
Staying under the same roof? Again??

Next day. 

"Finally, I found you!" Anna banged her tray on the table and glared at Kyra who had been escaping from her since the morning.

"Oh, hi!" Kyra smiled, putting down her spoon and ready to run away again, "You know actually I am quite busy! Ven, got these extra files to shred for her so I need to run again."

"Catcha later!" Taking her tray, Kyra stood up only to be followed by Anna.

"When did she ask it, by the way?" Anna followed her, the embarrassed little frog sneaking out of her black waist bag. She was particularly running away from her kiss victim, but Anna had no other option but to put those guys back in the room again!

"Ohh, just now actually. I got her text!" Kyra babbled, throwing out her food, and then placing the plate on the cleaning shelves. She pretty badly needed to really find herself work and escape facing that frog.

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