
Kiss me black & blue

When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. Amber Carlos, an American-spanish 24 year old rockstar has always wanted the chance to the top but how could she do that when she's an unknown musician? She's from a low class family where they barely feed three square meal a day. Things got harder the more when she lost her Dad, Rodrigo Carlos in a plane explosion. After Rodrigo died, Amber decided to move from her town in Spain, straight to Los Angeles CA USA, to search for a good job in addition to her musical career. Who wants to die of poverty? Amber left Spain to L.A to make impact in her music career but unknowing to her that just one track of her song was going to make her a number one top best celebrity in the whole of America, but it didn't happened overnight, it was with the help of someone. On the other hand was a big fan and lover of music, Gavin Warren, a native of Los Angeles CA USA. Gavin is an handsome, beefy, buff, strict, cruel, cold, grumpy and arrogant renowned, famous and well-known 27 year old businessman. Whom was born with a silver spoon and lived a peaceful and respectful life. He gazed into her beautiful eyes, caressing her cheek with his thumb finger, he smiled. "You are one of the most valuable gifts I have received in my life. I consider myself the luckiest man alive to have you as my woman. Knowing that you are mine and that I am yours is the best feeling in the world. You're such a darling angel and I value every bit of you." P.S: the cover does not belong to me

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · perkotaan
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226 Chs


"Who wants her son to get married to a formal prostitute? Just put yourself in her shoes if you were Aunt jasmine will you allow your son to marry an harlot? I think Aunt jasmine is doing what every mother is supposed to do because she's just scared that maybe Miranda might cheat on Derek someday and she don't want whereby her son will be heartbroken." Evelyn said.

"Hmm I feel bad for Miranda but I believe she's a changed person now, why can't Aunt jasmine see that?"

"Sweetheart you're right, Mira is a changed person now, she is no longer prostituting and stripping in the club but Aunt jasmine still looks at her as an harlot and stripper" pausing for a while, she added, "I just pray for peace to reign in her relationship"

"Me too"

"So how is your building projects going?"

Taking a deep breath, Amber sighed, "well Gavin has completed one so am completing the other"

Frowning confusedly, "huh? I thought you said Gavin is getting you a–

"Yes Evelyn, Gavin has got me a brand new Mansion here in Los Angeles but I am personally building another Mansion outside Gavin's consent"

Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, "are you kidding me? You're building another Mansion without Gavin knowing about it? But why? He gave you a brand new Mansion and you–

"Eve yes he gave me a brand new Mansion and am planning to move mom and Diego over to the new mansion"

"Then what about the other one you're building?"

"That's just for future references, I just felt like building another Mansion that's all"

"And your entertainment industry? Aren't you supposed to build that with the money you're using to build another mansion?"

"Eve, I am doing that too"

"Is Gavin also unaware about that?"


"Girl you should let Gavin support you in everything you do, he is your boyfriend and lovers do help each other in relationships. Like scratch my back and I'll scratch yours too"

"Evelyn Adams, I have my own money which needs freedom and access to go outside my account balance and if I allow Gavin do everything then it's gonna look as if am giving him too many responsibility"

"Girl there's no too much responsibility when it comes to dating a wealthy guy infact they'll be the ones bugging you to demand for anything you wish for"

"And you've been bugging Rhett too much huh? Aren't you?"

Admiring her nails, Evelyn cupped her cheeks, "uh huh, what do you think? That am gonna spend my money? Hell no, am saving mine while he's spending his"

Flipping the pages in the document, Amber chuckled, "You're such a mother fucker"

Snapping her fingers when she remembered something, "Amy do you know that there's this movie so mind-blowing on box office?"

With her eyes not leaving the document, Amber inquired, "what movie is that?"

"It's kiss me black and blue and in the background of the movie, I heard the sound of your voice playing a sweet rocking song"

Chuckling, Amber smiled, "oh that was actually the reason why I went to Florida, remember?"

"Yeah and infact everyone is busy waiting for the movie to finally show up on cinemas. I'm still trying to download some of the songs especially that kiss me black and blue but–