
Kiss me black & blue

When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. Amber Carlos, an American-spanish 24 year old rockstar has always wanted the chance to the top but how could she do that when she's an unknown musician? She's from a low class family where they barely feed three square meal a day. Things got harder the more when she lost her Dad, Rodrigo Carlos in a plane explosion. After Rodrigo died, Amber decided to move from her town in Spain, straight to Los Angeles CA USA, to search for a good job in addition to her musical career. Who wants to die of poverty? Amber left Spain to L.A to make impact in her music career but unknowing to her that just one track of her song was going to make her a number one top best celebrity in the whole of America, but it didn't happened overnight, it was with the help of someone. On the other hand was a big fan and lover of music, Gavin Warren, a native of Los Angeles CA USA. Gavin is an handsome, beefy, buff, strict, cruel, cold, grumpy and arrogant renowned, famous and well-known 27 year old businessman. Whom was born with a silver spoon and lived a peaceful and respectful life. He gazed into her beautiful eyes, caressing her cheek with his thumb finger, he smiled. "You are one of the most valuable gifts I have received in my life. I consider myself the luckiest man alive to have you as my woman. Knowing that you are mine and that I am yours is the best feeling in the world. You're such a darling angel and I value every bit of you." P.S: the cover does not belong to me

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · perkotaan
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226 Chs

You're hiding her

Turning towards Collins, "call Mrs Ivonne out, or else, am gonna burn this mansion down to ashes!"

Turning towards the stairs, Collins shouted, "Ivonne! Ivonne! Ivo– aha you're here" Collins clapped his hands and scoffed when he saw Ivonne walking down the stairs. Rushing towards the stairs, Collins dragged her down.

"Collins, Collins, Collins you're hurting me"

"I've not even started yet and you're mimicking" placing his hands on his hips, "where is my daughter in-law Mrs Amber Warren?"

Frowning confusedly, Ivonne awkwardly shook her head, "My daughter in-law...I...I don't–

"Stop acting like a drama queen Mrs Ivonne!" Ingrid pointed at her, "you know what we're talking about, so stop acting dramatical because it won't save your ass! Just spill the beans and tell me where is my daughter? Where is she?"

Vigorously nodding her head, Ivonne parted her lips several times before stammering, "I...I...I don't understand what you people are talking about, I have no idea where my daughter in-law is...I–

"Mrs Ivonne!" Gavin shouted and pointed at her, "I know you hate my wife, right?"

Vigorously nodding her head, Ivonne widen her eyes and mouth, "no no I don't–

"Hey! Am only respecting you because of my father! Now with all due respect madame Ivonne, can you please bring my pregnant wife out from wherever you're hiding her? Because I am ever ready to cut off someone's head for my wife and unborn babies sake!"

Rubbing her hands together, "Gavin believe me I swear on my life, I didn't do anything to my daughter in-law and my grandbabies–

"Hey!" Vigorously warning Ivonne with a finger, Gavin shouted, "my wife is not your daughter in-law and secondly my babies are not your grandbabies and if there should be someone talking about daughter in-law and grandbabies then it should be my father and not you, do you get that?"

Rubbing her hands together, Ingrid added, "Ivonne please bring my daughter out from wherever you kept her! She is nine months pregnant, she's too due to be kidnapped by this time, don't you have sympathy and human conscience? My daughter will be in labour any moment from now and you're hiding her? Please bring my daughter out, for the love of God"

Placing a finger on her tongue, Ivonne lift it up and said, "I swear on my life please believe me, your daughter is not with me, how can I kidnap someone and–

Cutting her off, Diego retorted, "of course you are capable of doing anything, Mrs Ivonne. You never liked us neither do you love my niece! You never wanted her to date uncle Gavin so isn't that evident enough to tell that you kidnapped her two months after the wedding? Please provide my niece out, she's carrying my cousins.