
Chapter 1: Contest

"It's here it's here" Bea screamed, busting through my room door.

"What ?" I groaned

I sat up and looked up at her slightly confused.

" what's here?"

So the arrived and she looked at me nervously.

I was probably just as nervous before a different reason. But it wasn't in my nature show it


I played it off. Mostly because I had wanted to go and try the food. I had said some things to my teacher and was on a " Break".

Okay fine I'm up I said

Let's head to the kitchen first. I'm in dire need of coffee

After making some coffee we set down in the front room

" front room first though".

We set down in the front room

So you're gonna read the thing I smiled at her.

"Yeah of co- "

"Wait no you should I'm "

"But is a once and a lifetime thing "

We both shared a look before breaking out into a laugh

"Why don't we just do it together?"

Me and Bea instantly locked eyes on each other as we had read the acceptance letter.

Dear, Mrs. Miller

You and I guess have won the Contest and received the chance to go to Jamaica for a private show By BTS. It will be an all-expense-paid trip to Jamaica. We will also be rewarding you with a chance to do the meet and greet luncheon with BTS after your week in Jamaica is over.

We set the note down and looked at each other she had been just as shocked as I was Bea screamed in joy before pulling me and jumping up and down on the couch

"Wow bea chill "I smiled speaking more for my heart.

"Chill I Can't chill I mean it is the every day you are blessed with the best roommate ever and a chance to see your future baby daddies "

I laugh as we set back down

" I can't believe it "

"I don't know what you did or how you did it she spoke but you just officially made me life so much better "

" Mhh" I smiled confidently I hand worked hard on that Letter and video submission I was happy to see it paid off.

" Oh my gosh she squealed we have to celebrate "

"Wait didn't we just -"

she spoke before blasting there new hit single and breaking out into the choreography. I could only laugh as she went on. I smiled she grabbed my hand and we did the choreography I didn't like the group much but and along and Bea enjoyed it I was willing to make an effort. plus when hates fancying. She went on dancing and prepping the house. I would of help too but I had to take a video to post. We had a lot of packing to do so soon after we began.

"ah", I sighed as I began to pack. I pray and hoped. That's his trip would be worth it.i had wanted to make sure Bea had the best time of her life. She had deserved it after all she had done for me.

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