
Konoha: I was reborn as an Uchiha

In the 51st year of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha watched as Uzumaki Kushina's belly grew larger each day, and his heart filled with unease, fear, reflection, and sadness... Even though the child wasn't his... Because... He was an Uchiha. With Naruto's birth, Obito would release the Nine-Tails, Danzo Shimura was already preparing to become a beast, and Itachi Uchiha, the filial son, was an even greater beast in the ninja world. Tobio was in Konoha, his luggage was packed, and a kunai was pointed at his forehead protector, ready to decide whether to cut horizontally or vertically. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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28 Chs

Chapter 25: Pakura

Chapter 25: Pakura

"A B-rank mission might involve combat between ninjas."

Recalling the description of a B-rank mission, Yugao Uzuki became serious. She didn't lower her guard despite being in Konoha. They were not in the village center, and the Konoha ninjas would take some time to arrive. Any ninja daring to infiltrate one of the Five Great Villages had to be at least chunin level.

Two genin ninjas against a chunin didn't have much chance of winning. Yugao Uzuki swallowed hard, looked at the ninja in front of her, threw her kunai, and drew her sword, ready to fight.


The Sunagakure ninja sighed, drew his kunai, and didn't pay much attention to the two genin, planning his escape. He'd be crazy to fight Konoha ninjas after being discovered.


Yugao Uzuki attacked first, leaving a hole in the wooden floor.


The Sunagakure ninja kicked the client's girlfriend and blocked Yugao's attack with his kunai, creating sparks in the air. Then Yugao redirected her sword towards the ninja's neck.

"Kid, you've got guts."

The ninja stepped back, blocked the attack, and kicked Yugao in the face. Hyuga Hana ducked, and the Eight Trigrams symbol appeared on the ground. With chakra flowing to her right hand, she aimed at the ninja's abdomen and launched her attack.

"Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation!"

A shockwave shot from her hand, speeding towards the ninja's abdomen. Detecting the wave, the ninja stepped back, appearing behind Hyuga Hana, and raised his kunai. He forgot he was on a mission, and not resolving this problem would mean failing his escape.


A scream came from behind him. The ninja saw a boy with a kunai, running towards him with his eyes closed.

Is this the new generation of Konoha?

The ninja smirked and pulled out an explosive tag, sticking it on Hyuga Hana's back before kicking her towards Yugao Uzuki.


The ninja dodged Iruka's attack, raised his hand, and slammed it down hard.


Iruka felt a sharp pain in his face, dropped his kunai, and started screaming in pain.

"I'm leaving."

The Sunagakure ninja disappeared from sight, leaving Iruka screaming on the ground. Thinking of this, Tobio Uchiha pulled out several kunai from his pouch and threw them at the two girls, as if worried the Hyuga clan ninja wouldn't die from the explosive tag.

At that moment, Yugao Uzuki was lying on the ground, hugging Hyuga Hana. Both heard the sound of the explosive tag sizzling and quickly tried to reach it on Hana's back to rip it off.

After a moment of struggle, their four hands couldn't find the explosive tag. Their eyes, once filled with panic, now brimmed with despair.

"Did we just become ninjas, take a D-rank mission, and die in the village? Will this be in the history books?"

"How frustrating!"

"Hey, you two are too close!"

Hearing a familiar voice beside her, Yugao Uzuki quickly turned to the right and urgently exclaimed:

"Sensei, there's an explosive tag!"


Just as she finished speaking, an explosion echoed in the bath. Yugao Uzuki closed her eyes, muttering to herself:

"Did I just kill sensei too? I haven't done high-ranking missions yet... I haven't experienced love yet... I haven't kissed anyone yet..."

At that moment, she felt something on her lips.


Yugao Uzuki opened her eyes and saw Hyuga Hana kissing her, with a look of astonishment.

"Why are you kissing me?"

"Wow, you two were definitely too close!"

Tobio Uchiha stood up, having blocked the explosion's shockwave, and rubbed his aching back, saying sarcastically:

"The shockwave hurts quite a bit on the back!"

After saying that, he looked at Iruka writhing on the ground and instantly disappeared from the bath. Needless to say, that scar on his face was assured.

"Ah~ ah~!"

Iruka's painful moans broke the awkward atmosphere in the bath. Hyuga Hana wiped her lips and blushed. Taking deep breaths to calm herself, she explained to Yugao Uzuki with a trembling voice:

"You just said you never kissed anyone... and then I felt someone pushing my head down... and it happened."

"Oh~ oh~"

Yugao Uzuki murmured, turning her head to look in another direction, saying awkwardly:

"We're both girls... It's no big deal."

Suddenly she remembered the Sunagakure ninja who had escaped and quickly stood up, saying urgently:

"The Sunagakure ninja!"

"Don't worry!"

Hyuga Hana, gritting her teeth, pulled out the kunai stuck in her butt. Her body trembled in pain, but she tried to stay calm and said:

"Sensei will take care of it."

"But... your wound..."

"We're lucky. Sensei dragged us forward before; these kunai were going to pierce our hearts or brains, but now they're in the thickest part of our bodies, which is the best outcome."

Seeing the concern on Yugao Uzuki's face, Hyuga Hana felt warm inside but still responded with a cold voice:

"As a member of the Hyuga clan's branch family, I've accepted my fate since being marked with the curse seal."


"Stop being so close, Iruka's going to bleed out!"

Tobio Uchiha returned to the bath, holding the Sunagakure ninja by the neck. He looked at the two girls hugging and then at the pale-faced Iruka. He approached Iruka, placed his hand on his face, and released a green light, continuing:

"One of you go fetch the Konoha Barrier Division. Sensei will ask for some money for medicines."

"I'll go!"

A guy with his head wrapped in bandages appeared behind Tobio. He looked at the clan emblem on Tobio's back, and his tone softened:

"It was our negligence not to detect this individual's suspicious chakra."

Seeing that Iruka had stopped bleeding, Tobio stood up and looked at the Barrier Division ninja, sighing:

"Hasn't your division been a bit negligent lately?"

"I'm very sorry."

The ninja sincerely apologized, explaining:

"Since the end of the Third Great Ninja War, many ninjas from different countries have come to Konoha to sign treaties. There's a personnel shortage everywhere, so we've had some oversights."

"It's fine."

Tobio waved his hand, handing the Sunagakure ninja over to the Barrier Division member, and whispered in his ear:

"You can say that your division already noticed something suspicious about this person, but due to the lack of personnel, you weren't sure. You decided to follow him for a while and, when you were preparing to capture him, you found me and informed me secretly, asking for my help in the capture."

"I pretended to let my three students continue their mission so that the infiltrating ninja wouldn't be alerted and cause harm to civilians."

"If you explain it like this, with the Fourth Hokage's kind nature, your division won't suffer much."


The bandaged ninja looked around, ensuring no one was watching, and quickly pulled out a wad of cash from his pouch, handing it to Tobio.

"It was our negligence. Buy some fruit for the students."

After all, it was the Barrier Division's fault. Tobio's proposed solution had no drawbacks for them. His students had been injured, and while the wounds seemed to be healing well, a little compensation wouldn't hurt.

Tobio accepted the money and, while treating Hyuga Hana's wounds, said:

"We'll help you take this ninja to the Interrogation Department to prevent his escape."

"Thank you very much."


Hyuga Hana counted the money and then looked at Tobio, tugging on his sleeve and whispering:

"Is it okay to take their money?"

Tobio looked down and, seeing Hana's embarrassed expression, consoled her:

"Think of the scar on your butt, and then of the scar on Iruka's face. This money is rightfully taken."

"It wasn't our negligence; it was the Barrier Division's."

"Sensei is doing his best to minimize the Barrier Division's negligence. We live in the same village, and after this, they should thank us for our help, not avoid us."

The Barrier Division leader, escorting the Sunagakure ninja, heard the conversation behind him, and his mouth twitched. Fortunately, this foreign ninja hadn't caused major damage to the village; otherwise, there'd be no excuses to save them.

"Konoha ninjas!"

At that moment, an old man with eyebrows reaching his chin, his head wrapped in bandages, and wearing a long robe, blocked Tobio and the others' path. He looked at the captured ninja and then at Tobio and his group, speaking kindly:

"Thank you for finding my lost assistant. I'm sorry for the trouble caused."

Hyuga Hana stepped forward, frowning at the old man:

"This is a Sunagakure ninja, an infiltrator."


The old man shook his head and responded in a tired voice:

"He is an escort of mine for negotiations in Konoha, not an infiltrator."


Hyuga Hana squinted her eyes and asked, "Who are you, old man?"


The old man looked at the eastern ceiling, then at those present, and finally addressed Tobio with a smile:

"Outside the village, they call me Ebizo, but in Konoha, I am the special representative of the Land of Wind, negotiator between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, one of the founders of Sunagakure, and a lifelong high-ranking advisor."

"I am the chief leader of the pacifist faction, strategist of the Third Great Ninja War, soul companion of Shimura Danzo, close friend of Sarutobi Hiruzen, iron ally of Konoha, second mentor and puppeteer of Sunagakure, second master medic, omniscient scholar and protector of the village, great guardian of peace... Ebizo."

After hearing all those titles, Hyuga Hana was stunned. She touched Tobio and asked in a low voice, "Sensei, who is this old man?"

"He is the brother of the puppeteer Chiyo, responsible for espionage in Sunagakure, Ebizo."

"Then why didn't he just say from the beginning that his name is Ebizo? He was just wasting time."

Tobio stepped forward and calmly addressed the old man:

"You know what's happening, and so do I."

"Ebizo, continue with your negotiations. If you can't reach an agreement, then there will be war."

"Recently, in a jounin meeting in Konoha, Elder Danzo, leader of the war faction, argued with the Fourth Hokage about his decisions. Just when it seemed he was going to restart the war on his own, the Third Hokage appeared behind him and slammed his head against the table."

"At that moment, Elder Danzo, with red eyes, looked towards Sunagakure with hatred and said, 'Hiruzen, keep holding me back, or I fear I will destroy Sunagakure.'"

"The atmosphere in the meeting room became tense, almost triggering a war."


Shimura Danzo, almost stumbling, regained his balance and stood on the ceiling as if nothing had happened.

That guy exaggerated a bit.

He looked at Tobio, then at the group of Sunagakure representatives, and ordered his ninjas:

"Wait, don't come down yet."

"Ebizo-sama, let's stop talking and seize the prisoner!"

A ninja with yellow-green hair, wearing a Sunagakure headband, jumped in front of Ebizo. Looking at Tobio, she conjured a fireball in her hand, saying coldly:

"Is this how Konoha negotiates? Capturing our comrades to use them as hostages for benefits?"


Seeing the fireball in her hand and her appearance, Tobio deduced who she was.

The heroine Pakura.

This D-rank mission... is really troublesome.


Seeing the fireball launched towards the Barrier Division member, Tobio frowned and stepped in, deflecting the fireball with his hand.

Tobio Uchiha frowned as he saw the fireball heading towards the Barrier Division member. He immediately positioned himself in front and deflected the fireball with his hand, redirecting its path towards the sky.


The fireball exploded in the air, instantly evaporating the sweat from everyone's faces. The villagers of Konoha, seeing ninjas fighting in the street, quickly fled the scene.

"Not bad!"

Pakura licked the kunai in her hand before moving so quickly it seemed she teleported in front of Tobio, attacking directly at his eyes with two kunai.

Tobio glanced at Haizang, who stood motionless behind Pakura. Finding no resistance, Tobio jumped into the air, drew his sword, and swung it forcefully.

"Have the ninjas of Sunagakure gone crazy from so much wind? Did they come to negotiate or fight?"

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Both combatants exchanged attacks without pause.

The Sunagakure team members, seeing Pakura, their village's heroine, fighting on equal terms with a Konoha ninja, were astonished.

"Should we say Konoha is strong or that our heroine is weak?"

Meanwhile, Hyuga Hana and her group watched Tobio fight with amazement. They knew Pakura by her fame as a heroine of Sunagakure.

"Maybe the Sunagakure ninjas aren't that strong after all."

"That's not true; Pakura hasn't used her Kekkei Genkai yet."

Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!

Tobio jumped into the air, formed seals with his hands, inhaled deeply, concentrated chakra in his throat, and launched a great fireball towards Pakura.

Even though they were on the village outskirts, the damage from a technique of this scale would be enormous.

"I don't have money to pay for the damages!"

Pakura launched two fireballs that merged into one, as big as Tobio's, and threw it into the sky.


The two fireballs collided and exploded violently, evaporating all moisture in the air and drying the skin of those present.

"Not bad!"

Pakura clapped, looking at Tobio with admiration.

"You're quite strong!"

Tobio smiled slightly and, glancing at Danzo on the roof, began to plan how to end this fight without revealing too much of his strength.

"If they value their prisoners so much, putting their lives in danger might make them reconsider."

"Sorry, the clan will pay for the damages."

Tobio sheathed his sword and jumped, raising his arms towards the sky.


Pakura, feeling the rise in heat in the air, watched as Tobio accumulated a massive amount of energy in his hands.

Cruel Sun!

At that moment, Pakura saw the immense swirling fireball resembling a sun in Tobio's hands. The intense glow and heat made her swallow nervously.

"This lunatic is using a technique of this level within the village!"

Pakura gathered numerous fireballs that fused into a huge one and launched it into the sky.

Scorch Release: Overheat Death!

The two massive fireballs illuminated the Konoha sky, raising the temperature and making the village's thermometers explode.

"Is this the true power of the Uchiha?"

A masked ninja murmured, watching Tobio, who seemed like a god with the fireball in his hands.

Danzo shook his head. Although impressed, he knew Tobio still had a secret technique that could multiply his power, known as "Darkening."


Danzo observed the battlefield with astonishment.

"Did they launch the fireballs?"

"This is inside the village."

Tobio threw his fireball, and Pakura did the same. Then, both began to retreat quickly.

When Pakura turned, the expected explosion didn't occur. Instead, she saw Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, blocking the attack with a resigned expression.


Tobio approached and quickly explained what happened.

With a cold smile, Tobio looked at the Sunagakure ninjas and suggested:

"We should finish them off. If they can fight in the village, outside they could do something worse."

"Minato, you arrived just in time."

Danzo descended and, leaning on his cane, greeted Haizang.

"Long time no see!"

"More than a month."

Haizang replied with a kind smile.

"Haizang, your spies are being discovered by low-ranking ninjas."

"And your spies in our ninja academy have also been discovered. We should exchange prisoners and resolve this once and for all."

Pakura approached Tobio and, seeing the Uchiha emblem on his back, sneered:

"So you're an Uchiha lunatic; no wonder you use S-class techniques in the village."

"Sunagakure idiot, if you like throwing fireballs so much, marry someone from Amegakure and help their poor inhabitants."

"Stop talking and fight me in an open place."

Tobio laughed coldly and looked at his students:

"Remember, stay away from fools. Fools tend to die young and have miserable lives."

"Uchiha, aren't you worried about being heard?"

Without hesitation, Tobio replied:

"Before the Hokage arrived, you acted brave. Afterward, you remain the same. What did the Hokage come for then?"

Pakura looked at Minato and said:

"It's a personal matter, Hokage-sama, it doesn't involve the village."

Minato, caught in the middle, was stopped by Danzo:

"Minato, some sacrifices are inevitable."


Seeing Pakura prepare to attack Tobio, Minato murmured:

"This sacrifice could be avoided."

"Pakura is a heroine of Sunagakure, and Tobio is an Uchiha. This is an opportunity to gather information."


(End of the chapter)


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