
Kiss me black & blue

When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. Amber Carlos, an American-spanish 24 year old rockstar has always wanted the chance to the top but how could she do that when she's an unknown musician? She's from a low class family where they barely feed three square meal a day. Things got harder the more when she lost her Dad, Rodrigo Carlos in a plane explosion. After Rodrigo died, Amber decided to move from her town in Spain, straight to Los Angeles CA USA, to search for a good job in addition to her musical career. Who wants to die of poverty? Amber left Spain to L.A to make impact in her music career but unknowing to her that just one track of her song was going to make her a number one top best celebrity in the whole of America, but it didn't happened overnight, it was with the help of someone. On the other hand was a big fan and lover of music, Gavin Warren, a native of Los Angeles CA USA. Gavin is an handsome, beefy, buff, strict, cruel, cold, grumpy and arrogant renowned, famous and well-known 27 year old businessman. Whom was born with a silver spoon and lived a peaceful and respectful life. He gazed into her beautiful eyes, caressing her cheek with his thumb finger, he smiled. "You are one of the most valuable gifts I have received in my life. I consider myself the luckiest man alive to have you as my woman. Knowing that you are mine and that I am yours is the best feeling in the world. You're such a darling angel and I value every bit of you." P.S: the cover does not belong to me

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · perkotaan
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226 Chs


Curling his lips upwards, "then meet your evil friends and seek for their help, I think they're good helpers, if you all can plan to destroy things then won't you all also plan to fix it back? Of course you all will" pointing at himself, he added, "as for me, count me out of your helping thing" Collins gave a mockery chuckle and left her sight.

Ivonne cried her eyes out, she hit herself on the ground helplessly, sobbing and weeping bitterly.




"She's so cute" caressing the baby girl's cheeks with his thumb finger, Rhett smiled.

It's two weeks since Gavin and Amber got married. Lia gave birth to her lookalike, a beautiful baby girl, Tyson named her Kathy.

Miranda gave birth to a baby boy two day after Lia put to birth, Derek named him Justin. Lizzie  gave birth to a baby boy, Elliot named him Alexander.

And now, Evelyn gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom looks more like Anita with the same big blue eyes. Rhett named her Janelle.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Evelyn chuckled"

Pecking baby Janelle's lips, Rhett nodded his head. "Yes honey, she's very beautiful just like you and Mom"

Getting up from the bed, Evelyn tried to sit up.

Placing baby Janelle in the crib, Rhett rushed towards Evelyn. "No, baby lie down back, you're not strong yet" Rhett placed her back on the bed. "You need to relax, okay?"

Rolling her eyes, "but I've been lying down since morning, I just want to sit up a bit"

Nodding his head, Rhett placed his hands on his hips. "No honey, you still haven't recovered yet, there's still a drip attached to your veins, so why don't you relax a little while Janelle is asleep, hmm"

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn sighed and smiled. "Okay Mr Rhett Warren"

"Whoa" Gavin dashed into the room.

"Where's sh– oh my God, look at the cute little thing" Amber carried baby Janelle from the crib.

Taking the baby from her arms, Gavin curled his lips upwards when baby Janelle coiled herself in his arms. Turning towards Evelyn, "how did you she manage to look like you and Aunt Anita but not like Rhett?"

Bursting into laughter, Evelyn shrugged her shoulders, "maybe Rhett is kinda ugly a bit so she jumped over his appearance"

Widening his eyes, "really, am ugly, Huh?"

"Uh huh, I said maybe"

Sitting on the bedside, Amber flicked Evelyn's forehead. "So when did handsome Rhett became ugly? After giving you such a beautiful baby girl"

Rubbing her forehead, "Amy am gonna flick you back when you drop too"

"Are you sure you're gonna see me when I drop?"

"Uh huh or are you running away?" Turning towards Gavin, she added, "Gav, is Amber running away?"

Chuckling, "running to where?"

Tilting her neck, Evelyn chuckled, "you see girl, you're going nowhere so am still gonna flick you back few months from now"

Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, Amber carried baby Janelle from Gavin's arms. Wiggling Janelle in her arms, Amber pecked her forehead with a smiling face. "She's so beautiful and cute" pausing for a while, she added, "Rhett where's Elliot, Derek and Tyson? Why are they not here?"

"Oh yeah, they were actually here, including mom and dad but they've left two hours ago" Rhett replied.
