
The Day the World Stood Still

Ezrin Empire:Capital City:Throne Room(Human)

Ezrin Empire (Human Empire) Created 500 years ago after the defeat of that Generations Demon King.

Inside a throne room with beautiful white pillars that hold up the ceiling and marble flooring with a bright red carpet that leads from the palace doors to the throne.


Before he can finish he is cut off by the Emperors most trusted aide Lunil standing at 182 cm with a head full of Dark green hair that reaches his shoulders and black spectacles brighter than his soul.He has the standard scholar look with with unconcealed traces of arrogance."How dare you speak to His Majesty in such a manner someone as unsightly as you should just keep his mouth shut GUARDS!"

Immediately the palaces door's swing open with guards clad in Bright silver armor barging in start lining up to await orders.

"Take him out back and have this disrespectful adviser beheaded"

The guards are visually stunned.One cant blame them they were just asked to behead one of the kings most trusted advisers.The Captain of the guards is the first to regain his composure having dealt with similar situations in the past,this is the first time that he was asked to kill someone so important.Unsure of what to do he can only ask the emperor.

"Sir Lunil how I would love to listen to your orders i'm afraid without his majesty permission I am not allowed to carry out such orders."

"My words are His Majesty's Quick take him out back and make it bloody"

At this time the Adviser is totally unconcerned with what Lunil just said. Lunil is known for his love of trouble and his hate for other peoples happiness,For example the time when a Maid and a Gardner started dating Lunil had them banished from the kingdom after he was reminded of his own loneliness.

At this moment all eyes are on The Emperor the Leader of Humans,Emperor Brendan Derban. With long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes,with a height of 179 cm,His every move is elegant and refined.

But right now he is visibly annoyed 'How come i got stuck with this idiot of a Aide'. "Lunil this is a important meeting so do not make anymore trouble,Guards you can take your leave."

"I apologize for my behavior Your Majesty"sounding not apologetic at all.

"I will now take my leave Your Majesty"

"Now can we get back to what you were going to say"

"Yes Your Majesty,Recently we have received reports of winged demon scouts at the eastern sea,We believe this could be the Demons looking for a item or they are planning a war strategy"

"Why do you believe they could be planning a war?"

"Recently a new Demon Emperor has ascended to the throne after killing the last Emperor,This new demon is know for his love of war and strong hatred for the Human race"

After hearing the news of the Demon Emperor The Human Emperor is surprisingly composed.

"Leave the demons for later Lunil what of your report on the status of the kingdom"

Lunil happy for his time to shine with a wide grin he says"Your Majesty recent-"

It was at this moment a guard has barged into the throne room,The guard immediately drops to one knee.

"Your Majesty I apologize for my interruption we have received a Urgent report from the Luflin,and Cliften Kingdoms"


'"The report says How they have received large amounts of immigrants from the Rinden,Lost Brook,and Arten Kingdoms"

"For what reason?"

"All three most Western Kingdoms are Rebelling"

All in the throne room are visibly shocked by this news but without warning before they can speak they find that they all feel like they should not speak and subconsciously all look Up.


Similar scenes are playing out all around the world from the Elf,Beast,and Demon Nation all without warning feel like speaking would be wrong and all look up for those inside Buildings would be confused,But it is a different story for those outside they all see what appears to be a bright light passing in the air above their heads.

The bright light is a comet!

A bright blue comet streaking across the sky,even in the middle of the day the bright light of the comet is still visibly seen.

Leaving a white trail behind,all the citizens can not help but stare as the light in the sky continues its journey west until its out of view,On its way to show its splendor to the rest of the world.

Confused the citizens of the nations can only talk among themselves as they deduce what Just happened.Some believe it is a sign of the End of the world others believe it is a signal of good luck from the Gods.No matter what they deduced everyone who saw it knew that the comet was definitely not anything ordinary.

When this day will be mentioned in stories and history from today onward it would come to be formally know as "The Day the World Stood Still."


As the comet streaked across the across the sky what the people never noticed was that that the comet was actually gradually shrinking!

As the comet shrank from the size of a two story house to the size of a Human it came to abrupt stop.The bright light dispersing what took its place was a Naked Man?

Oh he is Falling!

Before Aldrin can open his eyes he feels the wind gushing against his face.This makes it pretty hard to open his eyes,after much difficulty the sight that awaits our young hero is a cloud its not until he passes through the cloud does he see the ground gradually getting closer.







As Aldrin gets closer to the ground his screams for help only get louder.It is a shame that no one is around to hear or they would have heard the most disgusting scream that no creature should have the right to make.

The ground gets closer and closer the shrieks only continue.Its now a meter before he hits the ground our young hero stops that his descent is halted before he falls face first into the ground.

Turning his body over Aldrin stares at the skies.

"Do not worry I will definitely keep my promise"

After the intense fear has subsided and the Adrenaline rush has vanished Aldrin finds that he his physically and mentally tired.Slowly his eyes grow heavier and heavier until he is no longer able to open them he is out like a light.

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