
To the other sides II

"You look good in that".

"Do you think so sister?", A young man wearing a lose long white sleeves, a dark blue mantle,golden bet, black pants and a pointed shoes, a silver ring with blue crystal-like rock on his right index finger, given to him when he was 18 by one of the Inner Magic Circle as a symbol of honor graduate of the school of magic. Besides that, a glimmering silver crest on his chest, with a dove on it below it, is a cross sword and a staff.

"Sure Tristan", a young woman, years older than the man was standing beside him, a slight whitening powder on his beautiful face and red lipstick to her already rosy lips, their beauties already proved they're siblings. Her long silver hair was let free, the same colour as her brother, a pink dress, over it was a red surcoat, similar shoes with her brother.

She noticed Tristan pouting face, "It's fine".

"I look like an old man with this", Tristan turned around from the mirror facing his sister.

"You can't blame the family worshipped the moon a long time ago causing the lineage to have the moonlight coloured har, that's what father told us", she smiled," Although you can use what you learned at the magic academy, things will get ugly".

Tristan released a sigh," I know", he went back facing the mirror.

Few seconds after Tristan finished dressing, a knock on the door and a familiar voice were heard.

"You can come in", she ordered.

A middle-aged man went in, wearing a laced up shirt with a leather belt on it, "You look beautiful Lady Jinx, you look prepared Ser Tristan", he commented.

"Thanks, Brian, we're ready to go now".

The Lunawon family own two estates; one is located in the capital, where Tristan and the central family lived. The other one is on the mountain of Niebla, surrounded by mist, the altar used a long time ago was located nearby.

In the book of "Lunawon: History", it was stated that the head of the family chose to build his house in the top of the mountain because it's much closer to the moon and for its mist, he said that the effect of worshipping is stronger in such place. The family did gain a considerable wealth during those time, but the author left the theory that because the family was isolated from all the significant happenings in the kingdom. Like the war between the temporary allied force and the lich king Einz, a devastating earthquake that followed the greatest tornado of the century, named "Light Breeze" because of observable lightning inside it and other unfortunate events.

Somehow the family managed not to incur some loses that gave them advantages to others, but for some reasons, the author did not state the possibility of an unexisting god, possibly for fear in offending the current leader of the family.

Although the central family did not live there, it wasn't just left out for robbers, Tristan's shy uncle named, Jacob, together with his family is taking care of the house, he remembered his uncle talking with excitement about the family's history with the moon god, so the practices were never forgotten after all.

The estate in the capital was a three-story mansion, the estate is a 5-acre land, although big enough, the other families have larger ones, the reason for this was its late building.

After walking down the stone stairs in front of the front door, the three of them were welcomed by a grand chariot.

"You first sister", Tristan offered with his right hand. Brian helped her get in, then Tristan followed," Thanks for the service Brian".

"It's not to mention Ser Tristan, It's my duty as the butler of the family, although, your thanks are appreciated", Brian accepted with a bow.

Tristan just smiled then Brian closed the chariot's door. After noticing that his passengers were now comfortable, the driver whipped the tack.

It's been a comfortable journey on the way to the castle where the party will be held, the ride passed through commoners, guards, and such, who stepped back after noticing the chariot of the Lunawon family. It took minutes, at that time the siblings talked about something but mostly it was just Tristan looking at the window, other people outside sometimes notice the young knight looking at them, so they had to smile and bow.

The older sister seems familiar with her brother habits, so she just kept quiet along the way.

The chariot finally arrived although they experienced some traffic along the way, other passengers took a long time to go out from their chariots, although it was a sudden party, hundreds were able to participate, all kinds of wealthy citizens from nobles, knights and merchants.

"No it's okay Ser Tristan", Tristan was about to turn over a gold coin to the driver, but the man declined with respect, he always does this, Tristan remembered so he did not force him.

Guards were assigned to check the people coming in, checking their pockets with consent but when they noticed Ser Tristan and his sister they did dare check and they received a smile for it.

In just seconds after they passed through the main door, Tristan already noticed one of the five knights talking with other people and then-

"Jinx! Here, Here!"

Tristan turned his head to the familiar voice, a short red-haired woman was waving both of her hands far away.

"Destiny", Jinx awkwardly chuckled, other people turned their head for a second, she was embarrassed, although she experienced the same thing over a hundred things somehow she did not get used to it.

"So I guess this is where I leave you, sister", Tristan excused himself politely," Uhm... then I'll excuse myself Tristan", she nodded.


Tristan looked at her sister running, pulling his dress slightly with her two hands, towards Destiny. He then proceeded on walking towards the familiar knight. The man excused himself from the group, "The others have already arrived, but they're busy with their own things", the black-haired young man with sharp eyes with a smile.

"Now we just have to wait for the king to make his announcement, here", the man got two glasses from a nearby server.

"Not a drinker are you but let's consider it our last drink, who knows when we will get back", Tristan was not able to decline, he was about to finish the glass-

"You're drinking without me!", a man hugged over with his left hands through the black haired man right shoulder.

Tristan and the man chocked a bit from their drinks, Tristan was not able to notice the man from behind of the black haired man, he was possibly nearby and crawled or probably-

"Shite, Bore, you can't just use magic for childish things."

"I thought these types are for entertainment", the man laughed then looked at Tristan," Sorry about that Tristan, I'm just punishing Percy for drinking without me."

A spiky blonde hair with brown eyes, he's slightly shorter than Percy, the shortest in the ten true knights, in fact, next to Rain, his family is quite close to the king's, The king's late wife from his, the "Gaun", known for their common short statures and their vast pool of mana.

"It's okay, Can we get another three glasses this time", Tristan got the two glasses, and the server himself offered one to Bore, " Ohh.. thanks".

"Appreciated", the server walked away when he noticed the three of them were about to talk about something important.

"You've been here for how long, I heard you helped prepare this", Percy looked with interest.

"True, True, Lance has been talking with the father of the maiden he's interested in, then there's Rain, boasting to everybody he met that about improving his swordsmanship enough to defeat Lance, I mean what's that for, he's good with archery, what's that for? Going for a man-at-arms position? What do you think Tristan?"

"It's a good thing, Lance is considered one if not the best swordsman in whole Grimeria so defeating someone with that feat will be worth it in a biography, him being good with swordsmanship will be handy on our coming mission also", Tristan explained.

"Of course that's obvious, I'm an idiot".

"How can you not realise something obvious and understand complex magic patterns at the same time?", Percy said it with pity.

"That's mean", Bore reacted childishly, Tristan just looked at them, he was used to the relationship between the two, the persons he can talk with ease are the other knights, family members and few others.

"Wow it's Ser Tristan Lunawon, handsome as ever, I heard he's a graduate of the magic academy on the early age of eighteen, my nephew's twenty-five and he's only at third circle".

"You're not a local are you lady? Ser Tristan's feats are numerous, he's already a knight when he hit twenty, then became part of the true knight just a year after that, was offered a position of Guild Master but declined the offer cause he wants to serve the people as a knight, he's an expert in weapons all you can name. He wins tournaments from time to time if he wants to, against all kinds even, the important thing is he's single".

Tristan was laughing inwardly when the noble women was talking about him with respect, he was able to hear the conversation from meters away because of his keen senses, natural on being a Lunawon but he blushed when they started talking about marrying him then he has to focus his attention to the squawling men in front of him.

It's when a middle-aged man wearing full body armour walked in front of the king's throne, breathed heavily then-

"Quiet Down People! The King is arriving!"

Can anyone help me with my 2 novels covers?

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