
Kiss My Feet and I Will Give Myself to You!

Shera Maximillian married at the age of fifteen at the eldest young master of the Voltaire family. But instead of happily ever after her life turns into a living hell. After being married for fifteen years to a man whom she only met once. She died tragically at the hands of her husband’s lover Lera Sebastian. For fifteen years Lera tortured her while the family of her husband turned a blind eye for that. They don’t like her for the young master of their clan who is too talented. They preferred Lera Sebastian to be his wife who grows up together with him. “If there is really a second life I will never fall in love again. I will become a powerful and influential woman …..” she said to herself before she died. “Do you think Zander will love you? Why don’t you die now and let him go? I am much more suited to him than you. I am talented, rich and beautiful hmmm” said Lera arrogantly. “For this second life of mine I will let the both of you pay the price” said Shera angrily. Looking at the two cheating couple. “Woman you belonged only to me up until you die so stop dreaming of leaving me or else I will lock you up and never let you see the sun again” Zander said to his wife. “To hell I with being your woman I don’t belong to anybody else but myself” Shera shouted. Zander grabbed her tightly at her left wrist and forcefully brought her inside the room. He put a chain to her left and right wrist. He smiled at her wickedly and kissed her passionately. “You turned me into this now you don’t want to take responsibility” he whispered to her ear before he lick her lips again and goes out.

jennilyn_nopia · Fantasi
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18 Chs


Chapter 6

He gritted his teeth and get near to where Shera sits "Hey lady that is the seat of the trash in our class. Aren't you afraid of contracting the trash misfortune" he said rudely.

Shera looked at him in the eye "Are you referring to me?" she said emotionlessly.

Laurence laugh mockingly "Don't get me wrong pretty lady. I am just concerned about you" he answered.

"So who are you referring to?" asked Shera seriously.

"I'm referring to Shera Maximillian that trash is going to come back to school and that is her seat" Laurence said proudly. Her voice seems familiar but he didn't know where on earth did he hears it.

"Shera, come here for a moment I forgot to give you your admission letter" said the man outside the door "What is that stinky smell?" he added while pressing his nose.

All the students were stunned for what they've heard. Shera that stupid loser and the girl in front of them is the same.

"Mr. Assion don't kid us, you're telling us this pretty lady here is Shera Maximillian. That loser and trash of a woman" said Laurence while his eyes widen in disbelief. Not only him but every student in the class looks like they were being hit by thunder.

Shera stand and go to the Principal to get her letter "Thank you Mr. Assion" she said while smiling.

Her smile is so heart captivating that made the others heart skip a beat not only for the boys but even for the women who are present.

"That voice you really are Shera" said the beautiful teenager sitting in front of the class.

"So what? Do you have any problem with me?" asked Shera formally to her classmates who are astonished.

"How did you become this pretty just for a week?" ask Laurence while swallowing his saliva.

"I'm like this to begin with" Shera said sarcastically.

"We don't believe you? You just had undergone plastic surgery. You recuperate for the surgery not because you had an accident" said the beautiful teenage woman.

"Maybelle is right you are lying to us about your recuperation to an accident but you just undergone plastic surgery" said Laurence self-righteously.

Shera's face darkened "Who do you think you are? Whatever I do with my life it doesn't concern any of you! Do you think you are my parents that I need your consent about what am I going to do with my life?" she said sarcastically to the two.

Maybelle and Laurence blushed in shame of what Shera said.

Maybelle is the class belle. She is one of those who bullied Shera by making their classmate hate her. The reason for that is because Shera saw her accidentally kissing an old man in a five star restaurant. Afraid that Shera will spill her secret she actually framed her to be the one having an affair with an old man. But Shera didn't even bother her because she is busy chasing a man, Zander Voltaire. Now she will not allow her throw mud at her.

"Alright class 3-C, you're English teacher can't make it today so I will be the one who will handle you first" said the old man in his forties.

"Mr. Gao, did you exchange time with Mr. Derimon?" asked Laurence.

"Yes, do you have problems with that?" Mr. Gao asked curiously.

Mr. Gao is a math teacher which supposed to be the third subject for the day. He is a good man and a supportive teacher to his student.

In her past life he tried to save her from being captured by Lera's people. He was killed because of that and his family blamed her. The day where her suffering began. She was drugged and raped during that time.

The killing intent in Shera's eyes can be seen by the people near her. "This time I repay your kindness that you showed me. I'll make sure that your sacrifices will never going to waste" she mumbled to herself.

The entire day was smooth sailing for Shera although there is a commotion in the morning but after that the entire day is fine. She is packing her things when the few teenage girls surrounded her.

"You know you are too shameless. Coming back as if you are a goddess what a disgusting woman" said the ordinary looking girl. Her name is Shen Xinli, the school bully. Her father is the chairman of Xinli Corporation who are dealing with Real Estate business. One of the most powerful family in this City.

"Are you referring to yourself?" said Shera without batting an eye.

Shen's face flushed with hatred and anger with what she heard.

"What did you say bitch?" Shen said angrily and she try to slap Shera in the face.

Shera slapped her hand and dodge her attack. She felt strange with her body ever since she wakes up. She didn't finish learning martial arts with her master but her body seems to develop hyper sensitivity to danger. It must be because of what she experience in her past life. She suffered tremendous torture that her brain can accept.

Shen was shocked with Shera's reaction. That caused her to slipped and land on the ground with her face first.

"Cursing someone like that is not a good thing, don't your parents taught you manners" Shera said emotionlessly.

"Shameless bitch who are you to tell me what to do" Shen shouted to her and tried to pull her hair.

Shera dodge again and kicked her on her stomach.

"Aaahhhhhh" the other teenage girl were horrified and tried to fight back but they didn't even touch the hem of her clothes.

Shera smiled wickedly and walk near to Shen and her gang. Fear showed on the teenage girls face especially Shen.

"Don't come near me" Shen said fearfully.

"Oh! You know how to felt fear" Shera said and pulled Shen's hair forcefully.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhh….stop it" Shen shouted while trying to grabbed Shera's hand.

Shera's eyes were emotionless while smiling wickedly. "Did you ever stop when I asked you last time not to destroy my mother bracelet" She remembered when Shen forcefully take her bracelet which is given by her mother in her fourteenth birthday. The white gold bracelet is worth of fifteen million. But this woman, actually steal it from her and destroyed it in front of her.

Shen and the other girls were trembling with fear when they see how Shera beat her.

"Shera, stop it we will not do it again. We will never get in your way ever again please spare us" said the other teenage woman. This is the one who mocked her inside the classroom earlier.

"Yes, Shera spare us. Shen is the one who really wants to mess with you. She just dragged us here" said the other teenager.

"Traitor bitches" Shen shouted. While looking at Shera as if she was a monster "You're gonna pay for this" said Shen while lying on the ground and trembling. Her body hurts all over. Shera's strength is monstrous she seems like a very different person.

Shera just smile at Shen like a beast teasing her prey. Shen felt goose bumps.

"I'll wait for your next move. Next time I won't spare you" Shera said.

Shera turned around and went to the school gate to wait for her father. Shiro is already there waiting for her.

"Hey sis where have you gone?" asked Shiro. He accidentally see her hand with fresh wound. Those are scratches from a finger nail. Shiro sigh silently and her face darken.

"Dare to mess with her sister. They have big guts" Shiro mumbled to himself.

"I'll just take a look at the new flowers in the school garden" her brother knows her that she is crazy about different kinds of flowers. It's her source of comfort even in her past life when she was locked up. In the room where she is staying there is a money jade bonsai inside of it.

According to the legends jades has a mystic ability whether it is a jade gem or a jade plant. It gives luck to the one who owns it. When she died in her past life her blood splashed on the jade bonsai inside the room.

"Hey what are the two of you still dilly dallying for lets go home" their father said on the window of the car.

The two entered the car and drove home together with their father.

"Father, why did you go home early?" Shiro asked curiously. Most of the time their father is very busy dealing with company matters. But because her sister encounter an accident the last time her father take his leave and let his assistant manage those things for the mean time.

"Son, stop asking nonsense things ok. Don't let your mother know that I go home early. Tell her that I just see the two of you while going on the site that I must visit so I decided to take you home" Raizen said with his two children.

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