikaze remember?

And Chakra is the physical and "spiritual" energy mixed remember?

"I'm sorry-"

Irina used puppy eyes little sister pleading eye!

It was super effective!

'I'm sorry privacy'

Aside his initial unwillingness, he felt warm and smooshy after experiencing having something as cute as little Irina smile endlessly, Minato was now sure that it could cure depression if the whole world had their own version of it.

Screw "meditating".

Although, somewhere inside Minato Shidou, Namikaze Minato was giving him a thumbs up of approval regardless.

That man liked smooshy shit real damn good. I mean there's another reason he tapped that Uzumaki ass...

Although, staring at the violet eyes of Irina did...

Did something.

I mean, c'mon, let's be honest.

Violet eyes were pretty rare, and Kushina sure as hell rocked those purp good.

Channel that into a reincarnated Minato with only deja vu's as his source of memories.

You'd get something wholesome from his treatment of Irina. Like, maybe patting her head?


What? You expected me to narrate some incest R-18 alabama shit? Shame on you. Minato's going to have a field day Odama Rasengan-ing your perverted ass.


(AN: Perhaps in the future? Hmmmm? Though it'll probably be up to you readers, I sure as hell won't do that willingly)


Minato laid in his room, sitting in lotus position or with his legs crossed if you're not a CN reader.

He inhaled and tried to feel it circulating around him, and then exhaled from his deeper stomach all the way out to the air, he focused and paid 100% attention to each breath, until from deep inside him, a blue energy rose up, it started from his bottom most area and elevated all the way to his heart and stayed there.

With each breath, it circulated from those same points. Until it broke through a hard point from above the heart and elevated another level to the throat...

The whole night was spent doing the same thing until he reached the crown of his head and a slight hum of blue energy came from deep within his soul and mixed with the ones in his body.

(AN: This was my own image of how Chakra was literally made or activated, Naruto doesn't go too deep with it)

Minato opened his eyes and found the sun fully rising from the east. He might've meditated but he felt as if he had the best sleep of all time.

Oh and he felt Chakra inside him albeit the kiddie version or less than genin amount.

"Woah, the meditation really does something..."

Minato then continued to meditate, it was already morning, continuing all the way wouldn't matter.

Is it rushed? Or is it just me trying my best to skim parts and go straight to the church business because good fucking lord. Childhood in fanfics are way too fucking complex for no apparent reason.

Like, what the fuck, do you think you're writing another Harry Potter or something? I don't fucking need to know which titters the brat sucked from.

With that said, the serious question is whether I should boombasoul his abilities to amazing in a span of a fart or take my time making him grow?

DevilNeumanncreators' thoughts
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