
Kryptonite in steven universe

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Universal_01 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 3

It's been a thousand years since my first quest and I've done countless quests for diamonds, specifically yellow diamond.

I even got a room in a building near the palace as a reward.


'Come on' I thought nervously.

Today he had been invited to a party at the palace to share his achievements and although I was nervous, I am also excited, it would be the first time I would see all the diamonds together.

So I left the room terrified and excited.


I entered the room in which there were many Jades and quartz, on the sides leaving a path from the door to the seats of the diamonds.

Their seats were huge and colored corresponding to each diamond.


I position myself in my assigned place and wait a few moments....

The door opened and a yellow pearl corresponding to a yellow diamond entered.

"Admire the beauty of yellow diamond" she said with reverence.

'Ugggh I'm nervous'

It wasn't the first time I'd met yellow diamond in person, but it didn't make it any less terrifying to meet a being capable of destroying you with just a word, just by ordering it, you'd be enemies of all gems.



The door opened and yellow diamond entered, immediately we all used the special greeting for diamonds, crossing our arms on our chest and forming a diamond with our hands.


He continued to walk arrogantly across the carpet until he reached his seat.

Once seated, everyone lowered their hands.

Just to repeat the same process with blue and pink diamond.

That for some reason this was smaller than the other diamonds and her pearl was not pink, however no one questioned this.

Once the others sat down it was the turn of white diamond who was considered the most authoritative diamond, even the other diamonds stood up as a sign of respect.

The process was repeated, but I couldn't help but notice that she was the oldest of the four, she has a nonchalant look and for some reason her pearl is damaged from her eye.

Once he sat down, different gems approached to pay their respects and once he finished, music began to play in which the gems danced except the diamonds.

After a few minutes with the music, the yellow voice sounded:

"Quartz 1X9A come closer"

I froze at his sudden call but quickly regained my composure and walked over.

After a brief greeting I ask myself.

"Due to your multiple completed missions I have decided to give you a reward"

"So tell me what you want"

Hearing that she would give me a reward, my gaze immediately went to her pearl, perhaps because all these years I barely socialized with other gems since every time I returned I had to rest or I would return to my original form.

Unlike other gems, pearls are made for high ranking gems and never betray their master even if ordered by a diamond, so I could show my true form to someone without fear of being destroyed.

As if noticing my gaze, he addressed her pearl and ordered:

"Pearl take her to the Reef"



The Reef is the place where all pearls are created, repaired and customized, it is a place where only diamonds have access.

Usually my diamond wouldn't be so generous with her reward but maybe because of the party she was in a good mood.

"Follow me please" said yellow pearl, as it was an order from her diamond she spoke more politely.

I just nodded in response and followed her, once we left the room she went to a portal.


We climbed on top of it, activated it and a bright light enveloped us, and before we knew it we were in a new place, it was a giant room with three doors.


"Here it is" he opened a door and invited me inside.

Once inside the door closed.

'I guess he's not going to come with me'

´Ok lets start´

And so began the creation of my first pearl.