
Kingdom: Dragon General of Heaven

Follow trough the journey of Long Lingxu to become a dragon among mans to conquer China

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35 Chs

20. Long Taidu [ III ]

Getting back to his position Taidu man are seen to be applying first aid to have them ready if they are told to engage one again

but the order did not come and with the Right wing army, facing off against the enemy Right wing known for their ferociousness, the Qin army did well at defending against them without requesting and additional back up apart from he Bird Unit that have been sent to chip down the enemy

Right wing Total casualty are 3k while the Enemy Rightwing lose around 9k man with most of it are earned by the Bird unit


Back at the Long Manor


"My lord it seems the army has emerged victorious in the first initial clash, with the Qin army slaying general Fuuki and the right wing choping big part of the enemy Right wing" said the Messenger

Lingxu heard it and nod already knowing it from the report by the Black Eagle 'ManGoku huh? the survivors of the Qin massacre? what did you hide here Zhao' thought Lingxu wanting to crack what does Zhao actually planned to do


Back at the Battlefield


"What the hell is that guy doing?" said Taidu not understanding at how the Frontline charge trough like a bunch of madman

"I believe that its Vice-General Moubu of the Ryo Fui faction is Leading that 20k man charge, he is known for his... brawn?" says and asked Juton remembering the report from the black eagle sent by Lingxu

all three of them only stand and see what the frontline got with Moubu leading the charge and go deep into the enemy ranks

while seeing it, the Right wing army also engage with each other in another clash

Taidu also got order to attack 'an Eagle going up and down then go straight, finally you got yourself together General' thought Lingxu as with the show of clear and correct Signal

"Heilong Hear me" Said Lingxu slowly

"""AT YOUR COMMAND""" Juton, Feng and Fan Un cusping their hands together ready to be ordered to fight

"Fan Un, you will go to the far left side of the Wing army and march forward with Herding and hunting Formation, you will hold that formation and will only join after me and Feng decide to come out so you will be coming in late, wait for my signal, you will bring 1000 man again" said Taidu before turning into Feng

"Feng, you will have your to use wave attack on the Right side while I will led the rest of the cavalry and your signal to dive into the wave will be me touching the enemy army and drop deep into it" said Taidu to Feng and lastly turn his eyes towards Juton who is leading the infantry which have 4000 man who is not battle ready by the Long standard

"Juton, go right" with that command from Taidu, even with the simple command, Juton understand what Taidu means better than the inticrate micro command that he gave out to the others

with that in motion while the frontline led by Moubu is wrecking havoc, the right wing dust storm is once again cover the battlefield

Feng who has been doing wave attack along the side line of the Rightwing enemy army looks like a fish playing outside of the deep water

Taidu having seen the success make his men go forward again to charge deep and make some deep wound to the Right wing army

ManGoku seeing and knowing the audacity of the Qin cavalry deeds cannot stand it for much longer and sent out the order to kill the cavalry that has been bothering them in the left side of ManGoku army

Taidu having sense the change and like seeing the flame around his charges dying out once again gave out another order "We will change the plan, sent out an order for Fan Un to charge, the rest of you follow me we will puncture this army" said Taidu

two cavalry unit one are deep inside the army while 1k of them are charging down the right side of ManGoku army looks like a whole unit even with the distance separate them

after Taidu managed to wreck Havoc upon ManGoku soldier and claiming the life of 6 Commander while doing it once again, the Right Wing at the same time of the frontline breaking out from their encirclement state managed to gaid another victory against the Zhao army

after getting back to the camp the commander of the arny report of the casualty rate to taidu and in total the 10k man he originally have lost 800 man with the most of it is from the cavalry who slice trough the enemy army

while hearing the ongoing report, a black eagle land on his shoulder with a massage in its leg, taidu take the Eagle and give it a snack before taking out the messages

{In and out, puncture and move, your strength is in your offensive recklessness, use it to wreck havoc upon those mad mans} written in the letter at which Taidu smile at his brother worry

"My lord, we have been told to join in the 4th Army in the left right now to help their ranks" said the Messenger

"move out" said Taidu after hearing it and finishing the food in his hand

the next day, all army are ready to brawl once again with now the Heilong unit 9k man are stationed in the frontline of the left wing army with their number is the most biggest unit surviving in this left side

'the left side look worse then I thought' Taidu thinks

"is that the Hi shin unit?" said someone, "yeah it its the hi shin unit" murmured a lot of man in the army while the commander Kanou met him and talk with the boy for a short while

"quite the fame you got here Shin" said Taidu approaching him

Shin look at taidu and surprised by it because he never expect the the renown Heilong unit would join them in this battle after the news of the wounded commander from Heilong

"Taidu bro, you are here, hehe its nothing, watch me as I will bring the enemy general head in this battle" said Shin at which Taidu just smile nodding at his eagerness

"Sh, shin did you just say Taidu?" asked someone from shin ranks

"yea, he is the brother of someone mean and unapproachable back then" said Shin remembering Lingxu annoying face

"WHAT, you can't say that, he is the brother of Lingxu and son of General Long Sulan who has even refuse to fill in the ranks of Great General at that time you know, mind your manner, it says that Long Taidu is always angry because he got shadowed by his brother achievement" said the man

Shin knowing that fact only realise how great of a man Lingxu and Taidu is


To be Continued