
KNB: The Game Maker(DROPPED)

Once upon a time there life a young fine man that have mix black and purple hair, he's not handsome face but not that ugly, he was know as the honored student but once he know about games he completely fallen to that specific a sport game like football and of course basketball. After he's reach 18 he got a job in some game industry he was learned how to make a game that he like, but faith look like doesn't want him to have good life so in the street when he want to go home, he see kid that want to cross the street but that have a car that look like won't stop in time, so he decide to help the kid because he think that he will get a good return after help the kid because he see many story and seminar that say "If you do something good that you will have something in return." so he want to proof it, what happen next ...... ________________________________________________________________ of course he die but with some miracle the kid life. plz support me if you like i really need that for my hearth tehe.

Louchius · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Ch8 2 Chapter for Nothing

"And that how the origin of your parents and you," Said Kenki with a nostalgic face.

But on the other hand, Gemu that hearing what Kenki just said gets confused because what he asks and what he gets are different, He just wants to know why he can get the fiance even though they are not rich, and even if Gemu's mother was the professional chef before but right now they not rich they just a regular family so why he can get fiance that is why he asks that.

But this garbage(Kenki) makes him hear a story that makes 2 chapters for NOTHING. Huh~ I'm kinda tired right now of writing a story that does not have a relationship for the rest of the chapter even though I have one of my readers confused about the previous chapter.

"Dad, I didn't ask that, I ask why I can get a fiance even though I know we are not rich" Said Gemu with an angry face, and a weird sign appear on his forehead [pls tell me this name sign I know that you guys know what I'm saying].

"Oh you mean that you will know after you meet the man," Said Kenki with an innocent smile on his face.

Gemu who is the one hearing this wants to punch this stupid old man even though he knows he will never win. But suddenly Gemu realizes something that makes him confused and this is about the story that Kenki just tells us.

"Mom" Called Gemu to his mother like he didn't care anymore about his father.

Shouko who knows Gemu called her, she look at him showing her responding face to him.

"Hmm?" Asked Shouko to Gemu who called her.

"Did you just marry dad even though you knew him for 1 month" Said Gemu while looking at his mom, and thinking his mom is a weird one.

Shouko who hears this just showed or showed off her milf smile while placing her right hand on her right cheek.

"You will understand when you are an adult," said Shouko while in that pose.

'No, I think I will never feel that even though I'm an adult Said Gemu in his heart.

After a little chit chat family about Gemu's school and how they daily live and what funny things happen on this day, Gemu goes to his room.

In there we can see a table and on top of the table there is a little books in there, and in the corner, you can see a place to place your console and video games, there also a place for board games and card games and that proves how much Gemu love game.

On the wall, he has a hanging wood to place your action figure in his room he has video game figures and some anime too like Naruto, Sonic, Gaara, Mario, Zelda, Link, and others. And on the other side wall, we can see ordinary air conditioning.

Okay, let's go back to Gemu after he opens his door room he places his bag on the table and reads the c language book that just he brought with his savings money After the clock shows 9.00 p.m he closes the book and prepared for sleep.

1 week later ~


To Be Continued

Hey yo guys how this chapter my English now better then before right, that thanks for reader who rosting me when he correcting my word i'm so thanks fully to him/her and because of that my English calss score increase too yey, so if they any of wrong word again pls tell me and correct me, like i'm saying i don't care how much you rosting me because if this many people reading this fanfic that's already my motivasion. so time for closing thank you for reading this chapter, see you in the next chapter bye~

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