
Knight in shining armor [HIATUS]

Ryan a Siscon died by having his body explode and his soul eaten by the soul administrator, after surviving being eaten by the soul administrator, Ryan meet the life administrator to reincarnate to the world linan a world of sword and magic, [ Hi lorenze here! it's my first time writing a novel please enjoy reading my novel. there's no R-18 because it's my first time. ]

Ophis_TUAHAD3 · Fantasi
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New life

I Ryan Alvarez an 27 years-old programmer, is in a black room.

Where i am, I'm just going back home, after 3 days work then suddenly, I'm in this black room. I tried to speak but i can't hell i cannot even breath. I don't know if I'm alive or not, it can't be! am I on hell? no way i didn't do any bad deeds. to be on hell the only bad i do is steal a pocket money from my parents, and when on night i just massage my sister breast.

Then is this place heaven?, I'm not a religious individual but i know the heaven is like cloud with a massive golden gate. no way do the priest lie, but yeah some of the priest and the upper brass of the church extort the donation money. Then suddenly a pair of eyes with black iris like an abyss, and a mouth with an evil smile, appear in the air. the evil mouth began to move indicating to talk.


?????.. the voice without emotion, the voice is neither female or male it's like a God and a harbinger of death. What I didn't even notice the arrival of this monster, just from gaze alone feels i like i been grind into giant meet grinder alive. I want to die I don't want this monster to see me nor I want to hear this monster voice, he felt like a God who intention is killing me. Ryan can't speak because of fear, then he grab a courage from who knows know where to speak.

"Who are you or what are you? are you the who bring to this place?" I asked the evil god,(temporary name) who for some reason is smiling evily like it's want to eat me,

"In your mortal imagination, I am soul administrators, put it simply i am the one who created and destroy a soul, i eat the soul of mortal or gods. And I create a new soul, in simple words I eat old soul then poop, a new soul. I put you here because you smell delicious" The evil god(temporary) while licking his/her lips. I on the other hand felt fear, What's this evil god(temporary) saying?, I frown it's want to eat me!?. and I don't smell delicious,

"so you're try to eat my soul!!" I said in anger and fear.

"You should be grateful mortal to became my food!" Said the soul god in anger.

f*ck grateful my a*s, I don't want to get eaten by this monster, and I'm still a f*cking virgin, I didn't even get a girlfriend,

"Shut the f*ck up, grateful my ass, only a lunatic can be grateful for chance to get eaten" I said

"Mortal be grateful i giving you a chance, to speak your last word" Said soul god in calm voice.

I don't know what to do i want to escape, but I'm bound to this place, i can't even move my eyes. f*ck i still want to live, i want a girlfriend, heck i don't know if i can get a next life, because the being in my face is a soul administrator, my regret is i can't see my sister face, Thought Ryan while accepting his fate.

"My last word, is even if you are a man or a woman, I'm gonna f*ck you to death!!!!" I said

"Mortal cursing a being higher than a God, is a sin but an like a God I don't have a gender, HAHAHAHAHHAAH" Said and Laugh. After the soul god said, an abysmal pain flush through my soul, 10 second passed but Ryan felt an eternity of pain, Suddenly he lose consciousness.

"Mhhmh a second grade, soul is delicious but it's inferior to the first grade, what a shame."

The soul administrator said, in an dejected tone.

Then a light mimicking a woman appeared, but all the corner of her body is white if a religious person saw her he gonna think that this is a goddes.

"Soul administrator, i warn you a million years ago, that don't eat a soul of a being that can become a god or higher being like ours."Said the white woman,

"Life administrator, He's is still a mortal, and he can't become a god in a world called earth, even a creator god found that place is devoid of magic and divinity, they called it hell, so how can he become a god?."The soul administrator said.

after the soul god said, Ryan got his consciousness back, opening his eye he see an eye with black iris with an evil mouth, and a light mimicking a woman talking to each other, he doesn't know who there are, who are those people and where I am?, Ryan thought then suddenly a memory flash through his mind.

Ryan after remembering what happened a while ago, remember the pain of being eaten by a soul administrator,

"Aaaaaaarrrgggggghhhhhhhh" After screaming Ryan got the attention of both gods.

"Interesting" the life administrator said,

"How can it be! how can he survived my power!!,"Said the soul administrator,

"Arhhhhh don't eat me!!!"Ryan said screaming, the soul god said that I'm gonna die after he eaten me. how I am alive do they want to torment me?, and there's another god standing beside me!, her color is white does this mean she is kind?.

suddenly a white mimicking a woman appear in front of Ryan, it's the life administrator, then she said.

"Boy to survive being eaten by soul administrator mean you have a strong soul power, there's a few case such a soul can survive soul administrator soul eating, but they become a phantom, a being who lost his essence, at that case soul administrator is going to eat it again, to rejuvenate the soul."

"Do you mean I'm going to get eaten again!" Ryan after experiencing, the pain of being eaten alive got a troma.

"the soul administrator can't eat uou because I am here, I'm sorry for my colleague eating you it must have been hard." The life administrator said in apologetic tone, life administrator knew what Ryan thinking, after he saw her, if you think I'm kind then I'm gonna act like a Saint, life administrator thought.

but the situation is a bit complicated, because of a karma of eating god potential soul, if the soul and life administrator harm Ryan they gonna disappear, even if life administrator is uninvolved in this situation if he harm Ryan then both of them will disappear, so life administrator choose to compensate the karma by helping Ryan.

Ryan who heard her voice, is struggling not to cry.

"It's okay, but what gonna happen to me?"Said Ryan full of worry he is just an ordinary programmer who can lift 130 kilo of stone, so Ryan eyes is full of anxiety.

"mmhhh how about this I'm gonna reincarnate you to the sword and magic, world we can't send you back to earth because you die there, normally we just reincarnate you there, but since we make a mistake we grant you a gift." The life administrator said.

"Ehhhhhhh, I can't go back to to my home!." Ryan said in anger.

"We can't because we can't rewrite time, so we are gonna reincarnate you in magical world, because your world you live is only one who doesn't have magic in it in the whole omniverse." Life administrator excluded the divinity, because 74% of people of earth don't believe in God's they believe in possibility.

"Okay I agree going there if you can reincarnate, my sister after she died" Ryan is a like a yandere, he start loving her younger sister, to the point of being a yandere at the age of 13 and her sister is still 10 years old at that time, he stalk her until she graduate in university, because her sister found out that her brother is stalking him for 11 years!!, so her sister threatened him that if he keep stalking then she is gonna confess what she know to their parent, and gonna keep avoiding and hating him for the rest of his life, so Ryan stop stalking her younger sister because of the threat.

life administrator, who know what type of person is Ryan felt scared, because death administrator keep stalking her all the time.

"Okay but I can't reincarnate her at the same family of you" even though she can do it but she didn't said because she know this is Ryan dream.

Ryan who heard this is eager to go to Linan(The world name)

"yess thank you"

"you are gonna be the same age as her, I gonna reincarnate her to a noble family"

same age? but how? the goddes said that they can't rewrite time does this mean..... she died!!!.

"Did my sister died, but how?" Ryan asked full of worry, even if Ryan want to meet her sister a soon as possible, but he still wanted her to be able to live until old age, because he love her younger sister so much. life administrator sigh.

"sigh well it's been one month since you died in mysterious way of your body exploding, after hearing that you died your family didn't believe what they said, but after your family confirmed that it was you, sadness fill your family but the one who is the saddest the most is your younger sister, after a month of your death your sister died after eating one bottle of sleeping pills." Life said with sorrow voice.

"That idiot she gonna make mom and dad sad, after I see her I'm gonna punish her, but what happen to my parent?" Ryan said

"After your sister died your parents can barely eat but they are okay they gonna live their life and they gonna die of old age"

"thank god" Life administrator saw Ryan expression of relief.

"okay it's time to go bye, I'm gonna reincarnate you to a marquess house, until we meet a again."

"wait I don't know your name!" Ryan exclaim.

"its LIFE" life Administrator said.

"thank you life goddes, bye until we meet again"