
Kogoro Mouri - Private Eye

"You may see my sleeping form, but you never see the needle that prick me. You may smell my tobacco, but you never smell the missing cat that bit me. You may have seen my show, but I'm no longer a puppet for the MC! Can't you see?... I'm Kogoro Mouri! I'll sleep for myself." *** A man of culture was reborn as Kogoro Mouri. Could he survive the crime-ridden world, and become the best detective in the world? Read to find out! *** Please support me by sharing this fic with your friends, or you can go to my p@treon, ko-fi, or directly to my paypal with the username segalengko69 Thank you!

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Idol's Peril 2

Kogoro stood next to a brand new whiteboard filled with his scribbles for the new case. In the middle of the board, a photo was held in place by magnets, with the name Kenichi Katou written below.

Yes, it turned out that the sex offender this time was related to the previous one, Takeshi Katou. In terms of appearance, Kenichi could be considered average, unlike his younger brother Takeshi. His business acumen was also much higher compared to the younger sibling of the Katou family. He had reportedly amassed more than a couple billion yen during his long tenure in the entertainment industry. And no matter what he might say in the media, no one can be that rich without touching shoulders with shady characters.

"Let me recap what you just told me," Kogoro pointed the marker in his hands to the lines he wrote one by one. First, he went to the top left corner.

"You met Kenichi Katou at one of the dinner parties held before the movie production started."

Kogoro then pointed his hand to the number two.

"He sat beside Miss Yoko, and touched you without consent. This happened numerous times throughout the production. So that means it has been going for three months."

Finally, Kogoro hit the third point.

"He always threatened Miss Yoko with cutting your role, or banning you from ever starring in any other movie again when you rejected his offers."

Yoko Okino and her manager Chou Yamagishi were looking down on their laps. Kogoro couldn't see their faces because he was standing, but he could imagine their frustrated expressions.

To ease the tense atmosphere, Kogoro smiled, "Well, you are in luck! I was already handling Yuko's case, and we have made a significant amount of progress in distancing her career from the need for big production companies!"

The two looked up at him, clearly not expecting that. Mr. Yamagishi leaned forward, "If I may ask, how do you plan on doing that?"

Kogoro amusedly said, "Unfortunately, I can't share the exact details, but the first general step is to quit her former agency!"

"Ah? Did Yuko-san really quit Hexagon!?" Miss Yoko looked over to Yuko Ikezawa, and got an affirmative nod as an answer to her question.

"Yes. In fact, she was in the same company I am in now, the Rising Star! If Miss Yoko is interested, you can talk to our leader, Hinata-sachou here later." Kogoro continued, while sending Hinata a nod, which she returned.

Just then, Mr. Yamagishi hurriedly cut in, "I'm sure it's an interesting opportunity, but Yoko-san is still under a ten years contract with our company!"

Kogoro's mustache was twitching in irritation. 'You can't protect your artist from sexual harassment, and yet you still have the nerve to say that they are under contract? What a tool!'

"We'll leave that aside for now." Kogoro paused.

"Well, if Yoko-san is still in a contract, then there's nothing we can do except tackling the problem the old fashioned way."

Yuko chimed in, asking, "And the old fashioned way would be?"

Kogoro chuckled, taking the photo of the elder Katou from the board, "Of course, by removing the aforementioned enemy from the equation altogether!"


The meeting ended on a higher note. Kogoro managed to convince Miss Yoko and her manager of his frontal strategy.

"Still, is that really okay, Kogoro-san? Wouldn't that affect our plan for Yuko?" asked the worried Hinata. Hearing that, Yuko and Rukia looked at him, anxiously waiting for his response.

Kogoro was on his computer, looking for information he could get about the Katou family. Without looking up, he answered, "Our plan was to establish Yuko and my presence on the internet. I already called our tech girl Velma, and she said the streaming website would be ready to launch soon!"

As he scrolled down the screen, Kogoro continued, "Giving the front seat on our battle to Miss Yoko might reduce the level of attention we receive at the beginning, but what we want is not fans who only tune in when there's controversy! So in short, no, it wouldn't affect our plan that much."

At his explanation, the three women sighed in relief. The one most affected was definitely Yuko, as she muttered 'thank god' in a low voice.

Kogoro finally looked up from the screen, and addressed the three. "So, about the new office, is it done?"

Hinata smiled at him, "Yes! We can move into the office today!"

Kogoro then stood up, "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go! I'm super excited, because I'm the only one who hasn't been there."

Yuko and Rukia shared an amused glance, while Hinata just smiled beautifully, "Then let's go!"


"I know you girls wanted to give me a surprise, but…"

Kogoro looked up at the sign of the new office of Rising Star Talent Agency, before he turned around, and looked at the familiar sign of Poirot coffee shop.

"...why on earth would you choose this place?" Kogoro uttered, with a confused look on his face.

The three women, meanwhile, were snickering at the unusual sight of him looking lost.

Hinata took the lead, and answered Kogoro by hugging his left arm and dragging him inside the office. "This is one of the buildings I owned, so I figured why not! This way, we can all be close to each other."

They all entered the lobby, and Kogoro felt it was perfect. The whole building adopted a cool color combination that was easy to the eyes.

The group toured the whole office, and stopped in front of a row of doors on the second floor.

"What's in these rooms?" Kogoro asked, puzzled by the fact that there's still unexplored rooms even after they spent half an hour just walking around the building.

Hinata and Rukia shared a knowing look, but Yuko appeared to be as lost as Kogoro was.

Hinata, still hugging his arm, opened the first door, revealing a bedroom with a king-size bed.

"Ah… I see!" Kogoro laughed, amused at his lover's plan. He then looked over to Yuko, and found her stupefied by the sight. He circled his other arm around her shoulder, and said to Rukia.

"You tapped out on our last session, so now you are bringing back ups with you? Hehehe! I'm sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart, but you'll never outlast me in lovemaking!" With that declaration of war, Kogoro brought the three of them inside, and closed the door with a grin on his face.

~To Be Continued~




A/N: Shout out to my patrons Dragon_knight240 and phil, and to all of you loyal readers of KMPE.

Thank you!

I love you all, but not in an inappropriate way.



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