
King of the former dynasty

In the twilight of a fallen kingdom, where crowns crumble and shadows dance, a young prince ascends the throne. His coronation, a bitter symphony of loss, echoes through the marble halls. For the rebellion has painted the palace walls with blood, leaving no trace of kin but whispers of survival. And then there's Teri—the weaver child, half-ghost, half-mortal. His existence, a riddle etched in crimson threads.Born lifeless,buried alive, he clawed his way back from the abyss, the scarlet filaments clinging to his tiny fingers like secrets whispered by the earth itself. Teri's became the third ghostweaver in centuries. His mother, eyes wide with wonder and fear, cradled him in her arms, defying death's decree. The others fled, abandoning the babe and his spectral companions. The great general, Teri's father, defied the usurper king. In a hidden chamber, he revealed a box—an enigma of destiny. Three artifacts nestled within, each pulsing with purpose. "Find their owners," the general urged, entrusting the box to his daughter, Darlene. "Escape," he whispered to his wife, urging her to flee with their children. The constables hunted, but the family eluded their grasp. Days turned to weeks, and news of the great general's demise reached Teri's mother. Alone, penniless, she remarried—a fragile alliance that would soon shatter. Teri's stepfather despised the weaver's gift—the communion with ghosts. A poisoned pastry stole Teri's sight, but not his resolve. When his mother's screams pierced the night, Selena, his spectral sister, whispered the truth. Fury ignited within him, and the stepfather met his end. The mansion crumbled, and Teri fled with his sisters—Selena's ghost, Darlene, and Elley, the five-year-old. Now, seventeen,Teri try to find the box that was taken away. As the sun kisses distant horizons, Teri embarks on a quest: to find the rightful owners, to unravel the tapestry of fate or perhaps,just perhaps,to weave a new dynasty fromthe strands of the past.

dgirlblusky · Sejarah
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64 Chs

Scared of mizak

Prince Ivive led him to a secluded spot, away from the manor but still within the walls of Dew City. He held a lantern in his hand, casting a faint glow on the path. Teri followed him, curious about what he wanted to say to Selina.

The night was quiet and dark, with only a few stars visible in the sky. The wind howled, making them shiver. Most people were asleep in their homes, leaving the streets empty.

Prince Ivive kept glancing at Teri, wondering what had made him react so strongly when Mizak said he still looked the same. He wanted to ask him, but he knew Teri would not give him an honest answer.

"Tell me what made you react that way in the chamber," Prince Ivive finally asked.

"It's nothing," Teri said flatly.

Prince Ivive did not press him further, knowing it was futile. He sighed and continued walking.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Teri's wrist and spun him around.

"Mizak?" Prince Ivive exclaimed, surprised to see him there. He was holding Teri's hand tightly, his black hair loose and his eyes worried.

"Mizak, how did you find us?" Teri asked, trying to free his hand from Mizak's grip.

Mizak looked at him intently, ignoring Prince Ivive. "You've been acting different since you woke up and I don't know why. I wanted to wait until you got back so I could talk to you, but I couldn't," Mizak said.

"Tell Prince Ivive to go, we need to talk," Teri heard Mizak's voice in his head.

"You can go, Your Highness. I and Mizak need to have a talk," Teri said to Prince Ivive.

Prince Ivive frowned, confused by Teri's sudden change of mind. "You want to talk to Mizak?"

"Yes," Teri said.

Prince Ivive looked at Mizak and Teri, feeling uneasy. He turned away and walked back. "Okay, come back soon," he said.

Teri was bewildered. "Why did I say that? I didn't want to say that," he thought to himself.

"It happened again," he realized, remembering when he met Mizak on the bridge without knowing how he got there.

"Teri, in your illusion, you were okay when we spoke. Then, I was no longer in your illusion and I don't know why. I was in a dark place. Something must have happened after I left to make you like this. What happened?" Mizak asked.

"You left? You never left, Mizak! We were sitting on the bench, talking about happiness, while we watched my mother and sisters dance.

Then, you stopped talking and you froze. You didn't blink, you just stared at me and you didn't move. It was creepy.

I didn't understand what was happening to you. I began to sense an aura around you, it was a bad energy.

As it grew stronger, it made me remember the strange thing or person with a powerful murderous aura that attacked me before at the inn. Even though I couldn't see then and could see in the illusion, I felt that power and it was the same.

You began to look pale. Black veins appeared on your body and I was scared. I stood up from the bench, calling your name, but you didn't reply.

You used your inner power to hit me and I felt the impact. It pushed me and I fell on the grassy ground, backwards.

I wanted to fight you, but I didn't have any red thread or inner power. I was just a regular mortal. I unsheathed my sword to fight you, while I was terrified, but in a blink, you killed my family.

I was horrified when I saw their bodies on the ground, bleeding. I ran to them, but none of them was breathing.

I cried out, 'Why did you have to do this? Why can't I just be happy? Leave my life! Leave me alone!' But you laughed at my sorrows, mocking me," Teri said, trembling as he recalled what happened to him.

Mizak blinked rapidly, shocked by what Teri said. He finally understood why he acted like that.

He stared at him, placing his hands on his shoulders and lowering his voice.

"It wasn't me, it was just an illusion. I would never hurt you, you are like a brother and a friend to me. Or do you believe that thing is me?" he asked.

"No, I don't know, Mizak. I don't know what to believe," Teri said, with fear and confusion.

Mizak sighed as he let go of Teri's shoulder. "It's fine, like I told you before, it's your choice to trust me or not."

Teri felt a pang of guilt. If mizak planned to hurt him,he could have done it long ago.he also thought it was stupid that he thought mizak was that mysterious thing or person.He couldn't believe that Mizak would ever hurt him or his family. He decided to trust him.

"I can't sense that mysterious aura, so it can't be him," Teri thought to himself.

"I miss my sister. Please take me outside the city," he said.

Mizak nodded and escorted him out of the city gate. He knew that Teri needed some time alone with Selina.

They walked out of the city gate and headed to a nearby forest. The wind howled, making the trees sway and the leaves rustle. The moon was hidden behind the clouds, casting a gloomy shadow over the land.

Teri sat on the grass and leaned his back on a tree trunk. Selina sat next to him. Mizak stood a few steps away.

Teri told selina all that had happened since he came to dew city.

"Darlene is still alive and she's married to Father's friend, Lord Hoself? I bet she never tried to find you and Elley. She must have assumed you both were dead," Selina said, her voice bitter.

"I don't know if Lord Hoself is Father's friend. I only know he knew Father," Teri said, his voice flat.

Selina frowned. She sensed that there was something else bothering Teri. She thought about the illusionist, the deceptor, and the mysterious thing with the powerful murderous aura. They all seemed to be after Teri's core, the source of his inner power.

She had a sudden realization. She stood up and looked at Teri with excitement.

"Little brother, I just thought of something.

The mysterious thing or person with the murderous aura didn't take your core because he wanted to let you be for now.

The illusionist placed the beautiful devourer in your room to make you unconscious. The next day, the deceptor appeared with her soulless men. I think the illusionist and the deceptor worked together.

The illusionist had to make you unconscious in order for the deceptor to come and for what reason?" she said, pacing back and forth.

She stopped, smiled, and snapped her fingers. She turned to Teri and said, "The powerful thing or person with the murderous aura didn't just leave you because he wanted to let you be for now. I think he couldn't, he was not powerful enough to do it, so he made an excuse to hide in shame.

As for the illusionist and the deceptor, they couldn't do it either, so they planned to capture you while you were unconscious and take you to the king of Delmos Kingdom.

The thing or person with the powerful murderous aura didn't just take the deceptor's power and kill her just because he needed more power. He had a plan, but the deceptor and illusionist would ruin his plan, so he killed the deceptor.

And finally, I don't think the thing with the powerful murderous aura is working for the king of Delmos Kingdom."

Teri listened to her words and imagined the scenario. It all made sense. He realized how dangerous his situation was. He also realized how smart his sister was.

"That actually... it actually makes sense, big sister. But why didn't he kill the illusionist?" he asked.

She snapped her fingers at him. "The answer is simple. He also doesn't know who the illusionist is, but am sure the illusionist was in the manor, watching everything. Little brother, you need to return to the manor now. You have now found reliable people you can work with."

She was referring to Prince Ivive and mizak. They had helped Teri escape from the deceptor and had offered him their protection. They had also shown him kindness and friendship.

Teri nodded. He knew she was right.

He got up from the ground and brushed his hair back. He looked at Selina and smiled. "You are right, we should go back now. We will meet again when I come out," he said.

She hugged him and teri thanked her for her help. He hugged her back and told selina told him to be careful. She kissed his forehead and faded away.

"Mizak, let's go back to the manor," Teri said.

They walked back to the city, ready to face whatever awaited them.''