
Confused Man

Inside the same cafe the boy was confused whether he should stay or leave until the Mr. John himself came to there table. Seeing him again Kira confirmed that he was not really meant to be rich with the way he dressed.

The man sat down without any permission when he looked at Lilly he frowned 'This girl is giving me problem and she's not the one I'm interested in'. He faced Kira.

"Looks like you're well reserved than your little friend".

With the way he talked Kira knew that he had made a mistake thinking that Lilly was a very young girl she couldn't help but shake her head feeling pity for him. Lilly got angry and was about to shout at him when Kira calmed her down and pulled her then she said something in her ear. when Lilly heard this she smiled 'Wonderful! so this is what it feels like to be with Miss Kira I can't wait to see the man face when she steals all his money.' Lilly thought.

Then Kira voice sounded "Mr. John why don't we play a game I will guess everything about you if I get it I can do anything to you".

When he heard what Kira said when she said she would do anything to him, he started having dirty thought when Kira saw it she was disgusting and feels like vomiting.

When the other two girls with Mr. John heard what Kira said they had a mocking face sneering at Kira 'so they were dirty and they were behaving like that were clean and righteous behaving like a saint they look so disgusting, why doesn't she just request it straight instead of playing the stupid game they were just playing hard to get and using means to draw his attention'.

Kira knew what the girls were thinking with the look in their face but she doesn't care.

"What is the name of this game then."

" it's very simple Mr. John all you have to do is to ask me five questions if I get two out of it right you would answer two of my request but if I get the whole five right you will Answer five of my request are you ready?".

"Why not".

He drank his drink then he asked the first question.

"How old do you think I look?"

Kira answered immediately "30"

The man was shocked because she got it right he asked another question.

"What's my full name"

Kira answered again without any hesitation "John Ray Norman".

Even the two guys behind John was shocked John was getting a little bit scared 'HOW!' He wondered.

This time around John asked more tough question

"Which school did I attended"

"Willer Academy"

"Who is my first love"

Kira smiled and answered "You did not have any first love Mr. john, you've being single your whole life except from carrying girls around. Are you trying to play with me Mr. John".

Lilly laughed so hard that people around were looking at her with weird eyes but she doesn't care.

John was getting angry as his face was turning red "you missed it this time around I really had a first love."

One of the girls with him said loudly.

"At the end of the day the slut lost the game what a pity" She looked at Kira with a mocking face and the other girl laughed but Kira didn't care she said calmly like the girls never existed.

"It's so funny as how the pot is calling the kettle black" Kira said facing them.

Lilly laughed again this time more louder. Then Kira faced John replying "Mr. John you have to lie and be ashamed of your past you never had a first love but only a crush since she never replied her feelings for you when you asked her out breaking your heart. How can you call that first live when there was never love between the both of you".

Lilly fell down from her sit due to laughing to hard she knew that her boss was a silent sniper but she was expecting this.

Mr John was furious"What your tongue!"

"Last question Mr. John".

Lilly stopped laughing waiting for the next question and even the two girls and his two so called "Bodyguards" were looking at him expecting the next question. He was thinking of something no one could ever know which is how he got his money then he asked.

"How did I become rich".

"Do you really want me to say it " Kira asked smiling.

He hesitated for some while thinking maybe she knew or not but when he realized that no one knew he replied teasingly "it seems that you don't know it".

Kira laughed and replied,

"Mr John do you want me to mention what you really did to your boss or what happened to his company or how you betrayed him cause I was heard that the wall has hears".

Me. John fell down from his seat unable to talk he was now really scared of this lady in his front 'How did she know? I have to run away before anything bad happens'.

As he was about to run Lilly held him back "And where did you think you're running to".

"Let me go !". He shouted, but Lilly was not releasing him John was shocked at how strong she was as he could not free himself. He signaled his Bodyguards to push but what he did not know was that Lilly saw it.


At another part of the city Andrew was in his office during lunch break he has Kira number after he told his secretary to search for it but he was confused on what he should do with it . After some time he called her but no one picked he called her three time then gave up. He frowned his face "What is she doing?".

Then his personal assistant, Jim entered.

"Sir you have a meeting with Ross Company".

Andrew looked at Jim and asked.

"Do you know how to text someone you're not really close to and you don't also want to annoy the person"

Jim was dumbfounded by the question asked by his boss 'Is something wrong with boss? who is the person that is making boss this worried' he wondered but he answered "I don't really know sir".

"It's okay you can go "

Jim was still staying. Andrew got frustrated and asked "What!".

"Sir are you okay"

"Would you like your salary to be cut by 60%". Andrew replied.

Jim rushed out without replying. Andrew was alone as he was thinking of what to send to her he searched online but he didn't like it then he wrote something and sent it to Kira. He saw how confused he was when trying to relate with Kira he couldn't help but smile.